This thread is for skilled Hanzo and Genji players

This thread is for skilled Hanzo and Genji players

If you are not good with the Japs of Overwatch, you may not post in this thread

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Genji is wis you

If you spam with Hanzo you will die


Can Genji block Hanzo's dragon?

why does genji have such a nice ass

>having a hanzo battle vs the other hanzo
>we both can't hit for shit
>give up and melee each other to death

don't remember him being this feminine

You need to deflect the arrow but yes

>tfw genji doesn't get bonus melee damage despite having a fucking dagger

buff literally when?

>It's a "hanzo takes skill" meme thread

Hanzo shoots an arrow that takes a bit to summon a dragon
if genji reflects this arrow before the dragon is summoned itll turn into a friendly hanzo ult (blue dragon)

Yes, but only if he is very close to Hanzo so he can reflect the arrow which turns into the dragons.

Why are so many people bad at genji, he's not even that hard

Because they don't know that you will never die if you simply jump up a wall and they spam deflect

>reflected dragons don't spawn his own like in the short


If the hanzo has the wolf outfit and you don't, then the ult will be invisible but will still kill people.

he curved the arrow using ancient japanese technique

That's his ult dude. Have you never used it?

i know it's his ult, i just appreciate small details like that

i thought overwatch was fast paced and required skill

Funny how people complain about Hanzo's ult so much yet no one bats an eye to aimbot

because most of the time it's easy to walk out of the dragon

>not posting the whole video
way to nitpick to try to prove your point

Unless you're Bastion

Blizzard has shitboxes and the huntsman effect all over again

I don't really see how that's nitpicking

So whats the secret to not sucking with Genji? Sure his Shift and E are good when they're not on cooldown, but he feels frail and the shurikens just don't seem to pack much punch.

That video just says why it's shit.

>Projectiles are harder to aim than hitscan!
>Let's make it so that you don't have to

break los or focus down

If you know when to deflect and can quickly find a wall to climb up if you don't think you can survive during the cooldown you will literally never die

Headshot with shurikens. It'll take some practice getting more than just one to land, but it actually packs some mean punch.

You can animation cancel instantly.

Go into vs bots. Hit right click, melee, and then shift in order as fast as you can.

Congrats, you've just deal a shit load of damage instantly.

You can do tricky shit like left click to soften someone up, shift, 180 spin around, right click/cancel into melee.

Your job is to abuse your mobility and assasinate squishies for the most part. Find their mercy/widow, kill them, and escape with your shift reset. He sucks dick vs tanks with his meh damage output, hes all about his burst and his sword ultimate.

nitpicking requires misrepresentation of the whole, not just a small snippet which still has the same point.

>no one bats an eye to aimbot


people shit on that on every ow thread

Also if you're ever able to land two shurikens with right click, use that instead of left click. It attacks faster and will deal more dps than left click.

Shimada bros is fun.

One time I even got my team to coordinate so we all ran in and EUGENE NO KAY COORAY at the same time, the enemy team had 2 up as well but we killed everyone.

Its like this for every projectile is whats the shittiest part, I wouldn't be so mad if it was just Hanzo

Is it bad that I wasn't aware headshots mattered in OW

I never see anyone go for them

Why is Genji such a bro and why is Handsoap such a fag?

I'm constantly bitching about the fact he doesn't have something more useful as his ult as someone who has 10 hours+ into 76. If you need to land headshots or shoot something thats not a player you're fucked, half the time I ignore it unless I REALLY need to kill a small target immediately.

Genji: Double jump constantly taking advantage of jerky 20tick movement, enjoy projectile leniency that lets you aim a foot away and get a few headshots, then dash melee right click EUGENE OK OK collect 4-6 kills.

I don't think either one is that bad.

>Aimbot 76
Just figure out where he is and take cover, his DPS is too low to accomplish much on its own.
Or you know just kill his 200hp ass.

When you hear it, back away and start strafing away from the nearest team-clump. Once you see where the dragon actually is it should be trivial to avoid, unless they did some clever shit like shoot it into a narrow building.

