Post those mains
>implying any form other than roidtard Broly will even be in the game
Post those mains
>implying any form other than roidtard Broly will even be in the game
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There's a second one?
But didn't the first one suck ass?
I want Heroes to start giving every super saiyan form to not-fuckmchuge Broly.
>But didn't the first one suck ass?
It had some big flaws, like the appallingly small roster, and endless RNG grinding, and super saiyan spam, but on the whole, it was a solid game.
>Implying Heroes isn't going to give SSG and SSB to Broly before they give SSJ to Pan
Lord Cooler than you
>implying anyone cares about broly
I mean I want them to start running out of ideas, so they give regular Broly shit like SS3 and SS4.
Especially 3, he'd look fucking sick with that.
>Still no Android race
>Still no 16 confirmed
Baby Vegeta 2 hopefully is in
>The reason Mira and Towa were not killed in Dragon Ball Xenoverse 1’s ending was because Dragon Ball creator Akira Toriyama did not want them to be killed. They were created by Toriyama-sensei and were set to appear in other Dragon Ball games so they couldn’t kill them off.
They are so gonna be in Super.
Unlikely, Toriyama just doesn't like killing off characters permanently unless they have no further purpose.
If you aren't there still, join us for news and tourneys
Play raging blast 2.
I'm gonna main my donut steels like in the first game.
That's fuckmchuge Broly. Do you not remember what normal Broly looks like?
People actually used characters other than their OCs? Then again, I never bothered with PvP.
>tfw you will never ROBOTTO PANCHI
why is he not in super while the 18 whore is
18 is popular
18 is waifu
Not for long, your boy is back to take out the trash.
Well, the main reason is that 16 is dead as shit while 18 isn't.
>Staying dead
>bring back Piccolo and Vegeta
>not bring back Numer 16
>Still no Android race
>It'll be Beeruscats
Cutest waifu reporting in
Did Trunks leave before Krillin wished the Androids back? I can't remember.
>The overall concept of Xenoverse 2 is two generations. For example – Gohan/Trunks (teacher/student), Bardock/Goku (father/son), and Xenoverse 1’s Time Patroller/Xenoverse 2’s Time Patroller. This concept is a key factor when it comes to the story of Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2
Oh so our 1 character will be kinda like our mentor, having two dudes just silently nod at each other all the time is gonna be odd, and I still hope they add Androids as a playable race now, though I"m sure I'll still end up picking Saiyan first like everyone else
too old desu
>Your character from 1 is your mentor in 2
Oh man
>Oh so our 1 character will be kinda like our mentor
For all of one mission so they don't have to pay the different voice actors too much.
Then they'll mysteriously disappear.
Why is he so based Sup Forums? Why does he trig fedora tippers and numales so easly?
I have a few theories on that, actually.
When Buu destroyed the earth, obviously all life left on the planet was wiped out. This includes even Arale-chan.
When the wish was made for the Earth to be restored, along with all of its 'people', Arale-chan was also brought back. We know this because she appears in a cameo in Super.
We can imply a few things from this...
1. Arale was destroyed in the destruction of Earth, and had to be rebuilt.
2. Arale was destroyed in the destruction of Earth and was brought back to life by the Dragon balls.
If the latter is true, then that means 16 would've been brought back too. His current whereabouts would probably just be in the forest or something, keeping a low profile.
I feel like he's the only character SSJ3 actually fits.
Arale could survive the destruction of a planet.
This. Arale is overpowered as hell. SSB with Kaioken x10000000 couldn't touch her because she operates on gag/cartoon logic.
>In Xenoverse 1, there were random item/attack/costume drops. Due to immense fan feedback, this system will be changed for Xenoverse 2. More details will be revealed in the future.
Gotenks was kick ass as a SSJ3. He looks like a hedgehog when he does a spin in the air.
His fanbase is pretty terrible. They don't really seem to have any reason for liking him other than his maximal power.
>immense fan feedback
Considering that was the first gripe everyone and their mother had with the game, it would be hard to call it anything but
>They will now not be available as drops, but we're bumping the prices of everything in shops so you have to grind just as long anyway
>There will be DLC and free updates in Xenoverse 2. Not much can be said at this time, but Bandai Namco is focusing on free updates because they want players to play the game for a really long time.
Oh gee, I can't wait
>Free Updates that raise the level cap
>DLC is everything else
>Not playing as the best DBZ character in Xenoverse
I would rather this than the RNG. Too many times do I try grinding for a move and end up with the same piece of clothing for the hundredth time.
