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Video Games #3420
Video Games
A game for autists is in the topsellers
Can someone explain to me how Ocelot got in and out of the room that President Baker was in if they concreted over the...
Why do we hate modern Samus again?
So this game drops tomorrow. Anybody looking forward to it? I find what gameplay to be shown as pretty interesting
Mighty No. 9
Are nintendo fans the only actual videogame enthusiasts left? Other than some PCgamers
Why do so many bosses in this series leave me thinking "is this it" or "was that it"?
You have ten seconds to name a single good game released this decade
Ubisoft games
Ace Attorney
Is it worth $13 Sup Forums?
Great reviews
3 questions
Why is this allowed?
If Death Stranding gets ported to steam I'm going to smash my PS4
Yelling about a 5.6
Welp, Injustice 2 confirmed being shit
Why do we allow devs to restrict your choices in a game?
Hate mail thread
CDPR Were Joking About The NX Being Fantastic
What happened?
Filename thread
In a battle of ALL Metal Gears of the series, who would win?
Top 10 Games: Thread 3/?
Is this the first major kickstarter blunder?
A literal meme game
You want to prove that "Neo-Sup Forums" is a real thing? Sure, easy...
Pop or flop?
Let's hear your game idea, user!
People thinking FF15 is a RPG
Weird things happening as you approach the edge of the "infinite" world
What was the best $15 or less you spent on a game?
Dark Souls 3
How do you feel about the best 3D Zelda game possibly getting a sequel?
On Saturday, PlayStation VR pre-orders began at Japanese retail shops. The VR headset won’t be out until this October...
Why aren't more games written in WebGL or OpenGL?
I just purchased pic related with Mario maker and smash bros as well...
Watching streamers vs watching sports
Comfy Videogame Music
So what was your first toon?
Bowser and his troops appear in the world of the last video game you played
Will it be just as bad as Mighty No. 9 ?
Why did nobody care about CJ being black back in 2004 but now everyone seems to care about black protagonists in new...
Will it be good?
Get cancer and die
So everyone is giving Mighty No.9 around 5,5 scores recently
Reminder that no other FPS game in 2016 is going to top this
Which Vidya girl have you fapped to the most
This is the best looking open world, and it's only on ps4
It is true that video cards will be much cheaper to buy, when new ATI video cards come this June 29?
Current game you're playing
Who is the demographic of Playstation consoles?
Horror game
So what was the best Battlefield in the series and why was it BF3?
When Sup Forums when
Am I missing something or are these games complete garbage?
Now that the dust has settled, what did Sup Forums think about Wind Waker?
ITT: thinking man's games
Why are people hype for the new stick of truth?
Do you extremely regret backing this shit? I know I do
ITT: Edgy video game characters. I'll start
Which Roll do you like best?
Resident Evil VII Thread
So basically in one of the "endings" Asahina is impregnated by everyone?
What are some video games that allow me to be a super stronk wizard?
The worst demo walkthroughso far
Miku Monday
Hey Sup Forums, play any video games today?
What did he mean by this?
France will be DLC in Battlefield 1
"Kingdom Hearts story is easy to understand if you just play the games!"
So, this is my current PC. I want to upgrade the video card this year...
In all seriousness why do SJWs think that they can influence Japanese games beyond localisation...
"I'll stay here, you go on ahead"
Can someone explain why Illidan is a bad guy? From what I can tell he saved his people twice...
Witcher 3: Official Character Ranking
What are you gonna buy?
What does Sup Forums think about Life is Strange?
Okami 2? OKAMI 2????
What if this was a indie game with SJW theme
I'm working on a game I plan to put on kickstarter. What do you guys like to see as rewards for pledging...
THIS IS YOUR FAULT Sup Forums ! ! !
Overwatch Hitboxes
Open crate
Downgrade thread
Why is a game with little content and shallow gameplay 40 bux when everything else like it is only 20 or free?
This is a 3DS game
ITT: Games that you desperately tried to see what others saw in them. Try and explain why
About to play these for the first time, never got a chance to play them back on PS2. What am I in for...
Is This The End Of Konami?
Why do people still DDOS in 2016?
What if Kratos dies at the end of this one and the rest of the series is the story of his son?
What went wrong with starbound ?
Man Best Coop Couch Friend
3x3 threat
People always say that Zelda, Ruto or Malon are best girl, but why does nobody pick the actual best girl?
