ah but you mustn't say so lest the Nomura be taken away
John Scott
isn't it bad?
it LOOKS kind of cool sure but it plays like pure shit and has bugs all over the place.
Christopher Bennett
>it LOOKS kind of cool sure but it plays like pure shit Exactly this. The combat looks good in trailers but Noctis controls like a slug and the combat is even less controllable than a fucking tales game on semi-auto.
Eli Thomas
Why does Noctis need to fall so fast when he jumps? What is the point of letting us jump to begin with?
What's this "hold the button down to attack" BS?
Jose Clark
lets just hope the story is good
Brandon Long
>What's this "hold the button down to attack" BS? There's an option in the full game where you don't have to.
Robert Thomas
>squarefags have been telling themselves this for years to stomach the fact they're playing bad games
The only games that were even relatively close to fun from Square was games like FF5 and the Mana series.
Dominic Perry
>It feels nothing like KH2 Maybe because this isn't Kingdom Hearts? Just because it's the same team doesn't mean it's going to have the same gameplay as everything they touch, they aren't Platinum.
Blake James
No there isn't, that's just a rumour a gamefaqs fag started, there is no proof.
We don't know what "active, manual, wait" modes are.
Alexander Turner
user, no other devloper has made as wide a variety of games as Platinum.
Christian Mitchell
I can't really imagine someone not enjoying Vagrant Story.
Aaron Ward
correction we know what wait mode is.
Angel Roberts
>this is what became of that amazing early footage against this golem
How did it fall so far?
Noah Cox
I sure didn't. It had a nice idea, but not the correct execution. It didnt help that the graphics and setting bored me.
Christopher Martinez
Square is dead I stopped buying their shit after FFX
Julian Cook
Just because part of the KH2 team made it doesn't mean it will be like KH2..KH is about spamming your strongest moves 24/7. XV is more tactical in that you need to weave around the battlefield and focus certain enemies down first. There's a wait mode to play it in too, XV is pretty much a live atb game.
Aiden Murphy
Nathan Lee
Did you play it on release? On release it was one of the best looking games out there. I really enjoyed the battle system. I'd almost always rather play something new than play the same atb for the gorillionth time.
Luis White
you got shit taste through and through
Ryan Torres
they made less of a variety. close tho
Brody Richardson
do you mean this?
Joseph Lopez
It doesn't really matter whether you're holding the attack action or mashing it over and over for each individual attack.
Kayden Rodriguez
Platinum pretty much only makes good action games, though.
Ayden Martinez
it doesn't matter because one individual button press does not equal one individual attack.
The animations are based around holding the button so they're not 1:1.
It's one huge prescripted animation. Doesn't feel good at all.
James Sullivan
>muh ivalice
What a shitty setting.
Lincoln Myers
>rare has made platformers (sidescrolling and collect-a-thon), fighting games, first person shooters, standard action-adventure stuff like kameo, sim games (viva pinata) and probably other stuff I'm forgetting
>Platinum has made beat-em-ups of the 2.5D, 3D, and character action variety, and one action adevnture game (okami).
Nearly all of Platinum/Clover's library has been some different take on the Beat-em-up genre.
Jayden Scott
I didn't mean you could do both in the game. I just mean it doesn't matter which the game will allow since there both the same shit. Though you can stop holding o at any time and warp or back off though.
Nolan Harris
>implying anyone on Sup Forums is old enough to buy PS1 games on release
Jonathan Reed
> play titan demo on e3 > graphics are blurry and edges seem to have some jitter shader to hide missing aa > game literally looks like a shit-puke shake and still runs at sub 22 fps > controls feel unresponsive, no indication if what's going on > besides QTEs out the ass > spam teleport on titan as this seems to be the only thing that does something > suddenly game freezes, console turns off after some seconds > after some more seconds all lights, screens and consoles around the one I played on turn off
Nice one Sony.
Kayden Cooper
why are you trying to bait both xbox one and ps4 titan demos at e3 ran at near perfect 30 fps
Brandon Davis
>cant play as your teammates >spam x to win (or hold x) >bunch of skills that you'll never use
I haven't played but it sure looks like KH, but simpler
Henry Ross
I had to go back and read what he wrote. I instinctively skim over any post with more than 2 or so lines of greentext. They're rarely worth reading.
