He is tired too Edition
>who the fuck are all these edgy memers
>manequins shennanigans
is this the end? will capcom stop the ruse tomorrow?!
He is tired too Edition
>who the fuck are all these edgy memers
>manequins shennanigans
is this the end? will capcom stop the ruse tomorrow?!
Should I stream for you faggots?
what are you going to do once capcom drops the bomb?
I'm tired bros. I just want this mystery to be solved.
Do it my nigga fagalaga
Sleep and go back to having a healthy life.
Stream for Andre
Just a reminder that the HUSBANDO POOL is still open
So,the mannequin shenanigan is confirmed to not work?
Welp,guess we're back to square 1.
How do you put the mannequin finger on Andre?
Kill yourself immediately.
K I'm new to this so hold for a bit
Yall gay. Enjoy the aids (welcome to the) family.
to the memes guy
sorry i could not add your pics this time
i'm tired as fuck so ill be out for some time
next one will be your moment to shine motherfucker
I'm calling it Barry is Family man after Rev2 Natalia/Alex experiments on Moira and Barry's nameless "Son" and Barry had to kill them to survive.
Barry just wants his family and his "Son" back.
Pic is Barry having to kill his "Son" in the next movie.
Psst, add spaces after your commas
Hopefully we'll have it solved by then.
Don't you fags think that with the collective thousands of hours people have put into playing and theorising about the finger and axe that, if something was actually possible, it would've been found by now?
Look at what you retards did. I hope you enjoy listening to a raspy 16 year old spouting Sup Forums memes on twitch. You brought this on yourselves.
Oh yes undoubtedly. I'm 99 percent sure it's unfinished, I'm only staying here because of that one tiny percent, essentially just enjoying the ride.
FUCK off. You are the faggot that has been begging people to do this for the past few days.
Millions upon millions of hours were put into Halo before megg was found.
Collective thousands of hours/people don't matter. These thread are proof that the vast majority of people are completely unable to think outside the box, so 10,000 of them is effectively the same as 1 of them.
I don't have a PS4 and haven't played this but i've suggested things like stand facing a wall and then plug in the VR headset to emulate andre's doom. People didn't think of shit like this.
As if i actually watch streams
If i want to try out shit i'll do it myself
i love how this threads are triggering Sup Forums purists fags
>no fun allowed
well, that right there is a retarded idea anyway. No way would that trigger anything. Thinking outside of the box isnt the same as drooling all over it.
We've literally tried everything. Have you not seen the guy on twitch who's interested he verge of killing himself as he continues his 12 hour stream?
Like said. I'm positive it's unfinished. I'm just here for that 1% chance.
An easter egg in halo which took years to be found.
yeah instead of thinking of novel, creative, intelligent ideas you should go around hitting every surface with the axe. that'll yield something.
>because i'm not able to think outside the box, outside the box thinking is dumb!
pretty definitive neo Sup Forums thinking right there.
it is as clear as Andre homosexuality
the results keep coming
the demo is memes
VOTE: strawpoll.me
>VR headset
It's October?
Where did this meme originate?
Well P.T. was figured out in a day, and the puzzles and the sequence in which they had to be done weren't that simple. So I'd say peiple thought out of the box. It's just totally not finished. Think about it
>Be dev team for RE
>Bored day at the office
>"Hey guys, remember P.T.? What if we made the same thing for our new game?"
>"I'll do you one better, make it and release it unfinished."
This leads to unlimited keks and huge marketing.
But hey that's just a theory, a
Can someone please give me a run down of why Sup Forums is losing their shit over this kojima level ruse cruise?
people have them; it doesn't matter if you don't. demos are not made for you, they're made for insiders who have social media pull.
The solution to this demo involves plugging in the PSVR headset, which is why it hasn't been discovered yet.
Pretty obvious...Kinda like, blindingly obvious.
Do i have to play the demo many times?
That's an incorrect theory since PT copied RE. RE7 was in development before PT and Kojima took inspiration from it.
Meant for
You're a real baka,do you realise that?
But how do you know this demo was a thing, let alone a thought b4 p.t.?
it requires PSVR to finish. why this isn't obivous to people here id on't even understand
the guy facing a wall blair witch style is kind of screaming in your ear that you need to "face a wall" to advance.
screenshot this. i dont own a ps4 i dont play RE games. the solution can only be found with PSVR, it is simply common sense.
There's an interview about it on Gamespot.
>I have never played this game before nor have I ever played any of it's predecessors, but I swear I know how to get the secret ending!
You gotta source on that? I'm not saying I don't believe you, but I'm not in a position to look it up at the moment.
I'm streaming now I think
Yes, user, I have a ~140 IQ, I don't have to play a game to understand intent. The intent of RE7 is to sell PSVR.
