So uh, why do we hate this game again? Surely it isn't only because it was praised to death from mainstream gaming sites, right? Because that is extremely petty reason to hate something.
Just beat Last of Us
Kill yourself.
Joel doomed humanity
>falling for the Sup Forums mind
But he's right, we do hate it.
He did LITERALLY nothing wrong.
This was the correct decision though.
Humans are highly likely to outlive the spores anyway
>Sup Forums is one person
Kill yourself. With that out of the way, I really liked TLOU.
Because Sup Forums hate popular things that aren't Nintendo. It's a hipster hivemind mate, haven't you noticed.
They're both shit, and TWD is a multiplat.
people spend so much effort shitposting
>Because Sup Forums hate popular things that aren't Nintendo
This isn't 2014 anymore.
Sup Forums hates Sony, games that aren't on PC and agreeing with mainstream media.
It's a Playstation exclusive
it's a perfectly fine game, not the best game ever or horrible, it's decent. It had a ton of hype though and is Playstation exclusive. If it were a multiplatform title it wouldn't get nearly as much hate here.
>I'm about to trole Sup Forums
Still a huge Nintendo bias here incase you haven't noticed.
With the exception of Zelda, I'd say that the bias has started to die down due to Nintendo constantly censoring everything.
The bottom ones are mostly subjective. I think your argument would be stronger like this
That's one of the only totally accurate trolling images posted on Sup Forums. So glad I come to laugh and rarely post.
I wondered the same about Dragon Age Inquisition. The cisquisition stuff put me off of it when it came out but I got it for cheap recently and the cisquisition stuff was just shitposting. There's no SJW or gay agenda at work there. A few of them are gay but they don't mention it unless you choose the romance options. Otherwise they're all business. None of it is shoved in your face, you have to go looking for it intentionally.
People can't get over the fact TLoU actually has gameplay as opposed to TWD, and that TWD is more of an interactive movie than TLoU is.
game is decent but highly over rated. I don't understand why they said the story was so good. It was pretty much a typical zombie story. I did like how the decaying cities and town had a lot of green on them. Much better than brown and gray shit.
I'd say if you take the time to really try to get invested in the emotional side of the game, its above average for me for the presentation side. The sound production was through the roof for this game, both in gameplay and cutscenes. Which is something I can't stress enough, good sound makes a huge difference.
Not making any decent games is a good reason also.
Because it's a ladder carrying simulator.
There isn't a whole lot of game play which means it should have a good story.
Unfortunately the story is so fucking cliché but emo teens love it. Journalists and such tried to use it in the games as art debate but really it proves the opposite.
Is dark souls a lever pulling simulator?
I thought it was kinda okay, I guess
On a technical level, both sound and visual design, it was fucking fantastic.
My biggest issues with the game were things like the ammo drop roulette, lack of enemy variety, and AI issues. Also kinda wish death had more of a consequence but that's the state of modern games. Maybe lose all of the ammo and items you used or something.
Hardly. It's almost anti-Nintendo at this point. Have you not noticed the shift? This place went from thank you cards to wishing they're dead.
E3 2015 was Nintendo's burial here for the most part.
It's not a game, it's a moviegame. But it just happens to be the best of the moviegame genre.
>implying they'd find a cure just by cutting her apart
>But it just happens to be the best of the moviegame genre.
But Heavy Rain and Asura's Wrath exist.
>My biggest issues with the game were things like the ammo drop roulette, lack of enemy variety, and AI issues.
I played on hard, and I actually really liked how scarce the ammo was. Every shot really did count, and when you didn't have supplies, you were forced to make do. It forced me to play in ways I wasn't comfortable with because I had to, really made the whole survival-feel feel authentic and real.
I do agree with enemy variety and AI issues. There were a few moments where the AI would run around in circles behind cover, thankfully nothing too stupid though.
The hate for Sony is soooooo much more biased it's unreal dude and for no reason. What Sony is putting out is by far superior and they get so much more hate. It's so easy to tell Sup Forums is in most part a bunch of teenagers that just wanna hate on the most popular thing. It's lame as fuck.
I just beat TLOU 2 weeks ago and then Left Behind last week
I went in with such low expectations because of Sup Forums that I ended up loving it
>game is about 15 hours long, including 2 hours of cutscenes
>4 moments in the game where you carry a ladder
>"There isn't a whole lot of gameplay"
You are telling lies about a game you haven't played on the internet. Don't you feel like a pathetic human being?
I see people complain so much about Sonyfans like its a huge problem. Like whenever people talk about worst fanbase, Sony fans are always the top. But I never see these Sony fans ever. Where is the shitposting?
I think PC users blame all the PC bashing on Sony fans. Can't think of much else.
>saying a game is overrated by critics means you hate it
Fucking hell OP
The hatred is exaggerated for both PC and Sony, honestly. It's just a lot of falseflagging and is a serious issue here.
Hell, it's even an ebin maymay with the "NOOOOOOOOO" wojak posts (which should constitute an instant ban, jesus fucking christ)
he thinks he's allowed to have an opinion on TLOU because he saw Dunkey's video
Thats the best when you expect nothing and is pleasantly surprised.
Im calling it a night but tomorrow Im starting Left Behind. Is it good? I already know about the lesbo kiss which is eh but besides that is it nice?
heh, you act like it was the wrong thing to do... joel did the right thing... humanity is a disgrace anyway... so much scum... *takes off longcoat* the other day... i saw people disagreeing with my political views... that made me lose my faith in humanity... if my mommy didn't tell my not to... heh... they wouldn't be saying stuff like that again... *unsheaths katana* ...that's why joel did the right thing... let humanity burn... *eats cheetos*
Because it's shitty, bland, and repetitive as fuck.
