Is Nintendo finished?
What do you think will happen to all the big franchises like Zelda, Samus and Mega Man?
Is Nintendo finished?
>Mega Man
>mega man
The NES can't compete with IBM PCs.
Nintendo is doomed.
>two games on E3
Can't make this shit up
psvr exclusive
you'll be able to play them on your PS4KNEO
>Mega Man
Zelda will either keep the same formula for BotW, or revert back for some retarded reason.
Metroid is dead unless some random studio can convince Nintendo to let them make a new game, StarFox Zero was dead on arrival, so its chances of getting a new game are literally zero as the name implies. DK will just have another sidescroller, Pikmin 4 will be the same as 3, Mario Kart won't be any different, Smash Bros is dead, and Mario will never change.
They've got too much money and too many valuable IPs to be finished. It just remains to be seen how many consoles they need to sell [or not sell] and how profitable overall those consoles need to be to keep putting them out.
Well something needs to change if they want to still be relevant 4 years from now.
They are pretty much dead. Alot of people may have hope for the New Zelda game, but Neo Nintendo is going to make that game the final nail in Zelda's coffin. That game is going to be the Other M, Sticker Star, Brawl and Star Fox Zero of the series.
>mega man
Megaman isn't a Nintendo franchise.
> Mega Man
Here's your (You).
>mega man
>Big franchise
>What do you think will happen to all the big franchises like Zelda, Samus and Mega Man?+ 0 post omitted.
Nintendo will take them down with the ship.
Seriously nigga they've said this in the past like a million times.
>Mega Man
Mario is going in the dustbin.
Zelda will be acquired by Bethesda and turned into a proper RPG.
Megaman will cease to exist after being BTFO'd by MN9.
>Mega Man
Way to ruin your own bait thread OP
>Is Nintendo finished?
You damn right they are.
I know you're trolling but I'm screen shotting this anyway.
dumb ratposter
They gonna merge with Sony
Are you okay user? You seem upset
It's not looking good for Nintendo console wise but I want the NX to do well. Zelda looks great and Wii U is dead so I'm not gonna waste investing into it hopefully the NX has a solid launch.
They hate each other, this will never going to happen
>Nintendo beat Sony with one game
Yeah, hard to believe but true.
I thought of a new meme: instead of Nintendo, let's call them Trumptendo
t. Bernie-fag
No entiendo
Nintendo is never finished thanks to that stash of money they have
In the case they pivot industries, they'll never in a million years admit they ever fucked up
>many gamesites saying that sony won e3
>nintendogaf think they won e3
I'm not gonna lie i had a chuckle, not bad OP
Agreeing with this.
I dont even think Sony won E3 since all the shows were shit but Nintendo's was by far the worst.
>Mega Man
If nintendo stopped making underpowered, overpriced gimmick machines, then they might get the third party support they need to have a successful console. The gamecube sold well not because it was some graphical powerhouse of a console but because the price point was fucking reasonable and it didnt have a shit gimmick.