Is persona 2 worth it?or should i play just p3p?

is persona 2 worth it?or should i play just p3p?

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Have you played any SMT game before?

>is persona 2 worth it?
Yes, both parts are very good (Eternal Punishment being much better, in my opinion) and so is Persona 1 for that matter. Keep in mind that they are old JRPGs, though, and this type of game is not for everyone.

>should I just play p3p?
Play P3 FES instead. It is the definitive version. P3P is fine for a subsequent walkthrough, if you want a different experience, of if you can't play FES for whatever reason (which shouldn't be a problem, as it emulates very well on PC and can be bought on PSN)

i have played half of persona 3 FES but my pc got formated without knowing and a i lost the save

i think its better in ps3 because i've played it and my pc Almost NOT stand it

Persona 2 is an odd one. I personally think it helps to play Persona 1 first, which isn't an amazing game, but is nice for Eternal Punishment.

Persona 2 itself doesn't have great gameplay, but it's a fun ride story/character wise.

Nothing stopping anyone from playing persona 2, when you could just emulate the fan-patched ps1 iso for ps1 emulators. Make sure you play Innocent Sin and then Eternal Punishment, as they are basically part 1 and part 2 to the actual "Persona 2" title.

It has some dated gameplay and some people don't enjoy certain elements but the story and characters are the best in the series.


I'd recommend the psp version but the 2nd half of the duology "eternal punishment" isn't translated yet. If you don't mind the dated, clunky gameplay though it's worth it for the story.

Lol it was translated years ago.

Just emulate the ps1 copy.

PS2 emulation can be pretty demanding, user; however, even my old PC could handle P3 just fine.
Just play in whatever platform is more confortable for you.

Also, if you want to play P2, I suggest playing the PSP port of IS for the UI enhancements and improvements it has; for, EP the old ps1 version is just fine.

For P1, play the PSP port as well. The english localization of the original ps1 version is really bad.

No, it's a Megaten game, but the spinoff games are often known as SMT games in the west, including Persona and DDS.
There's no reason to be a faggot over it.

Play the PSX version of Innocent Sin, don't listen to anyone who says otherwise.

PSP version butchered the UI and made it slower and clunkier.

i know i'm just wanna telling it for all of you think i don't have played a persona game before

Source? I'm pretty sure eternal punishment for the PSP has not been translated

Persona 2 is good, but you won't like it. Persona 3 is not good, but you might like it.
Either way, I suggest you stop posting on Sup Forums.

i liked p3 and from what i see in p2 it appears to a gud game

i have only the psspp in my pc now and i'm planning to play just p2 IN to see if is any good

>Lol it was translated years ago.

>Just emulate the ps1 copy.

Can you not read? It was translated years ago, so get the ps1 copy.

Listen to this user.

You also get the original voice actors.

For the third time now, the P S P

And I am talking about the ps1 version you autist

They didn't translate the psp version cause it already came out years ago. It's even on the PSN.

Guess you wanna spend more money for a shittier version? Go for it...if you can read Japanese.

I actually can't tell if you're pretending to be retarded or not

so i play the psp versions or psx?or i can simply buy on psn

>Calls you out for your lack of knowledge and understanding
>"hurr r u retard user"?

Doesn't matter to me, dude. Just trying to help you out. You wouldn't have made a fool of yourself if you would have just learned Japanese.

I think a lot of people today (younger than 30) would have trouble getting through it without the fast forward feature of an emulator. Those fights were pretty damn slow.

You can buy Eternal Punishment on PSN, but the first part Innocent Sin is can either be played on the PSP or emulate the superior fan-made translation for PS1.

and the eternal punishment?don't have money now

You can easily emulate that, too.

Both are easy to find online. Might as well try both if you are tight on funds.

Like that one user said, you might either want to play Persona 1 first, or just read up on it, since the first game was heavily butchered in the west in it's official release. I guess you could emulate a psp copy of the newer version, but that is up to you...