It's a fucking terrible GAME, and if the devs wanted to tell a story they could've easily written a miniseries or film short.
if Sony fans were the worst and dominant fanbase on Sup Forums, why would they vote for themselves?
think about it
the difficulty of the game isnt centered on death, most people don't get it (mostly because faggots on Sup Forums either never played it or played it on hard or less) but it is actually centered on management of resources.
Try playing the game on survivor or grounded, throughout the whole game you will only have 3 or 4 bullets on any gun if you are lucky at any time, you need to get past a fuckload of zombies and hostile humans (either of them can kill you easily if confronted with more than 1 or 2 at a time) with little means to defend yourself. At some points you will be forced to use your ammo, this parts can be hard as fuck.
The game is praised because it translates the narrative of surviving in a post apocaliptic world to game mechanics (low ammo, run or fight situations, makeshift weapons, etc), if it wasn't a Sony game Sup Forums would actually consider it a great game
yeah I enjoyed it, it's more Ellie gameplay with some addition to the story
Short as fuck, some parts are really cool as you will actually fight between infected and humans, unfortunately this parts are scarce, most of it is lesbo romance (which is actually fun sometimes, you will get my point when you get to the part just before the kiss)
I don't hate it, but the gameplay is fairly light when you could have had something far more in-depth without sacrificing story, and it's obnoxiously overhyped.
im sorry you didnt like it user. Not everyone likes the same kind of toys as you. Im sorry I liked this toy and you didnt. Im sure it didnt interfere with you playing with your toys
most of these awful sonyfans are actually other PC players false flagging. Sony vs PC has become a meme in the past few years, mostly because Sony represents the only barrier stopping PC from becoming the best gaming platform. All XBONE exclusives are coming to PC, Nintendo has games totally different to what PC offers (more of a niche fanbase) but Sony actually offers neat exclusives that you cannot get on PC on top of every PC multiplat available, that is why they have to shit on every bad aspect of Sony there is
>Is it good?
pretty boring, very little combat
i would have preferred they focus more on the time she spent while joel was injured rather than that gay flashback crap
>Try playing the game on survivor or grounded, throughout the whole game you will only have 3 or 4 bullets on any gun if you are lucky at any time, you need to get past a fuckload of zombies and hostile humans (either of them can kill you easily if confronted with more than 1 or 2 at a time) with little means to defend yourself. At some points you will be forced to use your ammo, this parts can be hard as fuck.
Have you played on either of those difficulties? I played on hard and it got difficult during some parts, Im honestly pretty scared to play on Survivor or Grounded. Without my Listen Mode safety blanket I feel like I will be losing years on my life from the stress.
>The game is praised because it translates the narrative of surviving in a post apocaliptic world to game mechanics (low ammo, run or fight situations, makeshift weapons, etc), if it wasn't a Sony game Sup Forums would actually consider it a great game
One thing I often do is, I picture if the game was not that well known and created by some small time studio. Imagine if Last of Us was just some no name title by some no name studio and no one really knew about it? It would be praised as all fuck. Helps get rid of bias
the game is very easy on hard mode and you still get tons of ammo roulette
I don't disagree that the game does a lot right, but you shouldn't need to play on survivor or grounded (a difficulty that didn't even exist at launch) to make the game a more believable survival experience. Ammo roulette still happens on survivor and the AI is still really predictable on survivor. They should have used the stalkers a lot more because they're the most unpredictable infected type.
I mean personally I didn't like it that much. Felt empty. Combat/stuff to actually do besides walk slowly was sparse. Also how come Ellie has a knife, but Joel has to craft breakable shivs? pretty immersion breaking for a game all about that sorta thing desu
its a bad game
I used to think that I would be fucked without listen mode, but then I played Grounded mode because I saw people recommending it on Sup Forums, I highly recommend it, the game changes completely, it feels as it was made to be played without the listen mode and they added it later for people who only wanted the story. You get used to grounded mode pretty quickly, the game becomes much more fast paced and the AI gets much better.
TLOU on Grounded mode is easily one of my favorite games ever
What I never understood about this game is why do you fags all praise the multiplayer. IT'S CERTIFIED HORSESHIT
>viewkick out the ass
>skill based matchmaking that teams you up with players that lack thumbs if you're even a slightly above average player
Multiplayer is trash, and if you defend that shit, you're a moron.
The campaign is pretty fun though.
>Implying TWD is bad
>Implying TWD isn't better written
>Implying TWD isn't more sophisticated
>Implying TLOU isn't a movie
Fucking kek.
I really feel like they designed the game for Grounded mode but eliminated that mode when they were doing the marketing studies.
Because the gameplay was terrible, the story was cliche, I got bored when it was sneaking > sneaking from clickers > some action > sneaking > sneaking from clickers. The entire game.
For about half the game I didn't use Listen Mode because I thought it was L1 instead of R1, couldnt figure out why it wasn't activating. For the gameplay I did without it, it was indeed very fun. I just worry about some of the later areas with clickers and stuff with no listen mode.
But I will give it a try if you say it its so amazing. Its hard not to use listen mode when its there, but if Im forced without it, could be fun
I like it. Joel did nothing wrong. He acted as he should have. The Fireflies are shit. Even if they made a 'cure', it wouldn't matter because it only takes one motivated guy to decimate their entire group.
>So uh, why do we hate this game again?
Rose and Nate both like it.