Why haven't you bought Guilty Gear yet?

Why haven't you bought Guilty Gear yet?

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Not enough waifus for Sup Forums apparently.

I'm not that into fighting games.

Waiting for Blazblue.

>Buying kusoge
I'm sticking to Blazblu, Melty, Under Night, P4A, SF4, Soul Calibur, and Tekken

Waiting for pc release.

im not falling for Sup Forums's shilling again. The original game is already dead on the PC

Don't care enough

I bought Xrd, lost about 200 times straight before that stopped being enjoyable. Tried the ranked matchmaking hoping it would try and match people by skill level but it did no such thing, my rank rose despite doing nothing but lose.

Getting stomped with 0% chance of victory isn't fun, and I couldn't get my friends interested in trying. So I had no reason to continue playing.

I'm gonna pick up Revelator, Bloodborne, and Uncharted 4 with a ps4 this sunday senpai.

I'm going to main Jam and there is nothing you can do to stop me!

never heard of it. why do games have such bad marketing lately?

I'm tired of fighting games adding 2-4 characters for $60 each year. These games just don't live that long before you need to buy the new one again

>not making "I wanna fucking murder those guys" your motivation to get better

No PC version no buy.

i'm gettting it friday.

time to quietly post a raven before this thread becomes spoiler hell

>fighting games

I think I see your problem user

GG isn't really a popular series to begin with.

I'm playing it right now

Because I'm still playing #R.

PS3 version having issues during Jack-O matches.

...just how poor you are?

It's not like I was mad or anything, I just zoned out. Wanting to destroy them would be like wanting to punch down a brick wall.

This. God's Gift was a bust and I'm not falling for it again.

Broke until thursday, but when thursday comes.


why don't they bring it to pc?

I wanna say piracy but SF5 manged it since everyone buys it for online anyway.

I picked it up today after work.
The story is nonsense and I love it. It is very well done and entertaining to watch.
The backgrounds are beautiful, again.
The menus are quick.
The training and tools are amazing and very innovative to help users learn. It is very approachable.
The online lobby with the little avatars and arcade cabinets I absolutely love.

My only bad feeling about this... is even though it shits all over Street Fighter V from an artistic standpoint to general technical standpoints (fighting, artistic design and lobby design) it wont be as big or last as long because of the cancer that is the fighting game community that wont let go of MUH STREET FIGHTER.
That is all.

Had a tournament on monday using the PS3 version that had no issues even though 3 people were playing Jack-O'. As long as you don't play on Axl's shitty train stage you're fine.

Poor enough to not be able to afford internet that will let me get a decent connection with anyone.

I see, might pick it up then.

They'll probably port it over in a few months or so, it took them a while to bring Sign over

Aim for the top. Change that 0% until you reach 100%. Work harder and harder until you beat them, then find new, better opponents for new goal

That's how I learned fighting games, that's how one of top Persona players in Japan learned them

Fighting game developers that aren't Capcom hate filthy gaijin money, with most thinking it too dishonorabru to even release outside Japan.


They won't let it go because FUNDAMENTALS. Fucking hell 8f delay isn't enough for them to find new, better games

have fun waiting then

I'm running a potato and I currently have no ps4 in my possesion, why even live

I won't, but it'll come out eventually. I play with friends anyway so I don't mind if the online is dead.

I did. Not sure who I am maining yet since I stil have to try Kum and Raven.

>why don't they bring it to pc?

>community will be dead in a matter of months, if not weeks
>99% of the players are scrubs
>some players are degenerate keyboard players

I preordered SFV. I wanted it to be hype as fuck, but holy shit Capcom has got to get it together, this game has lots of problems not just content-wise but gameplay-wise as well. Might pick up KoFXIV as my go-to heavy neutral/grounded fighting game if they keep this shit up, not that it matters since Capcom already has my money.

If it even comes out

Does Raven really get boner in his stance with full meter?

Losing stopped being enjoyable. There was no reason to continue especially once Bloodborne came out. The only reason I'd play Xrd after that would be if I thought it'd make a far better "fun investment" than literally every other game in the world.

Keyboard players are ok as long as theyre good and use a Hitbox

Haven't been into GG in a while and have no idea who these characters are..

But goddamn that looks cool.

Waiting for the pc version

you tell me

Keyboard players are some of the most abhorrent sub-human scum to ever exist. They are worse than bronies.

How did you get the PS4 color? Fishing?

This is what pisses me off about the FGC, the community actively goes out of its way to attract nobody but the most dedicated and people that there is no point in playing in any way but dedicating yourself to winning, even if you don't enjoy the base game in the first place. They don't have any patience for people who have never had the change to face an opponent with skills equal to theirs who is also learning, which, for most people, will be absolutely crucial in order to understand what fighting games are actually about in the first place.

