Confessions. Keep it civil.
I prefer the multiplayer of Halo 4 to any of the other games, even that of 3 and Reach.
Confessions. Keep it civil.
I prefer the multiplayer of Halo 4 to any of the other games, even that of 3 and Reach.
Other urls found in this thread:
I liked DNF
CSGO is the most enjoyable game that I've played
I bought Fallout 4 on launch day for full price
I could understand 5, but 4? Good lord man.
I agree. It wouldn't be so bad if it didn't have the load outs.
I deleted my Sup Forums image folder.
From best to worst for MP.
1, 3, 2, 5, Reach, 2A, 4.
Search up Halo Online (Eldewrito) and thank me later.
I bought Evolve and the season passes for it only to stop playing it altogether
Dota 2. Had to spend over 1k hours to realize how much of a shitty game it is.
I bought MKX. For PC.
Friendly question here, what is the point of these threads? I just don't get it. We've already had 6 of them in the past week. Since when did Sup Forums love "confession" threads all that much? Just trying to understand what you guys get out of sharing these little secrets or whatever.
I enjoyed Fallout 3.
I prefer to use a controller when playing a FPS
With inverted Y axis.
I have invested a total of somewhere around 1000 hours in CoD, but am now sick of it and cant stand to play any of them.
Search "shit" on google you will get better results.
Microsoft will probably bring Halo 3 Anniversary to PC so why even try.
I enjoy CoD's multiplayer.
I kind of liked Dragon Age Inquisition's multiplayer
I hated la noire, and cant understand why anyone would like It. The only good part, the investigations, is surrounded by shitti driving and shooting
I'd enjoy it more if it wasnt branded as halo desu desu. Same with hard line
I clocked 1000+ in Civ 3 Conquests but can't get into Civ 4 or 5.
I like DKC3 the most
I play Overwatch
OP here. So did I, 5 days after release. I never had an issue with it, so didn't think it was worthy of confession status.
But my friend no-lifes it constantly and I lose to him 9/10 matches. He mains Ermac.
I think it's because a lot of people familiar with gaming try and take an elitist standpoint. I like these threads because you can be honest about what you find fun, or what you don't like, and they can lead to actual discussions about the topics.
Sometimes it goes to shit. You never can tell.
>even that of 3 and Reach
3 and reach were bad too.
I think the main reason is that I don't like FPS with a controller at all, and Halo 4 has a bit more of a sticky reticle, which helps me out.
Another is the weapons. The Halo 3 magnum feels like a pea shooter, and doesn't have 2x zoom (which I loved).
Not to mention the Halo assault rifle, one of the least satisfying weapons in the entire FPS genre, is what first greets you in a normal Slayer game mode. Awful.
3 wasnt bad. no hitscan on br was kind of annoying but other than that it was fine.
I have over 300 hours played in Fallout 4 on just one character, and I'm still going. I love it.
Thats because ermac is a fucking monster with the highest skill cap in that game
And your friend is a giant faggot
I can't accept this one
If your really beleive that then you're a child and your opinion is invalid.
I liked Dark Souls 2
Why? Just comfier?
Majora's Mask is the best game in the zelda franchise because of how it sets itself apart from the others. I love that game and I hate most of the zelda franchise including OOT, TP and WW.
Maybe. Like I said though, I'm infinitely more comfortable with KB+M FPS, I just happen to really like Halo, especially the campaigns (which have a level of nuance and flow to them on difficulties above Normal).
Plus I really like being able to have a Battle Rifle right away. It's what makes me love the SWAT game mode, even though I'm not 'MLG' or whatever in the slightest, it just feels like a cool, comfy, sci-fi version of Counter Strike, and I'm okay with that.
no custom games community = shit Halo MP
I think the majority will agree with that. I had an almost 100% file on 64, and have finished it twice more on the 3DS. Love it.
>1 above anything
other than that good list
>Dota 2. Had to spend over 1k hours to realize how much of a shitty game it is.
It's really not that it's a bad game, it's more so that MOBA's are in the competition for most hot garbage genre of video games ever. As far as MOBA's go, it's probably the best, but lipstick on a pig, etc.
Trust me, I have played some Forge and community maps and had a good time, but it's the feel of the game I can't get over, especially after playing 4.
I was okay with it before 4 came out since I had also played Halo 2, but knowing how good 4 feels to play it's hard to go back.
Did you like anything in the game in addition to PvP? That was the biggest redeeming feature for me, and I finished it several times just to horde boss weapons for fighting with, but I didn't have the best time in PvE in order to get them.
I buy and play every single call of duty single player campaign
Though I buy it used and return it 2 days later for a full refund at GameStop
I can agree with you on sprinting, it's hard to go back to older Halo games that lack it
and to an extent I did like the custom classes in Halo 4 so that I could always just spawn with a covenant carbine or a DMR instead of a shitty assault rifle
I didn't play Halo 4 nearly as much as 3 though because the custom games community just wasn't there
I have 1700 wins in league of legends and I play it with a couple friends on a daily basis. I don't even like the game but I don't hate it either. I think the social interaction is enough to keep me playing.
>played a modded game type with no sprint and a faster speed and descoping
It feels like Halo 2.5.
>Liking Halo 4 MP over any game
>Thinking Reach MP was considered good to begin with
Son please.
I thought the only reason people disliked the Reach MP was due to imbalance and issues with stuff like Armor Lock.
