Who is the demographic of Playstation consoles?

Who is the demographic of Playstation consoles?

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Don't forget mudslimes, they love to play fifa in the refugee housings in europe

I buy Sony platforms for japanese games :3

dudebros, weebs, kids, hardcores, older guys, casuals, manchildren
that's why playstation is so successful because it's for everyone while nintendo is mainly for kids and manchildren while microsoft is pandering to american dudebros

that's the mustard race
I would know

People who want to play street fighter but not buy an NSAbox

Top selling PS4 game list (as of 21st May 2016)



there's a nice informative video that showcases the kind of people Sony targets: youtube.com/watch?v=RpEn-pM-ny8

>"muh exclusives"
>"muh bloodborne"
>doesn't have a single exclusive in top17 sold games

Now I'm noticing though, why besides NBA pretty much every game sold better in Europe? I thought USA was the land of the consoles.

This user gets it

Euros have shit taste obviously.

Considering their types of ips, this could be true, also furries because of RC and Sly

>Fallout 4
I have video games

Well besides a few jap devs that have global appeal Sony basically has the japanese vidya industry in their back pocket


Weebs and Europeans.


>I don't like it so nobody else can either

Please kys

ps4 is selling twice as much as xbone in america

Dudebros. We've known this for years.

Congratulations! You have video games!

said the wow addicted nintendo autist

Thanks, user. I always knew I could do it.

Normies and people who actually function.

PC: Autists and Nazis
Nintendo: Manchildren
Microsoft: Teens and Spoiled brats

I forgot about blacks and mexicans.

People who are only comfortable playing 2-3 different types of games.

Are all white people PC gamers?


Everybody that likes to play video games.

Their sales somply reflect who the largest group of people playing consoles are: casual adult males.

They do target everyone else though. It's how you have Ratchet & Clank alongside Bloodborne, and Uncharted 4 and Sportsfriends alongside Journey, Toren and Amplitude.

Simply put: any given Playstation comsole's library is what Nintendo fans imagine Ninty's home consoles have.

people 16 years old and younger.

Why do you think sonyggers are the worst fanbase?

Twelve year olds who want to feel older?

Sony targets pretty much every fanbase, people who like japanese vidiya, people who like western vidiya, people who like both, action platformer people, souls people, arpg people, weebs, jrpg fans, mecha fans, VN fans, niche japanese fans, rhythm game fans, turn based fans, action game fans, racing sim fans, too many fanbases to cover, people who want unique games like dreams and tomorrow children, and gravity rush or even emotional adventure games like TLG.

They hit many fanbases, really you're only a sonygger if you enjoy most of the genres I just listed, Sony has a lot of variety

Sony is MASSIVE in Europe, the continent is pretty much Playstation's primary market.

>Why do you think sonyggers are the worst fanbase?

I didn't buy into this that much until E3.

I stayed in the sticky for each conference and that fucking Sony one gave me a fucking headache. It was like a bunch of chimps in a shitflinging circlejerk. 200 trillion goldfaces later and I will never doubt sonygger meme again.

Made the other ones look like the best threads Sup Forums ever had by comparison.

Bear in mind: a huge amount of sales must be digital.

>complaining about retards on an anonymous shithole
try neogaf if you want polite video game disscusions
I don't

>Made the other ones look like the best threads Sup Forums ever had by comparison.

Tragically true. Don't mention the millions of shitpost threads claiming sony won e3 this year.

Now replace Sony with PC or Nintendo and you get the exact same thing.

Good to know there are so many Sony fans on Sup Forums though.

Yet you can't have a single thread for a game on a sony platform without it being shitposted to death.

man, japs dont buy a shit

>Nintendo WON E3 with a SINGLE game
>here let me spam my tech demo in your threads

every single fanbase claimed they won e3, only retards think one is worse than the other

>>"muh bloodborne"
The only people who treat Bloodborne like it's special are Soulsfags. I own a PS4, played Bloodborne, enjoyed it, but it's not that fucking special, man. You're perpetuating "muh bloodborne" more than Playstation owners are.


And into the trash it goes

People with class and respect for the medium of games.

we had bunch of spiderman threads last night without shitposting

>200 trillion goldfaces later and I will never doubt sonygger meme again.
Have you considered that this is because this cancerous board turns this shit into memes and everyone here is a fucking memelord schadenfreude obsessed faggot?

Every ""fanbase"" does this when it's topical to do so.

Protip, faggot: This board has become obsessed with cancerous half-ironic platform wars, not any one fanbase on it.


Sex-E Cocos

Pretty much any person you can think of.

I can guarantee you've owned a Sony console. You probably have a ps4 right now.

They are not that fond of western product apparently. Many hollywood movies are massive flops there, lost to love live movies.

This is completely right.

>he's never played counter strike with brazilians

Marvel films do great and Star Wars was the #1 movie last year

>Fifa did better in Europe than North America

people who want to play video games

sony doesn't cater to a single demographic in the way that microsoft and nintendo seem to.