Join my lobby west coast biskie~

That lame background (water and ground)... fuck, why do fightings suck so much in terms of graphics

Does anyone have a video for the story mode?

Clear the arcade mode of the character you want it.

Fucking hell Raven

This is not okay

Are you talking about the shitty black/blue color that was DLC in Sign? You need to beat the arcade mode with each character for it.

>Game was supposed to come out today in stores
>Had it prordered
>Stopped by to pick it up
>They don't have it in yet and said it will come in next week

Well I have Odin Sphere to hold me over for now.

I miss Jam's old voice. This new one just isn't as fun.

what are you guys talking about? it's very okay. raven is cute!

You should buy SFV instead.

So who's the next big bad in the next game? PWAB again? Bedman's Sister

I was thinking of maining Raven, but now I can't look at him without seeing his well defined penis. You can literally see the separation between the shaft and the head of his dick.

I plan on downloading it tonight, but need a converter for my 360 stick.

I like that I have the option of maining her now. It was impossible before with WAATCHAAAA shattering all glass in a 500 ft radius.

>implying that's bad

you are a sad, sad little user

Have to wait until friday, trying to find games online in xrd but no-one in europe is playing this dead out version of the game

Rashid player here, just learning GG now, who's another slightly off the wall rushdown character to play as?

>Venom and Raven are best looking guys in cast
>one is openly gay and second is crazy perv

Dude it's 3/4/5AM here in EU, of course no one is going to play

Is PS3 version even worth buying? Does it have crossplay with PS4 players? Do i need PS+ for online? Any other disadvantages, like FPS drops?

You know those wall cling mixups Rashid does? Chipp has those.

You would transition immediately to Chipp.

Might try out Chipp

Looks a bit shittier with no fancy new lighting.
The funny thing with Xrd the shittier it looks, the closer it is to sprites

good taste
venom is more cute than good looking though

In europe the game is dead in the daytime, at least with sf5 I can get games anytime of the day. Only 1 day and 20 hours to go I guess ;_;

I'm having a ton of fun so far. Guilty Gear is so fun.

Even wrote a clickbait shill blog for it.

My main isnt in there

>clickbait shill blog
gear-project is that you

I just want to see the story mode. Has anyone posted it?


>one is openly gay and second is crazy perv
Saying that as if its wrong

Raven is seriously too much fun. The ball oki and command grab mix ups with 3+ excitement are fantastic.

Because it's not on Steam yet.

he hasn't uploaded part 2 yet

It's on the mail.

When does Dizzy come out?

For those who have watched the story mode so far, is the animation during battles more fluid now or is it still filled with weird pauses like Sign?

I don't want to watch any .webms for fear of major spoilers.

>game deader than sf5
>worse than the 2d games
>shit music
>"Why haven't you bought Guilty Gear yet?"

I have xrd on ps4

but im so shitty at fighting games that i stopped playing it

"weird pauses"? you mean character animations running at a lower framerate than the game logic to give it a chunky anime-like feel?

Cause i have xrd, im waiting for another fighting game called kof 14

What's your problem with keyboardbros?

Reminder that you can "buy" the free character keys without owning the game.

West just don't give a fuck now.

No, you should buy an actual good fightan game instead, like pic related.

Honestly, it's entirely possible that that's what it was. I just remember the fights having weird pauses between attacks even though there was no dialogue. Now that I'm trying to find a scene, I'm not finding anything as bad as I seem to remember.

Boy do I feel stupid.

Kum is best girl

you should leave this thread if you're going to shill for something that isn't GG

I stopped playing fighting games because of people with shit attitude

>new people want to try the game
>the more experienced players steamroll them and don't even try to teach them the game or play more even matches, while saying stuff like "just practice" or "git gud"

>I try and teach new players while also playing characters i pretty much never play (usually very complex ones) but some players keep getting upset because i'm not picking my best character and playing my best, but if I eventually do they stop playing because they keep losing

>the more experienced players almost always have shit attitude in some way or another, making it generally unpleasant to play with them

Seriously, I'd rather play with kids in CoD than play any fighting game more seriously.

Because I don't like airdashers and offense-heavy FGs.

A sighting of a rare species. The male ahegao.

We need beginner/newbie workshops, online tournies and streams. I mean yes, there's plenty of tutorial videos and such, but nothing beats actually going in and playing yourself.

>We need beginner/newbie workshops, online tournies and streams. I mean yes, there's plenty of tutorial videos and such, but nothing beats actually going in and playing yourself.

Not gonna happen since
>most of the experienced players have attitude problems
>people are lazy or don't care enough
>it takes a certain kind of person to be a good teacher