Can you name a more deluded, autistic, fucking obnoxious fanbase of a gaming company or studio than Platinum?
Can you name a more deluded, autistic, fucking obnoxious fanbase of a gaming company or studio than Platinum?
yeah, anything undertale.
Modern Naughty Dog fans
No one that actually played wow for 12 years non stop can me called sane.
Undertale is good you're opinion is shit
look at the current state of Sup Forums and you know the answer is Nintendo
Modern Naughty Dog
That was easy.
nintendo fans, easily
>spend years insulting people for playing shooters
>shit themselves over splatoon
>spend years insulting people over playing shitty empty open world games
>shit themselves over zelda, xenoblade
Obnoxious? Sony, Souls and Sonicfags have them beat
Kojimadrones like you
Blizzard, Naughty Dog, Sony, Nintendo, Valve, Sega, From, etc
From software
No it isn't you autistic faggot.
We are not talking about games, you know?
you mean undertale is a derivative, poorly made, rip-off, cancerous meme of a game with the worst fan base since my little pony then yeah.
I have never seen, hear or talked to a single reasonable person who likes undertale and don't smell so bad I can feel it through the computer.
As much as I agree with you I've never seen Nintendofags attack shooters and open world games.
Understale, bioware, ea, ubisoft, Nintendo post 64, metroid prime, post mgs3 fans etc. Say what you want about platnium but they aren't popular enough to bitch about their fan base. Though choosing radien over grey fox is retarded
Nintendo and Platinum fags are the worse.
and fromsoft for the "LE DARK SOLS SO HARD" people
The one you like
This is Sup Forums so it will be the opposing fanbase of the user who answers.
See these as my example.
Now I'm a pc+ ps4 + 3ds masterrace so i say xbots since they are the ones i hate most.
I liked Undertale despite the gameplay only being fun for one playthrough (thankfully you can skip almost all fights without consequence) and the story being retarded hypocritical. It tries to blur the lines between humans and non-humans while painting morality as completely black and white. I don't know if the creator is a furry or not but I don't necessarily blame the game for the autistic furry fucks that love it. It's not like the monsters are exclusively animals (though I believe most are).
I personally cant stand PC players with their "better money spent than you"
But I'm the last guy you replied to and I have a PC + Vita + 3DS + PS4. It's just that platinumfags aren't even comparable to the rabid fanboys of other companies/games.
nu-souls fans
Undertale, Smash
I'm sure there are ones much worse than Platinum.
>derirative rip-off
of what? Inb4 earthbound, there are a plethora of differences between the two
>poorly made
in what way? It runs perfectly
From fans
fucking easy. zeldashits. i like still somewhat nintendo, too
If we're counting their work as clover studios as being Platinum then they have legit made some amazing games. MGR was great and madworld and vanquish are ok but not amazing
Rust, DOTA 2, LoL, WoW.
undertale was developed by one person, not a gaming company
Your favorite company fans
Naughty Dog
>First post is an attempt to start a shitstorm
wew lad. Undertale is barely even relevant anymore.
They have fans post-Destiny? Before that they were alright.
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>>First post is an attempt to start a shitstorm
You mean like OP?
Fromsoft fans
At least Platinum's games are self-aware enough to be silly.
Fromsoft is what happens when Plat stops being fun, and every thread is "GIT GUD" and "DEEPEST LORE" shit
Right. I forgot what board I was on for a second.
Guess which fanbase OP supports based on the fact that he felt the need to create a thread specifically targeting Platinum.
I'm thinking From Software.
Why do you give a shit?
This. Someone told me that even the guy who directed dark souls 3 would say uncharted 4 would be game of the year when I told him I liked the souls games better than uncharted.
That would be unsurprising as the guy who directed DaS3 obviously has middling taste in vidya
Like some of that isn't self aware either.
Any console company.
This. Anyone who bitches about any fanbase is usually worse than anyone in that fanbase.
I don't think Miyazaki would be a fan of overly scripted games like that, but I could be wrong.
>pc game companies
They still exist?
The games aren't. The games are 100% Serious Business
Which is why the fanbase spergs out so hard over them. Because You Don't Make Light of Serious Business. Git Gud or Git Rekt.
Platinum fans spend their time making videos of pointlessly stylish play and sharing them with each other. Souls fans drop into each others' games to gank one another at the most optimally irritating moments.
That was their entire MO up until Nintendo started making their own.
>hurr mature games for mature gamers
>durr every shooter is brain-dead garbage (except Metroid Prime and Timesplitters 2)
>open worlds are empty and boring
SMASH and Poke autists.
Although they probably overlap with Platinum shitters.
