Which game got you into Fighting Games?

What was that one fighting game that got you hooked on fighting games Sup Forums?

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Battle Arena Toshinden on the PS1. It's where my obsession for ring out victories came from.

Mortal Kombat.

Never got to play it how was it ?

If we're talking casually, Probably smash 64. If we're talking competitive, UMvC3
>Inb4 smash isn't a real fighting game

Smash is a fighting game but just like you said is a casual game trying to play competitive smash is just retarded.

The first I played was obviously SFII but the one that got me in practice mode was Tatsunoko vs Capcom. I actually got to be the best in my city (Im from México) but it was mostly because no one played it. Then I got Blazblue, Marvel, SFIV, Injustice and so on.
Even if I knew how to do shit until Tatsunoko, Darkstalkers has always been my favorite Fighting game

Primal Rage. Still my favorite too.

BB. I tried GG before but I didn't really enjoy it.

Street Fighter 2 Turbo. My siblings loved it.

Tekken Arcade

Was that really a fighting game?
I remember when I saw tekken 3 for the first time in the arcade man , I had to pick up my jaw from the floor.

Primal Rage? Absolutely.

time to look it up, what was it about?

A meteor destroys civilization and awakens seven ancient Gods who look like dinosaurs and giant apes.

So they start fighting each other to see who gets to rule the world.

Damn how did I miss that? maybe not a lot of machines where I use to play.

Street Fighter Alpha 3.

I couldn't even process what the fuck was happening as a little kid. Saturated as fuck colors, announcers yelling at me, supers activating every 10 fucking seconds, but I knew I needed that shit.

SSF2 on Sega Genesis.
MK2 and MK3 on Sega Genesis to a lesser extent. Midway/Netherrealm just kinda rubs me the wrong way when it comes to gameplay

I could never get into Alpha series.

You don't sound like you've played very many fighters, OP.

Which is totally fine. At least you made a quality thread and posted art and shit. Good on you.

OP here , I have played a lot of fighters bro but I was never good at them , I started with SF2 like most people here moved to Darkstalkers , KOF , Marvel vs series , Tekken , Killer Instinct , World Heroes , Soul Calibur etc etc ect

Alpha 2 and 3 were my tops back in the day, X-Men Vs. Street Fighter for the over the top ones, and Smash 64 for casual fighters.

Do you have the full version of this picture at that resolution?

Not the full pic but I think I have the other half.

That shitty dc fighting game on the snes was my first and taught me how to do QCF. I played almost every MK and SF, fighter's destiny was my jam, Soul Calibur weapon master was fun, SF4 was the first I tried hard at because it was the first with decent online and I don't have a local scene or know anybody into fighting games. Oh, primal rage was dece too.


there way more

Tekken 3/4 -> SC2/3 -> SF4 -> All SF previous SF games and then I play everything I guess.
I prefer Blazy-boobs.
I hate Netherrealm fighters and Nyotengu is best woman.

There you go user this guyhas the full pic

thats me i was asking for a bigger version
actually hes just missing one page the one all the way on the left

either way i hope that user keeps dumping these are some great pictures


Who is blonde on the left? I recognize Chun , Ivy and Mileena.
That was me user here is the last part.

sick im going to try and stitch these together some day

why is every smash inferior to melee?

also, how hype do you get when the sm4sh menu music is this?


I have some really good pics from the art book but the images are too big , I'm also trying not to have the thread fall into girl posting only , I like tits but once in a while is goo to jut post normal stuff.



That blonde laying on the ground doesn't look very healthy...

Skullgirls. Came for Peacock, stayed for Big Band. Now here I am waiting for Balrog and Honda in SFV

I actually just picked up a fighting game for the first time a few months ago. KI is my baby now, jut hit Killer a couple weeks ago

lol never notice her before.
Skull girls is fun , i still play it once in a while
KI was alot more fun than I had first anticipated user , I really like Rash and Sadira.


Who /bloodyroar/ here?


Last one I played was BR 3 never played it after that.

Melty Blood Actress Again Current Code.

Pirated it one day on a whim, now I have lots of fighting games for PS3/PC and a bootleg arcade running MBAACC.

Tina from DOA!






I used to play MK1/2/Ultimate (for whatever reason, I never saw 3 irl) a lot when I was a child, and at arcades the Capcom crossover games (saw CotA once, and saw a shitton of places with XvsSF, MSHvsSF and MVC1), this was from 1995~1999 I think

In 2007 I downloaded some emulators and started trying to learn to do shit properly in SFA3 and Third Strike, and started reading a lot about fightan, in 2008 I went to another city to live by myself, got me a PS3, a 42" Bravia and SF4, tried to get into it as hard as I could, used to play it till morning, new game, everyone was starting "anew", sort of, had a shitload of fun

Then came MVC3, MK9, and holy shit did I have fun with these new releases, their DLCs/expansions (SF4 included too, of course), and then I moved back to my old town... and nobody plays them here. Fuck I'm rusty. I went today to a very small event here, got first place in MVC3 (yes, they were using the vanilla game, unpatched, 1,300,000 life Sentinel and all), and only me and 2 other people were playing it (they were complete ass at the game, they couldn't pull off 3 hit combos), then went on to MKX which I lost at semifinals (they were all shitters, but I haven't touched the game for so long, so joke's on me), and the other fighting games they had were Naruto (which I've never played) and Marvel Kinect (I shit you not)

I had no idea I'd miss having a local scene this much. Fuck. Competition really brings the best out of people.

I gotta make some money and get the fuck out of this shithole
I live in Brazil

huge thank you to the user that dumped those pictures they are great


is this all from an art book?


Blessed Capcom. Truly they make the greatest girls in all of vidya.

Street Fighter 2 and Samurai Shodown

>that Honda

I really wish they'd be more adventurous with making their characters look different in the games as they get older

Yeah I believe so


anyone read any of the SF mangas?

OP here , ok guys I think I'm done posting pics on this thread and maybe I should just do full dump tomorrow on /wg/ , they do allow pics bigger than 4 megs right?

ty for the dump either way

LOL I tried but some of the pics are still too big.