What does Sup Forums think of this game?
Do you like DISGAEA?
Best PC WW2 Game?
Am I the only one who thinks e-sports/competitive games are the cancer killing videogames?
What are some good stealth games with Bond feels?
How fucked is Nintendo?
So is everyone sadden that Walker is leaving?
Bullshit enemies and attacks
Left or right?
Uh uh uhoowoaaah
What went wrong?
Let's be honest; Will 60 fps and possible balance changes actually manage to fix this piece of shit...
What games did monk classes right?
"You are only human."
Get tried of video games because 99% of them keep being the same rehashed shit over and over again
When does this game get good? 9 hours in and I am slowly dying of boredom
Music while gaming
Find a flaw
We already know that Ganon engulfs hyrule castle at the very beginning of the game...
Battlestation Thread
If Crash is being remastered, does that mean Coco is too??
ITT Early game footage/tech demos
I liked the demo but $80 for a SP campaign?
What went wrong?
You have to fight Mary-Ann for her virginity
I've never tried any weebshit, but I finally decided to try and play JRPGs
ITT: Good character redesigns/alternate costumes
So this any good or what? never played the original
What are you trying to buy during the steam summer sale?
Well Sup Forums, it's time to pick your trainer
Let's talk about games that WEREN'T at E3
Those dead inside eyes he has in newer videos
New Nioh Information and Footage Shown the Past Week
ZTD Zero Time Dilemma
Literal Turd: The Game
We could have gotten Battlefield 2143
Sup Forums says game is shit
Post best characters of their respective games/series
FFXV Thread
I just love jap games
Smash 4 Sup Forumseekend
Would watch dogs 2 be better if the protag was something like pic related?
Critical acclaim
Mass Effect - Biotics
Beside pic related, what other non-simulator video games that let you drive train?
Dark Souls 3 wouldn't have been shit if it had a jump button
Ive never played it, what am I in for?
I've never played a DMC game and need something to play. I don't care about the story...
"Don't call me Yoohoo!"
Is Wow worth getting into these days? I've always loved the warcraft series but I've always hated mmorpgs...
CD Projekt Red: "The NX is going to be amazing."
Angry Joe
Is it legal to pirate a game if you already own it?
SFV Officially Dead
Are there any hikimori NEET gamers here?
Love the concept and style of a game
Stop whatever you're doing right now
What can I do for you Sup Forumsv/v/?
This is a Nep!
What games has the best spiders?
Daddy's getting heart surgery tomorrow. What are some good video games to play while waiting in the operating room?
Who was in the wrong here?
Guilty Gear thread
Sarif returns
Any games that you can feel that sense of freedom and fantasy similar to old table top games like DnD
Where were you when based Shants saved the platforming genre?
What is the worst map in Overwatch, and why is it pic related?
There will never be a new real phantasy star game
How can people say that Japanese voice acting is better when they can't even speak Japanese?
Hello, LA, you're up way past your bedtime aren't you? Hope you slipped into something comfortable, I know I have
Scary things in non-horror games thread?
What are some remakes that are actually better than the original?
Tfw out of underwear and forgot to do laundry
Jesus fucking Christ how do I beat Trashman...
When was the last time
Dude SKOOMA lmao!
How exactly did this turn into the equivalent of a fuck you?
Journal log of a character slowly going insane
Post you're 3DS, 3DS XL, 2DS, New 3DS or New 3DS XL. I just got the 2DS Sea Green as a present of my Daughter
How do you feel about Yayoi?
What are some old flash games you played back in the day?
The last Custom Robo game was almost 10 years ago
What are some games that let me experience the true antithesis of fun...
Just beat Last of Us
Kirby: Planet Robobot Thread
No BOTW thread
What if Zarya was a girl?
Why do japanese games get a free pass?
Post yfw youre getting Jimmys matrix DLC
TFW Jimmy will always be platinum S tier
Horrific pokemon crossovers
Are there any good games about suicide?
When your favourite games have no hope of ever finding someone else to do multiplayer with
E3 2017
Nsider here
Playstation fanboys are mad about Scorpio announcement
Yay or nay?
Do you think Scorpio and Neo have worried Nintendo?
Vidya recommendations for PS2
SMT: Nintendo
Last video game you to played? played with somebody? A girlfriend? Significant other?
