Resident Evil : Umbrella Corps

Will it be dead on arrival?

Capcom is splitting action re and horror re into two separate groups.

But does a 3v3 re game sound like it'll have any bit more in longevity than Metal Gear online?

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Fuck if I know, I've never heard of this until now.

I honestly thought it was already out and that it was so shit that everyone had already forgotten about it.

When was it announced?

Capcom puts retard in re. Franchise was doing so well, 6>5>4 and stellar revelations 2 game. And now this shite... fucking nostalgia fags ruined everything with their endless bitching

between RE7 and REmake 2, who honestly cares about this shit anyway.

>rev 2

>putting 6 above 4

You can't be older than 14.


With taste this bad, you can't honestly expect to be taken seriously with this opinion, can you?

>still thinking RE4 was good
I wish i was 16 again

>fags comparing this to other re games when it's obvious so fucking different
>Fags actually think RE is/was a survival horror game

It looks actually looks fun and has good gameplay from what I played at

Rev 2 wasn't even the best rev game

I'm not sure what it is, you have a gameplay video?
It's coop?

A while ago?

Comes out this Tuesday, the 21st

Nigga you can't be this retarded

That animation jank holy shit

How is this any different than Operation Raccoon City?

No I'm lazy

Ho god it looks horrible

Fuck off
S-s-sure, you got me there user
But it was. They refined it so much it's not even funny. Much much better pacing, Claire hips, stealth mechanics, Barry!, actually fun raid mode, Claire thighs, great atmosphere, interesting dlc missions, skill tree, fucking Claire is hot!



Not spooky (Maydayy maydayy)

No memorable enemies (MAYDAYY MADAYY)

Maps were so uninteresting in rev2 that they re-used re6 maps for raid mode and even then it was just waiting for spawns

Stupid-ass 2 ending deal

at least rev1 had the excuse of being a 3ds game, and a damn good one

Its made with Unity. That alone shows its gonna be cheaply made as fuck.

> Episodic
No one forces you to buy them separately. I got the final all inclusive version, and played everything at once.
> Not spooky
Spookier then any previous entry to date. Especially if you try to take advantage of stealth mechanic instead of just running and gunning - creeping around leads to some nerve wrecking moments.
The little girl who survived on the island full of monsters by herself that you can neither ditch not shoot doesn't add much safety feeling either.
> No memorable enemies
Ohhh, because re is famous for enemy design. All the leeches, mutated monkeys, crocodiles, scorpions, crabs, bats and shit from previous parts were so memorable... enemies in rev 2 were various in mechanics and behavior and served their purpose well.
> Maps
Maps in rev 2 worked great, stimulating players to explore all styles of gameplay, varying themes in background, and overall I'd say they were above re 1, which itself was pretty good.
> 2 endigns
What exactly is the complaint here?

>doing anything right these days

Atleast the movement speed works as a kind of excuse for the terrible animations

It won't use GFWL

LOW blow, user, low blow

There is nothing wrong with gfwl, where does this hate come from? The only problem me or any of my friends have is when the server goes down which was maybe a couple of times a year

Reminder that piece of shit raccoon city managed to sell more than DmC. Crapcom probably will keep pumping out cheap western made crap with RE slapped on it until it hurts the brand name.

Except Microsoft threw it under the bus almost immediately after release? Their marketplace was complete garbage, separation from Xbox was retarded, 3d party support was rubbish, at that point why even bother? Everyone else has better implementation of this shit

That's because dmc is a shit, user. I'm not sure why it even exists

Resident Evil 1/2/3 were all campy and not very fun even though they in theory they had what you think would be fun elements(zombies, crazy mutated creatures, puzzles, etc)

The actual gameplay is suffering to play now adays with its resource management and annoying navigating and backtracking.

I recently replayed REmake HD for the PC and even though the game looked glorious, gave me nostalgia feels, and was a solidly made still doesn't change that it has so many glaring problems. Especially considering today's standards.

RE4 Action Style >>>> RE1/2/3 style

>Capcom is splitting action re and horror re into two separate groups.

This is long overdue.

DmC was the best made Devil May Cry.

This is coming from someone whose beaten every DMC game including 2.

And I'm saying dmc series is garbage. All of the games, including 2

all Resident Evil games are good in their own way except ORC

Just add a fucking HUNK skin and I'll buy it.

There are currently 150 people playing ORC

Get a load of this fag.


have you seen the gameplay?

its cod, but hey there's zombies on the map as well

cut print gay

If you pre-order the deluxe edition you can play as HUNK

Well, I won't be home until September.
>40 euros
I thought the game is Mercenaries 3D level of content?