I dunno, maybe it's just because I play mobile characters like Winston, Junkrat, and Pharah. But both of them (and most ults) are just a matter of hiding and/or focusing fire on the guy.

Do we have any word on DLC? Already want new maps.

>Bastion player mad because he can't stay in one spot holding left mouse the whole game
You're supposed to stay mobile, dummy. Sure his recon form sucks, but once the enemy team figures out where you are you're toast. Set up, get a couple of kills, move on. Your goal is to always be attacking from some new surprising place they didn't expect, and to be gone by the time someone comes after you.

As for Hanzo's ult, Bastion packs up pretty quickly. When you hear him start chanting, pack the fuck up and run, because the dragon is probably aimed right at your camping spot.

When the fuck did I say I was a Bastion player? It was simply an observation.

New maps and characters come free. We don't know exactly when they'll be adding new of either of those.
First balance patch should be in mid to late June, including McCree nerf, buff, and thats all we know of for now.

Double damage. Especially worth it against tanks.

There's a few weird exceptions, like for Turret Bastion his "headshot" is the glowing part on his back and's mech "headshot" is the whole cockpit.

Isn't Reinhardt's weakness his back too?

It matters for just about everyone. Hitting even half of the pellets in the head on a Reaper meatshot is an instagib to a 200 hp hero.
Soldier: 76 also has horrific DPS if the player lands headshots reliably.

Oh don't mind me or this 100000 megawatt lighting bolt up your ass

Yeah, I'd rather have something different.

They should've given Soldier 76 the infra-sight (because that has no business being a sniper ability) and Widow something else.

Monkey isn't even that strong dude.

He's mostly ok right now, but if it was a choice to buff or nerf him I'd say buff.

Claim - Hanzo is easy.
Evidence - Clip of a video where Hanzo benefits from larger head hitboxes.
Omission - The rest of the video revealing everyone benefits from larger head hitboxes.

Not saying Hanzo is hard. Just saying this evidence amounts to nothing.

someone say "Hanzo takes skill"?

Yeah, everyone benefits because everyone who plays Overwatch is a casual user who can't actually aim.

Oh, from what you said it seemed like you were.

But yeah, one of the ults purposes is an anti-turret nest tool. But a smart Bastion can pack up and escape in time if he's far enough and is paying attention.

he's meant to fly over bitches, shield and drop a squishy or 2. He's very effective at that.

I'd say he's in a pretty good spot as he is.

Everyone does have large head hitboxes, but hanzo's arrows also have large hurtboxes, he does get headshots further from the head than other heroes do.

Do the dragons even damage sentries?

No, just characters. Would be OP if both.

Yea, that's what I just said.


>100000 megawatt lighting bolt
>That peashooter that gets outdamaged by 100% of the cast
Come on now user
Come on now user

I love leaping around as monkey but the rest of his kit is terrible.
>Lightning tickler has abysmal damage, only advantage is not having to aim
>Barriers break very quickly, and your shitty gun isn't enough to scare people from entering and shitting on you
>Ult is a melee ability that pushes people out of melee range
Like I get why the lightning gun has to be weak to balance its lack of aim required, but it results in a character whose fights really aren't that exciting. Setting up ambushes with Winston is great, but I wish there was SOME decision to make in combat besides "is my health low enough that I have to run?"

Eh. Okay.

I mean fuck, they could slightly increase the damage. Lack of aim my ass, the thing is fucking useless.

h-hooly fuck, Genji, what the fuck happened to you my man..

Damn, that best game was definitely a good one

Dr. Ziegler loves her some ass

It was one of the king of hill maps and I ended up scoring at least five triples with dragonblade.

It can be used on squishies and to finish of reinhardts who don't get the lightning goes through their shield.

Should I even bother using Genji's ultimate against tanks? Seems to do nothing but get me slaughtered.

No, you probably shouldn't.

how do you know that's not just the robot's huge hitbox?

Anyone else want to fuck Hanzo?

only when the tank is distracted with something else or if mercy has her staff shoved up genji's ass

What do you guys think of my Genji?