Is Square the biggest UNJUST in video game history? They were literally on the brink of going bankrupt and dying because of one major fuck up after another but now, they are completely on fire. I can't believe how amazingly they turned things around. Think they will reach Squaresoft levels of quality again if they keep up the pace?
Is Square the biggest UNJUST in video game history...
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Wada leaving is the best thing to happen to this company
Firing your shitty management does wonders. The fact that their new CEO actually plays vidya sometimes also helps.
the fuck are you talking about? The only reason they got out of debt is by overcharging for mobile ports of games.
What new game have they come out with that was on fire user? I've been waiting for Final Fantasy 15 since it was called Agito. Remember that shit?
The literal only recent success (arguable) they have had is FF14. And that game was so bad, they literally retconned the entire release and said 'lol our bad' before waiting another year to fix shit.
Agito is Type-0
Wada was complete fucking shit as a CEO, him leaving has a lot to do with it. That and XIV being a giant clusterfuck, that required a ton of resources to fix, also didn't help.
Just hope XV is good and sells well enough to keep them making proper games and not mobile shit.
Final Fantasy XV
Final Fantasy VII Remake
Kingdom Hearts 3
Nier 2
Final Fantasy XII Remake
Star Ocean 5
Dragon Quest XI
World Of Final Fantasy
That's a fucking amazing line up. Square got their shit together. Only thing they need to do is announce the sequel to The World Ends With You and ALL their past sins will be washed away
Reworked XIV
FFXV sells like there's no tomorrow.
>I've been waiting for Final Fantasy 15 since it was called Agito. Remember that shit?
lol you dumbfuck
agito was type-0
XV was versus
what a dumbass
We don't know yet if any of those games is good or not.
They have a well oiled marketing machine, but until they can prove their worth, that's all they have.
uh huh. And how many of those are released? oh. right. none.
that is correct. That was my bad.
Here. This is a list of games Squenix has released this year in NA. How many are on your top10 lists?
1. Hitman.
That's it.
they'll never be what they once were, maybe enix was the better company decision wise, but square had the better talent in the long run, just watch this trailer and realize you'll never feel that hype ever again for a JRPG
They got so many fucking games released this year truly unjust the company
Only one that is 100℅ shit is Star Ocean.
Everything else looks great, and even if 7R is shit, it will sell like nobody's business.
It seems making people wait decades, and tugging on nostalgia-strings works with wonders.
deus ex saved them
Shit trailer desu.
>better move the goalposts to specify this year haha
Star Ocean 5 amd DQ sold well in Japan.
You are so misinformed it's hilarious.
The last good game square enix developed was TWEWY and that was nearly a decade ago. I'm hopeful for SaGa scarlet grace but there's not much basis for my optimism.
>They were literally on the brink of going bankrupt and dying
No they fucking weren't. Just because one division fucks up, doesn't mean they're instantly almost bankrupt.
Sup Forums's understanding of business finance is laughable.
You're a retard OP.
>Square Enix announced tons of normalfag bait and dumbed down remakes
They are doing the same shit as always, they are just getting more desperate.
I don't really see how that's moving goalposts..OP is talking about recent change. I can change it to 2015 releases as well if that makes you feel better.
1. Life is Strange
2. FF type0 HD
3. Bravely Second
4. FFX remaster
5. Just Cause 3
6. I am Setsuna
7. DQ Heroes
8. Hitman
DQ sold well in Japan!?!?!?!?!? NO FUCKING WAY. When does it come out here in a language I understand?
>Thinks World of Final Fantasy is going to be some shit quick cash grab
>See new trailer
>It actually looks very interesting
>Beautiful music
>Instantly hyped
This and just dropping Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age has made me love Square again. It's good to have you back old friend. Putting effort back into your games really goes a long way
>what games do they have coming that will sell
>gets titles listed
that's moving goalposts
>Is Square the biggest UNJUST in video game history?
>he expected reasonable arguments on Sup Forums
I'm surprised XV Ultimate Collections sold out TWICE.
>That voice acting
who is talking about games they have coming out? Those don't mean shit since..y'know...THEY ARENT FUCKING OUT.
I am arguing that the games they HAVE released are essentially garbage and rehashes and don't really signify Squenix turning anything around.
