>pc gaming
>pc gaming
Who is gonna change their graphics card four times a day, everyday?
Nice one sony pony, but try harder
>Willingly using Origin
>Bought politically correct Mirror's Edge
Deserve it and much more.
>using origin
Kill yourself, you are not a pc user
I found it funny that they forced you to install new drivers to play
>no true pc gaymer
if you say so, tiger
>being a retard
>Console gaming
>be American
>morbidly obese
>get shot
>What is subtlety?
I identify as a genderneutral PC
>mirrors edge
j e j
Why are Americans so fat and dumb?
>be swedish
>wife is raped by muslims
>you are arrested for trying to save her
the same reason brits butter their glasses before drinking out of them
>mfw there's a smelly, fat American near me
>mfw an american shits his pants next to me
the same with asians killing babies and eating rando doggos and cats off the street.
>use origin and this happens
>use steam and become botnet
what do i do
Not all Americans fat and dumb. Some fat, some dumb. But not all fat AND dumb.