Twilight Princess HD

How is this game good?

I am playing it for the first time. Just got finished collecting the final fused shadow.

So far it's been bad. Tears of light and wolf link has ruined everything to this point.

Sup Forums seems to like this Zelda game. Does it get better ?


Gathering tears is pretty boring but that's only a few sections over an entire game, if you let that actually ruin your enjoyment of the rest of the game then you're simply autistic.

nah if you didnt like it by now you wont like it at all

It's a mess. I'm convinced it's only liked by those who played it as their first Zelda game.

Yeah the wolf sections are stupid but there are only 3 (one before each of the first three dungeons)

The first dungeon is also the worst in the game by far, the rest of the dungeons are all great

>Sup Forums seems to like this Zelda game
hahahaha the only one that gets shit on more is SS

What is so good about it? I enjoyed the metal boots. They've been fun. Gorons are always fun.

I hate the noises the game makes when a enemy around. The music is uninspired. And the twilight relem is just a bummer

>everything is bad because of two minor aspects

Sup Forums in a nusthell


>15 hours of the game

Fucking trip fags

Three dungeons is a large chunk of the game

It's the worst

Twilight Princess is crushingly mediocre, and starts off pretty damned terrible.

Thankfully the tears of light segment only happens three times in the very beginning of the game, after that it changes so that the wolf form is accessible at any time to help with puzzles as opposed to being its own shitty game.

>Tears of light and wolf link has ruined everything
There is nothing wrong with this opinion

When does wolf go away

when you finish collecting tears of light

Not even close to my first Zelda. It's still one of my favorites in the series. Try again

Bullshit. I just collected the final fused shadow and I'm still that damn wolf


You switch between human and wolf form all game

IIRC when in twilight land you can only be the wolf

OP didn't ask about Majora's Mask.

Best combat
Some of the dungeons are the best in the series
So far it is the best the developers have done to create a detailed, explorable, and connected hyrule even if it is empty at times
I'll admit wolf link is tedious though

Yeah but you have to be wolf,link a lot less second half right

I may be the only human on the internet who enjoyed the tears of light hunts. What was so bad about them? You just explore new areas of the world as you get to them. That's how I normally play games anyway.

>Best combat
objectively the easiest of the 3d zeldas
>Some of the dungeons are the best in the series
bullshit, the puzzles are garbage for the most part
>So far it is the best the developers have done to create a detailed, explorable, and connected hyrule even if it is empty at times
it's compltely empty and boring

>shit characters
>shit artstyle
>boring music

The game does get better and doesn't stop getting better. The first half of the game sucks.

Hit the nail on the head.

Not my first Zelda. Breath of the Wild is the first time I've felt excited since TP.

TP had amazing dungeons and exploring was fun.

The main disappointment is the final boss battle. Other than that, top 3 Zelda for me.

>objectively the easiest of the 3d zeldas

Nope that's WW

>shit artstyle

Let me guess, you love Wind Waker?

Not liking color




>objectively the easiest of the 3d zeldas

>wait for the QTE to win

what is quick draw

A hidden skill instead of a normal parry mechanic

The nonlinear dungeon design, the sword-play, and the lore.

Focus on those.

If you go into it, wanting Breath of the Wild, you will be highly disappointed. But if you go into as a dungeon crawler with the best sword combat of any video game (no game gives you as much control over your character and his sword as TP does), with an awesome story; then it's GOTYAY.

>with the best sword combat of any video game (no game gives you as much control over your character and his sword as TP does)

>bland color palette
>blurry and overly shiny

I'd have enjoyed the game a lot more if it didn't feel like I had eyesight problems the whole time.

user, I like Twilight Princess more than most but...I just can't.

>Tears of light
It's funny because in the original version you had to collect EVEN MORE of those. HAHAHA

TP is a real blunder.

Sorry bro, I guess I forgot that opinions on games could be wrong

Still not as bad as WW triforce hunt shit.
And unlike WW, TP had many and better dungeons.
And at least TP's overworld wasn't a flat, boring blue layer with nothing to do.

Twilight Princess was mediocre, but easy to like after the unfinished, boring, piss easy mess that was Wind Waker

I should have been more specific.

No game even gives you half as much control over your character during swordplay as TP.

>Does it get better ?

Yes. You are literally at the part where it starts to get better.

Can't what? Cope with the fact, TP has the best swordplay in the industry?

Show me another game where you can dodge-roll and attack and follow through with it or not with a back-slicer.

With C, show me with C.

>No game even gives you half as much control over your character during swordplay as TP.

you're a fucking retard. play some games before making posts like this.

TP isn't even top 20.

A reason for exploration in an action-adventure game, you mean?
Better dungeons, the worst core component of Zelda?
Yeah, as opposed to still green and brown textures with nothing to do.

>A reason for exploration in an action-adventure game, you mean?
That's literally the bug hunt. You get to explore a new area but apparently this doesn't count?

I hope

Did anyone ever make a comparison of this vs Dolphin?



>what is dark souls 1

Why is the text backwards on the Wii version?

Wii version of Hyrule was flipped while the Wii U version was remade from the GC version. So I guess they flipped it to have a better comparison.

Please get cancer you faggot

Yes, most of the early game is exploration and wolf form and most of the later game is dungeons and human form.

Think of Wolf Link as Young Link. You're forced to be him at the beginning, then some things require swapping to accomplish, and near the end it's pretty much all Adult Link.

The game which was originally developed on the Gamecube had Link left-handed as he always is depicted.

Nintendo knows that most people are right-handed, and that swinging the wiimote with your right hand to correspond with the sword in your left would feel awkward, so they literally mirrored the entire game.

AFAIK the WiiU version is based on the original Gamecube version and is not mirrored.

Wow, her eyes and facial features on Wii U. It legit looks like she has problems, as if she was too fond of Epona and started becoming a horse herself.