People thinking they can pass the demo without a PSVR set don't seem to understand the point of the game's entire existence
I'm sorry, but I am smarter than you and it actually hurts me to watch you be stupid. I wish I could be more on your level, down with the animals.
someone save this for the next bread, i will miss the 500 hitmark today
>He, nothing personal kid
Yes because it makes perfect sense for them to release the demo and the only way to solve the mystery is to wait 5 months until they can buy a brand new console to solve the mystery
Gosh,you sure are clever.
is 'producers come and go' the best meme of 2016?
Because Capcom said there was a way to 'beat' it and some of their underlings have said there are uses for the items.
And yet, almost a week later, the Finger and Axe do nothing and the only way to the game is to be adopted.
screenshot the post and watch in a few months when demo units are hitting streamers.
I told you what's up. You can listen or not. Some people are smarter than you; eventually you will hopefulyl learn to spot and listen to them.
They never specified on what items are key. I think that the boltcutters plays a big part in the ending.
Huh. Well I still stand by my theory, just without the P.T. part. Thanks for the read.
I was looking at the wall with the markings on it, I crouched and got caught myself on the little ledge on it. I looked around and was able to clip my head through the wall (and found another wall). doing more looking around I got a view of some of the markings better and walk to the right and found new markings. Two circles with a line going down the middle of it. Not sure what to do with it but it's something, right?
>The Family Man will make us have the kinkiest of sex with Aunt Rhody.
I'm not wasting memory on my computer just for you to be proven wrong. Screencap your own shit if you want. Hell,I'll even let you come over to my house and fuck my wife's daughter if your are right.
One dude said that the axe is used upstairs or the attic of someshit
Who is this aunt. I keep seeing her name in these threads.
Key slot maybe?
Definitely an interesting find,user.
> get idea to put a mannequin behind me so family man can't punch me
> turn around
> "welcome to the family, son", but my player doesn't turn around to get punched
> camera locks up facing my legs
> here there everywhere from outbreak starts playing
> inventory menu opens up on its own
> finger gets selected automatically
> animation of pants dropping
> camera bobbing simulating getting thrusted
> family man grunting sfx i've never heard before
> viewpoint starts moving, family man is thrusting me around the house
> family man thrusts me all the way into the basement
> fov starts thrusting on basement pipe as if i'm sucking it
That dude is gay considering some twitch streamer spent 26 hours hitting everything you can hit with the axe.
Tell me about the Family Man, why does he wear the glasses?
nothign will ever be anything that requires you to fucking stand there and stare at a wall
jesus fuck some of you are so fucking rretarded just cant see the world whatsoever past your own nose
>"yes they would clearly implement shit that involved just looking at walls for hours"
why the fuck would they do that user tell me
Anyone try messing with the lamp near the chimney? It's got a white cord attached to it leading to the tv.
They did It for PT
>inb4 that wasn't for normalfags
When has resident evil ever been for them either?
If you're solve7, I think you were trying to get the cassette spindle to show up. At the color test screen turn off your controller. When it enters the video mode wait ~60 seconds and it'll show up. You can turn your controller back on, but don't unpause unless you're done.
Obviously Aunt Rhody is the Family Man's Aunt, catch up idort.
You are pretty retarded for someone with an IQ of 140.
the husbando poll is pretty even
even for a husbando dev, that just fucked up the demo
We'll soooorrryy ya foogit
>At the color test screen turn off your controller.
You just have to pause with the options button
PT doesnt fucking exist friend
>when has resident evil been for normalfags
since resident evil 1? series has been all about mainstream popualrity since day 1. i laugh if you dont think this is the case, magazines sperged harder about RE1 and especially 2 than practically any game i have ever seen
You can do that, but this is 100% effective. No chance of missing or messing up.
It's okay, welcome to The Family!
Really? Wow... thank you so much!
>dummy finger
All we had to do was follow Andre
Just make sure you go tell Aunt Rhody to put another plate out.
Pic related tells you welcome to the family how does that make you feel?
Official rez 7 memes
>The various lines of dialogue in game
>Following Andre
Do you actually think the axe has a purpose in the demo? I'm guessing it was put in just to let people know there would be combat in the final game.
Someone replace the scissor boy with family man coming to punch the face
Nah, I'm guessing the character you play as is Lucas
>Pete doesn't like you
>you're the last one to be caught
>Famalam literally welcomes you, his son back to the family
Famalam is an essential meme.
So is the finger.
Well aunt, put out another one. Kinda makes me sad, so much violence, not enough sexy ghost grill pics.
Anyone has the 1080p image of family man?
>you're the last one to be caught
>Famalam literally welcomes you, his son back to the family
Have you played this yet?
Holy shit,I never thought of it that way. That actually sounds feasible.
I knew I'm missing some, thanks for the reply