Battlefield 1
Normie talk
Give me attention
Excuse me sir, I'm afraid I must have misheard you the first time...
ITT: Vidya Confession
Retro indie platformer
Why didn't you guys tell me how much fun this game was?
Remember when Sonic the Hedgehog fucking died?
What is your opinion on Leagues of Legend?
Dark souls 1
Why did they remaster Skyrim and not Morrowind or Oblivion?
Playing this with a friend, it is a blast. Why did this get so much hate? It is like RE4 co-op
Dishonored 2
Do people still really think that what nintendo needs is Third party titles to compete with the other systems...
What went so horribly wrong?
Post underrated vidya girls
What are some comfy games with beaches in them?
Name a better game
ITT: gaming dads
Reminder that DV.a is a dork and for bullying
I just bought pic related. Did i fucked up...
Recommend me snes games to emulate
Games have you fight all the bosses again before the final one
You are going to buy Aqua's game right Sup Forums?
Which game got you into Fighting Games?
Fuck you. I liked it
What games allow me to inspect penis?
Can you name a more deluded, autistic, fucking obnoxious fanbase of a gaming company or studio than Platinum?
So what private servers are there now?
Last thread was still going pretty strong
Sup Forums you lied to me again this is the best JRPG I've played in years
Your favorite freeware games? I'll list mine. Hydorah and the Battle of Wesnoth
Ace Attourney Thread
Vidya wallpaper thread?
New Bastard Bonds thread
Anyone still looking forward to this
How do i get gud?
Vidya music thread
I lost a life! On level one!
Wizard games
There are people who think this was a coincidence
What is the Black Cauldron of video games?
Console Overwatch
Should I really pay an extra $20 for an Xbone controller that I get to color myself?
Plagiarism is ok if Sony does it!"
Are there any games with wolfgirls?
Nerf Mei, who is with me :^)
Potion, herb, or stimpak?
Man what a dull and uninspired piece of shit. didn't even pay for it but im still mad about the time invested
Sup Forumsidya Drawthread
Steam summer sales are coming soon, any suggestions on what I should get?
Mario Kart Sup Forumseekend
Did you ever play vidjya games with your dad?
New Vegas Thread
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Eyes of Heaven
Anyone playing this? Came out on PSN
Second Life
Who here still has their pre-order for Final Fantasy XV?
How do you feel about AMD's upcoming RX480?
Literally No Skill: The Game
1978 - 1985: Ancient Era
When were you when Kojimer saved gaming again?
Which games have the best door mechanics?
Jump button is Triangle/Y
Why does she exist?
Games to Play When Depressed
Low Tier City / Apex / Based SNOSA
Buyfag Thread
Finish making my adult only g mod server for prop hunt if we get a kid joining we will banned them for life...
Alright Sup Forums think of a new weapon for Monster Hunter
Mods are awake, try to give them headaches with the most absurd or retarded game ideas
Why is he so based?
I think Diablo-likes have god awful combat but the sense of progression and looting is really enjoyable
"They're master works all. You can't go wrong."
Let's assume a hypothetical world where Sony never entered the console market...
Rithym video game thread?
Resident EVII_ thread
3x3/4x4 thread
So, what is going to happen when you punch in the spyro code on the crash 3 remaster?
What is the best story driven RPG that came out out in the last 10 years...
Master constructor
Does any Musou have more content than Hyrule Warriors?
What does he say, Sup Forums?
What games have love interests like Katt? I don't mean furry
I don't know what the hell I'm doing or where I'm going
What happened?
How was your experience with NeoGAF like?
Should i wait for persona 5 , or play persona 3/4 first?
You have 10 seconds to prove that he's not an edgelord. pro tip: you can't
GoG's selling it for 7 bucks
Fear of heights
Sorry, Sup Forums
How do we fix FFXV?!
Why Assassin's Creed II suceeded whereas later games failed
Say the name of a vidya map and see if others react negatively or positively to it
Tfw making decent pocket money from starting an Overwatch exclusive gaming channel
ITT: Games that happened
This niga LMAO
Did you protect her smile Sup Forums?
Filename Thread
Hey our turn based game is all about strategy but its a little shallow, what should we do about it?
Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel
FFXV Thread
God of War
PREY (2)
So tell me user, why aren't you playing Sm4sh with mods yet?