Justin Lee
> I instinctively skim over any post with more than 2 or so lines of greentext. They're rarely worth reading. Salty. I know for a fact they're usually almost always true.
Joshua Smith
its okay the game is gonna sell like crazy and get multiple goty awards and your shitposting wont change a thing ;)
Owen Lopez
>It's another autistic warp spam until you have 0 mp left and end up dealing no meaningful damage webm Stop posting these, they're disgusting.
Justin Barnes
People actually like KH2 combat? You literally just mash X and Triangle to win. Even on the hardest difficulty it's the same shit except enemies hit you harder.
Owen Perry
In XV you will definitely be using magic and summons and skills if you want to be efficient. The battles get fucking huge and you can't just spam attack all day because you will get fried or it will take forever. The game promotes being tactical, that's why there's a wait mode and I think one other mode in the game. It's going to be fun but if you wanted an all out action buttonmasher this is not it.
Luke Rivera
? I don't recall saying anything bad about the game. I'll almost definitely be picking it up. k.
Jaxon Scott
Can't wait to play the game, don't care about the framerate and the textures, I waited too long now
Levi Price
So, have u actually been there and played them? For how many concurrent frames have you observed near perfect 30 fps?
I can only speak for the Ps4 version as I only have played that one and it partly ran like those bloodborne webms where the game actually stutters sometimes.
But I'll give you that it only was that bad when a lot of stuff was moving on screen.
Chase Nelson
It's flashy and it can be pretty cool but essentially you're right. The Roxas fight was generally 10/10 but even on critical I just maxed the shit out of defense and strength and could tank most bosses while mashing through them. Don't even get me started on the battles going through the last part of cave of rememberance, my hand was all sore after.
Anthony Barnes
KH2 had secret bosses that required a LOT more than that. It was fun for a button masher too.
Camden Moore
:( why did they kill versus? this looks so cool
Jackson Ross
I was dissatisfied with KH2 combat anyway.
Eli Hill
>gay fairy flies around a punching pag and slaps it It doesn't even look cool desu. So little weight in his attacks it's more like he's playfully spanking one of his butt-buddies than actually fighting shit.
i wish they would have gone with a slightly modified version of KH combat
the way it is now is so clunky and bad feeling, you can't make a battle system that requires precise timing when the game runs at sub 30fps constantly
Samuel Cook
>different moveset at same weapon genre
This is cool idea
Ryder James
> demo in prepared test environment played with the goal to show best results VS demo on actual hardware in real world
Noah Scott
That was played on an xbone
Liam Garcia
All you had to for Sephirot was spam that one reflect spell and attack him after he's done swinging.
Landon King
played on xbone every person said the titan demo ran smooth.
Gabriel Thomas
>Over half the game was scrapped to get it out the door
It has some neat ideas but it being so unfinished shows in both the content and story.
Isaiah Thomas
there's more than one boss retard
Aiden Bennett
Every boss and hidden boss can be beaten with the same method. Spam reflect when being attacked, punish enemy after they are done.
Blake Wilson
that's XV
Gavin Campbell
>Trying to fling shit at goty 2016
GTFO Before i call FFXV-Kun to tear you a new asshole
Kevin Davis
That's versus renamed. What we got now is XV.
Go ahead and call that trash of a human being.
Bentley Brooks
Hunter Long
I dare you.
Cameron Nelson
They use the lowest damaging weapon on the defensive enemy.
Nathan Hall
>That's versus renamed. What we got now is XV.
Versus was just a glorified cutscene made to look like gameplay. XV is the shitty game Tabata made based on it.
Christopher Sanchez
I hated the risk system and stopped playing when i got annoyed at having to open the menu and change weapon every time a certain type of enemy showed up, if only i could change weapons faster it would go from a dropped game to a 10/10 for me.
Nicholas Gonzalez
Yeah the game was pretty menu heavy. I didn't mind risk. I liked that your crit and heal went up as risk went up. Fight it out maybe get a crit or two, then heal up on high risk lower it and head back in.
James Edwards
yes, unless you're so bad at the game that you can't button mash.
Landon Rivera
Final Fantasy has been style over substance for it's entire life.
Aiden Reyes
That part of risk is cool, it's just that in my mind getting penalized for "playing well", like in keeping the chain going by nailing the timing, doesn't make too much sense. I got around it on the second time i tried to play it and was fine with the risk management but couldn't get over the menus. Remake with quick weapon switch never ever.