You know JUST FUCK MY SHIT UP? Well Square is UNJUST. Meaning they stopped fucking their shit up
>everything they made after FF9 was utter shit
>mfw they ditched Wada and Toriyama somewhere where they can never again interfere with video game development process
Wada ended up in their streaming service division and I have no idea where Toriyama disappeared to. He probably surfaced somewhere in game development again, but you can bet he'll never lead anything again after FF13.
>Final Fantasy XII Remake
its not a remake
New CEO certainly helped.
They basically had FFXIV print money at the time as well as mobile phone games growing in popularity. The new CEO understands that mobile phone games need to exist as a way to make money but it shouldn't come at the expense of losing their AAA development studios as it's the AAA games that are the games that make your company more well known and famous. This is why SE has been putting out a lot of mobile games and using the profits to fund development on games they actually want to make.
Then you also see the guy starting new studios and training new guys on games with I am setsuna in the hopes of gaining new and young talent for the company.
Funfact: Wada was the leader of a sub division that he took over after he stopped being a CEO and it was closed down quickly after that due to losing money.
>they're garbage because I said so and I actually think my opinions are objective fact
>games that already have millions of people hooked don't count because I can't counter them
They also stopped blaming their western division, which was actually MAKING them money while FF14 was a bottomless pit while they were remaking, for failing to reach ridiculous sale estimates.
>Funfact: Wada was the leader of a sub division that he took over after he stopped being a CEO and it was closed down quickly after that due to losing money.
like pottery
I'd liken it up to the usual japanese style of management where it's not your fault but your other division's fault that is failing.
AKA Capcom japan blamed Capcom USA for ruining SF5 and says it's impossible for them to develop and add new content to the game for SF5 because they're too used to reusing old assets and having shitty staff despite Capcom USA and Sony funding the entire game.
Just Cause 3 was shit, that's for sure. Mad Max wasnt that great either.
Chrono Break this year?
>That lineup
Damn nigga. Shit is almost as great as this one. Almost. This will forever be the GOAT lineup
>Then you also see the guy starting new studios and training new guys on games with I am setsuna in the hopes of gaining new and young talent for the company.
I think this is actually a major point people tend to overlook - you don't get good new developers out of nowhere. Veterans from SNES and PS1 days are who knows where these days and if Chrono Trigger DS new content was any indication, none of of the new guys can actually design worth shit in that old style company has been trying to revive.
Just to make it even more poetic, Ace Combat 7 is in the works and Gran Turismo Sport is coming out soon.
Will this E3 finally be the year?
Chrono Break and TWEWY2 at the same E3
the universe would implode
Other than Silent hill you can pretty much post modern versions of the games for the PS4.
>Funfact: Wada was the leader of a sub division that he took over after he stopped being a CEO and it was closed down quickly after that due to losing money.
Wasn't that the Shinra streaming service that was only a thing for like a year?
oh snap
also Yakuza Zero and persona 5 next year
>Other than Silent hill you can pretty much post modern versions of the games for the PS4.
Yeah, no.
The universe imploding last year when Square dropped this. They need to drop another fucking bombshell
>Ace Combat 7 is in the works
FUCK, it's real. How have I not heard anything about this?
>Calling all Strigon planes, Gracemeria shall be ours for the taking!
>Chrono Break
Cmon user, its time to move on, look forward to Setsuna it will probably be the closest thing to a Chrono Trigger sequel.
What were the major bad decisions? The famous one is the Astrology story, and FF13 and the initial release of FF14 speak for themselves. What were the other major fuck ups?
Literally received death threats
Just a lot of money sinks, like FF14 and sale estimates being overblown, but they also turned way too much towards mobile and saw it as their money maker. I don't think SE was ever at its lowest point than last generation as far as customer confidence was concerned.
world of final fantasy is a cool idea but the inconsistency in art styles makes it look fucking stupid.
It seems to be a common mistake to put all your stuff into mobile. Only SE and Bamco came out of it being the leaders of the market while everyone else who tried got destroyed including Capcom which pretty much crippled them for the past 5 years or so.
Needs to hold out for next-gen handhelds.
This actually looks dumb as fuck.