Zelda: Breath of the Wild lore
Who here backed it and how much?
"You remember the first day when were in that building and we were getting shot at with locked doors?"
Is Nintendo finished?
Is this just a gimmick?
Alright Sup Forums, who do you main?
I actually like 30fps better
Post your IRL walking animation
This came out earlier this month
What game lets you play as a bird
Space level
To my knowledge...
Does anyone actually dislike Link?
That one anime you wan't a good video game from
Uncharted 4
How the FUCK are you supposed to know how to beat this guy without looking it up?
Cyberpunk 2077
Blizzard purposely rigged matchmaking to keep everyone at 50% win/lose ratio
Coworker asks for what kind of games do you play
Which series is better:
Why was this such a hit among normies ?
Create the best JRPG of all time
What is the most controversial opinion you hold regarding video games?
What are some games with ambiguous endings?
Uh, you didn't forget about me, right guys?
Your move Uncharted
Sup Forums democracy on Overwatch
If these two fight, who would win?
Preordering games
Dying Light
NeoGAF has lost it's Soul/legitimate criticism welcome
Which Hitman entry is the best? I just tried Blood Money, and while I think it's great...
Sup Forums Repaints a Game: Part 5.5
Did you let go, Sup Forums?
It hurts so fucking bad
Try and explain yourselves out of this one, Sonydiots
Can we take a moment to appreciate the STRONGEST video game character ever created?
The year of our Lord 2000+20-4
Why does Capcom expect me to buy this game when they don't make the demo available on PC? What is their fucking problem?
Xenoverse 2
Are you buying Technomancer?
Hammer (Aerial Style)
Overwatch RoadHog Hook
How to murder your hype like a bum behind a dumpster
Why do people mistake low effort with "cool art style"?
Is she flat?
If you havent smashed your desk in a furious rage you're a casual
The game gets good 20 hours in
Make a wish, Sup Forums
FFXV Thread:
Have you virgins never seen a average-boned girl with thick thighs before?
Vidya characters with wasted potential
Touhou thread
ZTD Zero Time Dilemma
How much do you think Blizzard pays Sup Forums administration to be able to use Sup Forums as a marketing hub...
Im looking for a game similar to age of mythology, but you could only summon 3 gods one was this huge hurricane...
Is Arkham knight worth buying ? (on pc)
Every gaming media is excited because Kratos' character looks more interesting now
What are some games that have gotten worse over time?
Post favourite Fire Emblem game
Which video game character has the sexiest shoes?
What's the Evangelion of vidya?
God of War 4: Norse Boogaloo/GOW4/
What's the Sup Forumserdict on Alien: Isolation?
Winning a match is dependant on your team's competence, not your own individual skill
Why isn't there a good gundam game?
Can we have a Star Trek vidya thread in memory Anton?
Anything I should know before I buy a Wii U?
Remember Me Any Good?
Happy Father's Day Sup Forums let' get a best video game dads thread
Why exclusives are bad for the consumer
Your appointment with FEMA should be finalized within the week. I've already discussed the matter with the Senator
Pissy Pedro's top 10 Microsoft and Sony games of E3
Can Sup Forums recommend me a good jrpg? I've been dying to play one...
Trips get second screenshot
How to get good?
I just beat Ocarina of Time to hype myself up for BotW, but could somebody tell me what exactly the appeal is...
Gender neutral Link
Kirby thread
But I thought the PC masterrace was on our side!
You now want a new Harry Potter game
Why is Wayforward so based? Why can't more western devs be like them?
What the hell happened?
Make me a fallout 2 character for my first play through user
ITT: Buyers remorse
So now that the dust has settled...
Friendly reminder that Tracer's new pose means that the SJWs have officially won the war on gaming...
Let's make the edgiest game possible Sup Forums I'll start
Which Peach is best Peach?
Played any h-game lately?
Is there a single indie game Sup Forums likes?
And the GOTY goes to...Overwatch
Played for a month now, not a single "JAjajaja IZI" "huehuehuehue" or "555555". That alone is worth 40 dollars
What do you do when you lose a save file that you have logged very many hours on?
Why the fuck are 2.5D games even allowed? There are so fucking ugly. every single one looks like garbage and always has...
Skyward Sword HD might happen
So all drama about this game aside, it was gifted to me so I want to get some time out of it...