Each episode lacked polish, was horribly linear, added little content little by little, if you played it from release you blew through it in a day and had to wait

There was no tension bulding, and having an escort quest isn't scary either if the girl has magnum brand bricks she can throw, as well as spotting enemies through walls

Revelations 1 had an intresting take on aquatic enemies we hadn't seen before in the series, there were reptiles and sharks but not much of the mutated nature

rev 2 has people with armor

>rev 2 maps above re1
beyond redemption

the ending was in a cutscene that was not only easy to mess up but once you did mess it up being that it is not entirely obvious you have to trudge through that boring boss fight again.


I'm sort of interested in it if it plays like socom

Who /buying it on Steam and refunding before the 2 hours are up/ here?

Reporting in

What game is this ugly face from?

> Chris, Leon, Jake, Barry, hunk, Wesker
... now why would they do that? Ada, Sheva, Claire, Jill are so much hotter than these hunks... fuck!

I just want to see if I can run it

>third person shooter
>interesting looking mechanics
>lost planet 2 sound effects for some reason

I'll give it a try

Normal version is 30 euros.

Anyway, content wise it's just your standard Multiplayer only game (although there does seem to be a single player survival mode ala mercenaries, but that's the only SP content in the game)

There's nothing ugly about willingly dying in service to the Emperor, user

oh yeah, and the rev gestures were literally ripped from lost planet 2

fuck you

Wait, GFWL still exists?

Wasn't this shit supposed to be shut down like 2 years ago? Isn't that why Dark Souls moved to steamworks?

Jesus christ how horrifying. No wonder they're shilling the Win10 store so hard.

I thought this game is developed by a shitty western studio, but it is actually developed in house

If the lost planet 2 guys were working on it, the game might actually be decent

It still exists, it's just Microsoft has stopped supporting it in any meaningful way. The marketplace is gone and it's up to the individual devs to take GFWL out of any existing games in their catalog and replace it with Steamworks DRM.

I want to play Bulletstorm on PC but I refuse to buy it since GFWL was never removed, though there's news of a 'remaster' coming out anyway so all's not lost.

It still lives for some reason, but some companies realize that it was a mistake and switch their games over to steamworks (like with Dark Souls and Resi 5)

Didn't the guys that made ORC go out of business?

It played like a phone game

You think that umbrella corps is linked to Resident Evil 7?

The only red flag (next to the god awful animations) is that it's running on Unity, why not the RE engine or Unreal Engine?

>Game published by Capcom
>Uses the Unity engine

This is how much Capcom doesn't care about this game, they're using a janky freeware engine only used by poorfag indie developers.

Capcom needs to give up on resident evil and these spin off games already. :/

They're technically in the same universe, so yes

and it comes out in 2 days

I've an idea for resident evil.
>Play Hunk
>what remains of Umbrella hire you to go into the irradiated remains of Racoon City.
>You're goal is to capture the creatures that developed an immunity to atomic stuff
>Badguys include what remains of William Burkin, Burnt Crimson head networked hive mine zombies, other RE monsters with a Chernobyl twist.
>You revisit the mansions bunker.
>Win game and bang Sherry Burkin

Old sherry or

Young Sherry?

It's a crater.




Lost Planet 1 and 2 multiplayer was glorious. Please let it be that team.

It's not a perfect idea.


The maps are rather small, one of them is literally just the village from RE4. Combine that with the fact that you move like at a ridiculous speed and it makes sense it's only 3v3

The absolute madmen

Do you even need to ask?

It's purely because of the recent sale

The game is a terrible idea.

If it was about doing operations in Raccon city, an ORC done right, but no instead it tries to compete with MP-only games that already do a much better job.

I like action RE but this is not what I want. I want a campaign.

I remember the actually pvp multiplayer of racoon city being alright. i have fond memories of camping the enemy base beside the station, only to have the door burst open behind me and a shiteload of zombies swarm in at me.


>nnnGrenade out!

>tfw you've preordered already and it'll be dead in a week

If it has atleast 500-1000 players playing on day one I might buy it but I dunno.


>Scope on a Vector

sadly the hunk skin may have sold me on it


I like how all of them are just a fucking head and not a full model


man, it looks like a crappy RE6 photoshop

I just wanna see hunk's tight little ass

Old Sherry in Young Sherry's outfit

That would take effort, and this is capcom.

First time i hear about it

It's Resident Evil. It will definitely lasts longer than that.

Wonder if it has to do with the custom armor system

How long are the going to keep milking this franchise?

Forever. It's their most popular franchise by a landslide.

no jill no buy