Don't forget
>spend years insulting people for liking tits
>cream themselves over one chick at E3
I've never played any of their games. Whats wrong with them?
This is the angry twitter mans company, right?
Is it just me or are there any awful lot of shitposts and shit threads today?
>spend years insulting people for liking tits
Now you're just talking out of your ass.
Ok fair enough. I was just saying some of the git gud and deepest lore posting is ironic. Some not all.
Are you like the guy from Memento? This is Sup Forums every day for at least the past 6 years.
To enjoy a game by Platinum takes a certain kind of person; the kind of person who, if he discovered a glitch that let him bypass a puzzle in Portal, wouldn't exploit it until he figured out how to solve the puzzle the way it was supposed to be solved.
What I mean is to appreciate a game by Platinum you have to be able and willing to challenge yourself even if the game doesn't want to. To waste time trying to earn Pure Platinum rankings or mastering cool-looking tech even though you could cheese through the game easily if you were so inclined.
People who expect games to punish them brutally for the tiniest error just don't get it, and don't get why the games are so highly regarded.
DMC3 fans become Platinum fans. NG:B fans become Souls fans. That's just how it is.
Easy. Nintendrones, Sonyggers, Soulsfags, and tumblrtale.
Truth hurts huh? Its okay son, flatfag days are over.
God the game is shit get over it 3 was better just because that shit game has a lot of fedora tipping and different endings they think is gold
More than usual I mean.
The shit that flies out of the ass belonging to a being denser than a black hole is pretty dangerous, yeah.
>love NGB
>hate fromsoft souls games
Their non Souls games are good, are you only comparing Ninja Gaiden to Souls only because they are both labeled as hard games?
Sorta... Well, because both games derive their primary appeal from being downright unforgiving action games.
They don't give two shits about you, the player, or your good time. You're a fuck-up until you prove otherwise, and boy oh boy do you have a lot of proving to do.
I know their actual gameplay isn't all that similar (dodge rolls notwithstanding), it's just that core ethos of "having fun? No? Fuck you, you haven't EARNED your fun, now quit crying like a bitch and get up" is similar to both.
And stands in stark contrast to the DMC/Platinum style of "if you're getting your ass kicked, there are all these tools that will help you get through it easier. It will hurt your rating to [use items / handicap the boss / cheese one OP move] so you might wanna try again once you're better, but don't feel bad about moving on and seeing more cool shit for a while!"
PC only players.
Nintendo takes the fucking cake , a bunch of normie fags just riding the band wagon, Mark my fucking words when gaming is no longer "cool"
>3fag talking shit on obsidian
No surprises here. I'd be mad too if my favorite game was btfo'd that hard.
its a shitty earthbound clone with furry pandering
They play nothing alike
3 is just shit now get over it
consolefags, no contest
>muh poor specs locked OS box
>muh physical media
>I buy games to sell them lol
>muh paid online (???)
>muh community is better yours is shit
>cawm pew tur is for working you can't plug controllers on it and you can't plug it on a TV!
>this game isn't going to be an exclusive? lol who cares about it
>this game is an exclusive to [my favorite console]? it's 11/10 GOTYAY suck it other people
>this game is an exclusive to another console? it's complete shit
>this game isn't an exclusive anymore? IT WAS ALWAYS SHIT ANYWAYS
>who cares about backwards compatibility lol
PCfags might be annoying, but at least they're on the lesser evil side
just imagine a world where people weren't fanboys of anything, what a wonderful place it'd be
>still mad he didn't get Bloodborne
Lel get over it fag
There is nothing worse in this industry than a hypocrite. They transcend boundaries and exist in all fandoms, and all consoles They are the true problem in any given fandom. Take some examples.
>platinum fans call Undertale "tumblr shit" because it has a strong female in it
>they cream themselves over Bayonetta
>Nintendo fans hate on games like Uncharted and Call of Duty for being "Casual" and "requiring no skill"
>several million sales for Pokemon, Animal Crossing and Kirby
>Sony fans lambast MS for charging for online
>suddenly playstation plus is met with unanimous applause
>MS fans hate on sony for making casualized hallway simulators and weak shooters
>Sunset Overdrive and Halo top sales charts
>pc fan says origin is bad because drm sucks
>will demand that all games be locked to denuvo or steam (and even though I'm okay with the latter, nothing should be forced to it. the pc should be a platform of choice)
Yes, I know Sup Forums isn't one person. But the point is that, oftentimes in the same exact post, by the same exact person, I will hear these contradictory thoughts. It's infuriating that people can hold such cognitive dissonance and outright denial of reality.
thanks for proving my point
I hope they patch it to run at 60 on the PS4K
they'll never remove the blur though, fuck