Xenoverse 2 thread

Baby Vegeta 2 hopefully is in

>The reason Mira and Towa were not killed in Dragon Ball Xenoverse 1’s ending was because Dragon Ball creator Akira Toriyama did not want them to be killed. They were created by Toriyama-sensei and were set to appear in other Dragon Ball games so they couldn’t kill them off.

They are so gonna be in Super.

Unlikely, Toriyama just doesn't like killing off characters permanently unless they have no further purpose.


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Play raging blast 2.

I'm gonna main my donut steels like in the first game.

That's fuckmchuge Broly. Do you not remember what normal Broly looks like?

People actually used characters other than their OCs? Then again, I never bothered with PvP.

>tfw you will never ROBOTTO PANCHI