I like the chibi artstyle but the protag look retarded and there's enough FF nostalgia bait already.
>episodic, pointless, WILL be ruined
>has been out on PC for ages
>why does anyone even care about this
jesus christ is japan single-handedly saving vidya
Honestly that's a pretty great lineup.
Fabula Nova Crystallis wasn't an FFXIV-tier fuck up but it clearly wasn't well thought out at all.
>WILL be ruined
You'll still buy it.
Rest of your post is just lazy bait.
>I don't like it so it's garbage
No, I won't. I'm not retarded like you, sorry.
It's just garbage. You better get some taste.
How can you people fall for SE's tactics every fucking time?
Besides FF15, there's no original game that isn't a rehash or a sequel
I remember lying in bed at 4 AM and then this happened. I felt like reality was breaking apart.
>Not a sequel
>only game he thinks is good is a Platinum shitfest
>not a sequel
>all I know is that Platinum is involved, look how retarded I am
The best part about it is that it's NieR, I don't care who does the combat. Platinum mostly sucks anyway.
I am Setsuna
they tend to release some originals under great sequels/reshashes
>No other PS2 game was as big and detailed as XII.
Hahahahahahaha. It's not even a dual layer DVD or close to maxing a single DVD.
No it wouldn't have.
It's not compressed
>how amazingly they turned things around
>Think they will reach Squaresoft levels of quality again?
let's not get ahead of ourselves here
This won't be a popular opinion on Sup Forums at ALL but I think they need to be careful not to pander to fans too much. If they continue to play it safe it'll always just be "good enough" rather than amazing.
Yes Marketer-san, they Unjusted themselves. Sure.
after final fantasy 15 flops they'll leave console gaming forever and go PC/mobile only
can't fucking wait for drakengard 3 on PC with good framerate son
Nier was garbage outside of the music.
>whoa last ending erases your save so fucking deep
>Final Fantasy XV
>being this fucking stupid
every final fantasy is a new game with completely different EVERYTHING, the only sequels are "-" titles, you stupid mongs
The original voices were compressed into oblivion.
A couple years of good enough is important to get them back on their feet. Once they're healthy again, that is te time to take risks.
>nobody cares
>Chibi shit
Remove everything but DQXI and SO5
>15th game in a series
>not a sequel
>b-but they're different
>ps360 era engine not even designed for open world games
>homoerotic adventure - silky smooth 14 fps edition
>open but not actuall open world
>literally no girls what so ever, if not DLC exclusive
>reclaim le throne ecksdee pathetic story
>cuck father figure ruined after years of planning
>director shitting the bed and leaving the project halfway through to do something actually worth doing (ff7remake)
>kingdom hearts rip off gameplay
why the fuck do you think they greenlit ff7? THAT's living proof they have literally exhausted their shots and are completely cornered with no way out of things.
why is Sup Forums so lazy
I'll concede that. I'm just worried that "good enough" by Square standards will be so astronomically better than the shit we've sunk to that it'll be too easy for them to fall into the same resting-on-their-laurels pattern again.
nice meme picture, it really helps you with your lack of arguments, because being part of a series TOTALLY means you are a sequel! that's exactly why people played fallout 4 first!
NieR was great outside of combat. And your strawman greentext has nothing to do with it.
I'm pretty sure someone said the same thing with FF13 in 2009 before it came out
>Think they will reach Squaresoft levels of quality again
Absolutely not unless they make some serious changes. But that'll never happen.
They're making fucking action games nowadays. And it appears they consider non-action games to be beneath them unless they're remasters.
Even making games like Bravely they decide all of a sudden that the game isn't worthy of the Final Fantasy name, nor a higher budget.
They've made it pretty damn clear that they won't ever make high budget non-action RPGs again and that they're focusing solely on chasing that normalfaggot action with a hardon for action games.
All that has nothing to do with the fact that sales will still skyrocket.
We're not arguing about the game's quality. We're talking about your claim it would flop.
It's overpriced UCEs sold out twice, and pre-orders are through the roof.
Saying it will flop is just stupid.
And it sold like hotcakes. Your point?
They were right.
XIII sold really well.
The best game Square is gonna put out in the next 365 days is Deus Ex Mankind Divided