Isn't the game with sunglasses Hitler?


>superior fan-made translation for PS1.
>innocent sin
But the PSP version has a baller boss theme.

How is the fan tl of PS1 IS superior?
>inb4 Hitler

Original is a lot better, especially the music. Sad to know that people had to hear the shitty dub voices.

In the original, he WAS Hitler, but they had to change it in the psp version and give him sunglasses. They also removed this sick-ass Swastika tile.


If P3 FES was your first contact with the SMT series in general, I suggest you finish it.

If you don't enjoy it, P2 might be for you then.

guys i have a fkin doubt here, i was looking on psn games and gonna buy it the persona fes but i looked that the okami game it is in promotion
and cheaper than persona 3 fes what i buy?

P2 is incredibly overrated and has boring as shit combat/dungeons.


I don't how how to say it without stating that it was better translated.

Basically that. More true to what the characters say without changing text to make it more fit for the modern era of north americans. Or just poor choices in selecting the write translation for each word/phrase etc.

Dubs, the new ost, and the new cutscenes aren't really that great either.

You can use the original OST

I can understand this, it's dated gameplay but at least the story is a lot better than what persona has given us in its later titles. Makes me want a remake but I am sure New-Atlus would fuck it up.

and the psp intro is overproduced and doesn't fit

The original intro is actually done very well and is quite touching. Made me upset to see the psp one which was just flashy action and no real content.

Both are pretty good in terms of story and characters and shit although kind of easy (especially IS). The characters are fucking great though. Eikichi, Katsuya, Baofu... most of theme are really good and I'm half-disappointed we'll likely never see them again and half-relieved they won't have the chance to get fucked up by shit writing.

Also both IS and EP have the best soundtracks in the Persona series.

Best song IMO.

Persona 2's gameplay is really, really bad so unless you have emulator fast forward I wouldn't say it's worth it at all. If you do though, it might be alright but be prepared for pressing triangle and doing basically nothing else, no management of SP or anything.

Negotiation's much less of a pain in the ass in the PSP versions though since you can choose whatever wheres I don't think you're able to choose the actions in the PSX ones.

Just play P3P.

>the new ost
The sound on the old OST for IS is kind of shit IMO and for the most part the songs in the PSP version are arranged much better and sound way more pleasing.

It's the complete opposite for EP though where the PSX soundtrack is the better one.

P2 is a love it hate it game.

Consider it a Earthbound-like.

You're asking others about your own personal taste. How am I supposed to know it?

i'm just in doubt what i buy

I can't tell you, man, sorry. They're both great games. P2 will last you longer if that means anything.

Most of the stores and such have great music honestly. IS Peace Diner and Kuzunoha Detective Agency are pretty great. Also liked how they gave even the merchants actual personality and character.

That qt as fuck Peace Diner cashier

I liked how the stores weren't overglorified menus and how you could actually talk to the people there

>Persona 1
Decent dungeon crawler. Fun if you played games in the 80s or the 90s and aren't afraid to go back to old style dungeon crawlers filled with random battles. Good characters, interesting story, fantastic music (PSX version only, but if you can't read Japanese, stick with the PSP version).

>Persona 2: IS
Many gameplay improvements, yet the game is somehow significantly less fun to play. Still worth it for the characters and story. Maya is best Persona girl.

>Persona 2: EP
Bit better than IS, though the characters and story aren't as good. They're still good, however. Parts of it have more impact if you've played the first game in the series.

>Persona 3
It's more social sim than RPG. The battle system is fine (if you play P3P anyway), but Tartarus gets boring halfway in or less.

>Persona 4
More of the same, but much improved in most areas.

If you like old school dungeon crawlers and/or games with good characters and story, yes, Persona 2 is worth it. If you like VNs and smaller scale issues being focused on during long gaps in the main story, like a cigarette butt being found in the boy's bathroom or an ojou-san becoming worried about marrying over love or profit, then play Persona 3.