I hardly played it, to be honest, but most of it was in couch Co-Op, and I really liked some of the map designs.
I might go stick it in now, actually. There's still ~300 people playing Halo 3, so there must be someone on Reach, too.
Same here. 600+ hours and still going. Adore the multiplayer
I'll also direct this to you, then. Just curious if the PvP is the *only* thing keeping you going, as it is for me.
Especially since, after getting 2 just after release and disliking it, I still got SotFS in a Steam sale. All I played it for was PvP.
I haven't played much multiplayer. I just don't know, I liked the game, I had fun and that's it.
Woops, meant to reply to:
Objectively wrong
R > 3 > 2 > 1 > 5 > 4
I bitch and moan about Jrpgs not having dual audio and being censored but in the end I always buy them day 1.
No I also enjoyed the pve. Ds2 has some great bosses mixed sperated by a lot of shit bosses but ultimately I'm ok with that
Halo 3 is honestly the worst FPS I have ever played, even Legendary was better
halo 5 was a good game excluding the horrendous single player
also i've only phantasy star universe i have never played phantasy star online
Every CoD till 4 was Great and WaW was the last good CoD, yes that includes 3
I dont like fighting games anymore
Not on consoles, I like the arcades, but with a control it feels weird
I dropped Dark Souls 30 minutes into the game.
2A > 2 > 5 > 3 = Reach > CE > 4
2A is nearly perfect. 2's only real problem MP wise was the shit balance, 2A having no BR exploits and the AR and silenced SMG fixes that.
CE's MP is really, really good, but it just hasn't aged well IMO. How it was back in the day or If it got a fresh coat of paint and polish it'd be higher up, tied with with 5
This is true though
Do not feel bad. If the older ones were so much better they would still be populated. MCC has been fixed for awhile yet people prefer modern Halo since it's much faster pace thanks to sprint.
who denies this ?
On their first time through, a lot of people did. Usually they try a later game in the series and love it. Even the Dark Souls streamer and challenge runner Lobos Jr really disliked Demon's Souls the first time he played it.
My friend was the same but he was a dumbass, ignored the tutorials and didn't know about lock-on, then wondered why the combat felt 'floaty' and inaccurate.
In 6 months or a year or so, try it again. You'll probably end up finishing it.
Forced myself to finish it. Pre-Sen's Fortress is the most boring shit in all of Soulsborne and I just can't stand it. DS1 remains my least favorite by a long shot.
Didn't even like Darkroot Garden?
I can understand Undead Burg and the Parish as they're very grey and droll, but there are a few standout parts even before Anor Londo.
I don't like WASD and having to use E, F, M etc... for various other inputs. The mouse is nice for accuracy, but that's all.
E, Q and Tab for your other inputs is as easy as it gets.
I'm not entirely disagreeing that a controller is comfortable too, but a decent hotkey layout and ergonomic desk/chair height can make gaming way better for games that benefit from KB+M.
OC is really good.
I backed might no 9 for $60
Yeah, I'm eventually going to give it another chance but atm I can't really bring myself to it. Relegated to backlog until I'm fucking bored.
Gotta slog through the bad parts to get some really awesome CRPG stuff.
Halo 4 was my favorite as well OP, and I was a competitive H3, Reach, and top 200 H5 player.
I liked Fallout 3 over New Vegas.
Did sprint ruin Halo?
I didn't find Skyrim that fun, nor did I play it after I finished the main quest. The combat was not good enough for me personally.
Still haven't completed a single Fallout game and I don't think I have missed out on anything.
I don;t really get why people praise Zelda so much.
I'm inclined to say yes. The amount of times I've been killed because I was sprinting, and there's a short delay between stopping and lifting your weapon to use.
Plus, you're just deadweight while sprinting. In a Slayer match all you have to do is be better at shooting and blowing up the other team. Literally all they had to do was speed up the base movement speed and I would have been happy.
I think sprint was fine in reach where it was an armor ability.
I think Hatred is a good game
I can see how people like it, I just don't. Wouldn't be saying it in a confessions thread if I wasn't in such a minority.
I have 5000 hours on Dota 2 and counting
Didn't it get patched up a bit to make it more tolerable?
I didn't really like it, and I only bought it because it was super-edgy and I wanted to play it with a friend.
We used a controller.
It was unprecedented levels of awful. For a 'twin stick' shooter, actually having twin sticks really fucked it.
I love Dark Souls 2 even with its obvious flaws. I really like FFXIII and its sequels, even to the point to considering Lightning Returns one of the best games of last gen.
Yea, it did.
True, true.
I've been on a bit of an MMO bender recently and I'm back in to Guild Wars 2, so I have to use KB+M.
>Had to spend over 1k hours to realize how much of a shitty game it is.
That's okay user. I had to spend 2k hours and $400 on League of Legends to realize Riot Games is a terrible company.
Sprint improved Halo by making it faster pace. You still have weapon pick ups and map control as well. There is no downside at all to sprint.
I haven't played through any souls game
Serious Sam 2 is fun and in some places better than BFE.
I enjoyed Mass Effect 3.
I liked BioShock Infinite.
I think the mainline Zelda series has never been below average in quality. Even Skyward Sword was enjoyable.
I haven't finished a single pre-16 bit era game.
I think The Last of Us deserves most of the praise it gets and is probably the best game of the last generation.
I think both consoles and PC are great options depending on what you want.