Furry tier: Gangrel
Smash Sup Forumskend : Late Edition
Top 3 overwatch heros
Sorry to be an idiot. I just got a PAL PS Plus account...
The Very Best D-Pad
Good story based game with decent gameplay
What are some video games (other than senran kagura and dragon's crown) where you can play as or date a girl with...
97 degrees F in apartment
Hey guys our controller is horrible (again)
ITT: Games you would like to see remade with *good* art
Just got enough credits for a new skin. Decide for me
Foreignbros what's playing vidya like in a 3rd world country?
Unpopular opinion thread
World of What IS Going On?
Why does Sup Forums hate Kojima?
Mighty Number 9 ending
Why there aren't many good options of dungeon crawlers nowadays on PC-Windows
Post your PC specs
Xbox Scorpio 6 tflops
Sup Forums Repaints a Game: Part 5
ITT: Villans
Anyone actually mad that this is exclusive?
Post your collection
What is the best portable concole?
I tried out the Vive yesterday for 20 minutes at Microcenter. If you're curious about VR, ask me about my experience
...and Nintendo still makes games, though that's debatable
Sup Forums says game will be bad
Hey Sup Forums, how do you feel about Jeanne d'Arc?
You take 5 years out of your life to develop a game
Resident Evil : Umbrella Corps
How old was she?
Steam Sale
The air conditioning just went out in your house
Is this game any good?
Forgive me, For I have Played
Which game is the song at 1:01 from? It's a horror game for sure
Zelda Lore general
New Bastard Bonds thread
Let's settle this once and for all and see the preference on Sup Forums...
Is it good? Is it fun? Should I buy it?
Why aren't you playing ET:Legacy Sup Forums?
Post best girls from their respective JRPGs
Dead Rising 4 hype thread
Why are there autists on here who pretend this trilogy was anything other than awful?
Is this the best controller that exists?
Pssh........ nothing personnel............ kid
Zelda: Breath of the Wild
No filename thread?
Check out old let's players that I used to watch 6 years ago
Nsider here
I'll prop your broken body in view of the New Vegas Thread so you can see what you came to steal...
Dead Online games you liked
Bill said in the E3 stream about the hitting the wall with your sword trick to detect a wall that can be bombed...
So yesterday i saw some webms here from the plat demo and Noctis was doing some cool stuff but everyone was saying the...
Bored yet?
Is FF3 secretly the best Final Fantasy?
Sony: We're going to destroy PC Gaming
Why are Sonyfriends so flustered?
What went wrong?
"So, what's your innovative videogame idea, user?"
What games are popular here?
B-but VR is just a gimmick!
Nine bucks, and still more play value than MN9
ITT: Your favorite video game
Name one memorable game announced at e3 which wasn't under Sony's wing
Let's talk about Sims games, which one is your favorite?
Is she still a virgin?
What's it like having a sister who is a "gamer girl"?
Ok so I dont know that much about the DC comicbooks
Calling the PS1 "PSX"
"One of the greatest JRPGs ever, it just got screwed on the second disc!"
Appreciation Thread
Should I get an xbox one or a ps4?
What is the greatest blunder in vidya history?
Mustard race here
Is this a good idea?
Injustice 2 female models
How do you think he died?
Which one is more comfortable in your hands?
Hey Sup Forums, I'm playing this game for the first time
Ubisoft and CDPR downgrade the graphical quality of their games
What was Titan? It seems like Blizzard gets triggered whenever people ask and are very vague...
Twilight Princess HD
Nintendo is irrelevant
"Well Son of War, it looks like we really are The Last of Us"
Have you ever been sad after finishing a game because you enjoyed the experience so much...
Drakengard & Nier
Design an Overwatch mans
Design a fun One Punch Man game
Yo user put your mic on
What am I in for?
This is for all the gamers here- I suck. I really enjoy playing videogames (specifically Half Life 2...
Low Tier City / Dreamhack / Apex Thread
This is Nep!
Can someone explain the new Xbox feature that allows PC users to play with console users?
I literally cannot figure out how to attack things in this...
ITT: Things you're saving up money to buy
What kind of sound system do you use for the maximum gaming experience, Sup Forums? Or do you use a headset?
So what's the plan?
This game looks cool
How come there are no more Commandos games?
I want a sequel to Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door
This game is perfect. Seriously, it has been my favourite game since the release
Digital Games/Lost Media
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...