I know this won't happen but I'd like it if each canon character had a skin where you could put whatever CaC clothing you want on them.
It's the body:hair ratio. His mclargehuge body balances well with the hair.
Likewise, as says, Gotenks meets the opposite side of the balance in that the extra hair compliments his small body.
Every other SS3 is at that awkward point in the middle where they are neither big nor small enough to really rock that look.
money is easy to get anyway
Some skills in the first were available as drops and purchase
Like Maximum Charge. You could either (somehow) beat Super Saiyan Bargain Sale, or just buy it in the shop after beating the main storyline.
Whats the best build for a female majin? Stats, skills and soul?
Then why doesn't he kill off everyone not named Goku or Vegeta?
>Online features will be a focus in Xenoverse 2. This includes events, quests, and missions so players can really interact with each other.
There are new "undercover" missions too. Screenshots show a few time patrollers working on Frieza's spaceship, so these can be done online too, whatever they entail.
>Dragon Ball Super started after content and features for Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 were locked down internally by the development team. It’s something currently being investigated what content from Dragon Ball Super can be included for Xenoverse 2.
RIP Super content
gameplay demo when?
Server Test first
and then demo never
Sounds like there could be some story mode interactions between Bardock and Goku.
Took them long enough.
i really hope the netcode is better than the first XV
But Bulma's too lewd to be cute.
Demos will be at Japan Expo in Paris. July 7~10.
How do I get an ultimate finish on PQ53? It's the one where you have to search for Dragonballs but Broly's trying to kill you. Goten and Trunks keep on killing Broly, I've even seen Videl kill Broly a few times. I usually hang back and never interfere in the fight.
Post your majin buuties
you're probably too overleveled for that PQ
make a new character and let broly kill goten trunks and videl so that gohan can appear
Beat Broly with Gohan survivng.
>Goten and Trunks keep on killing Broly, I've even seen Videl kill Broly a few times.
>They actually made the AI competent just to fuck you over
Got it.
Made this cutie around release.
Your CaC's level effects the stats of allies? Didn't know that. I have a Fridge in the low 90s.
I know, I just can't get Gohan to show up in the first place.
Gohan doesn't need to appear, I've done it plenty of times with Videl still alive.
the npc have the same level as you
Whats the best build for a female majin? Stats, skills and soul?
Use a good race instead.
stamina tank + ki regen zsoul
For any of you fags that play Dokkan Battle: 25 stones from daily logins leading up to the 1st anniversary events.
Get ready to not get Gogeta/Janemba.
Based funsexydragonball
What would be a good level to tackle that at then?
>Shitty RNG phone games
Dokkan has a better RNG than Xenoverse
So max stamina, health, what else after that? I can't remember if female majins are better strikers or ki-users
Is Xenoverse good? I might pick it up on the sale next week.
anything lower than 70 i think
check out brolys level with a scouter
if your level is lower than that you're good to go
each PQ has a required level
if you're lower than that the probability that something drops is higher
doesn't matter
strike or ki is the same for buus
yeah it's worth buying if it's on sale.
PC version is well optimised.
>Made Champa
>Called it Beerus
We have 30 members in the discord, we talk about the games and Super.
You can make commands/tags with the bot and make an archive of the OC pictures.
We will make tourneys for XV2 but if you still play XV we can make for that one too.
In the profile you can place your CaCs
Serious question, but how far did everyone enjoy playing the first game?
I picked a female saiyan for the ass, finished the story, cleared out all the levels, perfecting around 90% of them or so, played like a dozen multiplayer games in the very rare instances I could find a match; grinded for fucking ages to get Videl's outfit.
And then when I had it I realized I was done.
I enjoyed most of it except the grinding, probably not my money's worth though.
Multiplayer aspects certainly need polish but that's the case with every last jap game out there.
So did anyone get anything more out of it?
>Fell or the discount multi again
I'm ready to rage incoherently as Gogeta and Janemba allude me forever
I'm not too sure when Champa was first revealed, but that was made early last year.
I'm fairly sure it predates him. But I never got into Super.
>and super
What a shame
I enjoyed it up until the point where I had to grind from level 89 to 92.
Champa's been in the theme song for Super since the beginning
I'm pretty sure he was in some of what little promotional material there was for Super.
i remember i was grinding for shit when champa was anounnced and that was way before the RoF movie
super wasn't even a thing back then
>mfw 17 has never beaten me like rug because he just can't