What's it like having a sister who is a "gamer girl"?

What's it like having a sister who is a "gamer girl"?

Is she as slutty as /cgl/ girls?


ok, listen
alot if not most guys think about their sister once or twice hitting puberty but it gets weird really fast

Sisters should lose their virginities to their brothers. Especially if they have little brothers who need the experience.

That looks weirdly like my older sister

Who is this

What does playing video games feel like?

pic's face isn't that great but her body is kind of nice

Who is that?

>not their fathers

Delete this!

Ah yes /cgl/.
A magical place of dried period blood and daddy issues.

She just lays around smoking weed and playing fallout and heroes of the storm all day.

obviously it's his sister

>/cgl/ girls

my little sister is a NEET who just plays xbox all day as far as i know

>Reverse image search this on Google
>Gives me the Wiki page for "Female"


Tell her she isn't cute enough.
Report results.

>these are the creatures I'm attracted to
Why couldn't I have been born a faggot

Oh fuck I was grinning the whole time, but I lost at the mucus in panties post. Fuckin /cgl/, never change

I'm sure he wouldn't be so cute without make up.

makes me sad one day she will be beheaded by turkish savages

Anzu does look like an ugly little boy without makeup but its actually a girl this time.

Being a female doesn't automatically make a girl slutty or cute. My sister is an ugly fat fuck who likes video games.


You're wrong

Google Images went full retard recently. searching almost any anime/manga image just brings up Cartoon Network


You creepos would fall for any girl anyway, doesn't need to be your sister. And if you have lewd thoughts about your own sister, consider suicide.



Is that a different list or did someone actually remove the comment about their intact lining sloughing off in the shower?

>Being a female doesn't automatically make a girl slutty

Come again?

>alot if not most guys
No, you're just a disgusting incest faggot, or you don't really have a sister

You must be 18+ years of age to post here


I'm sticking to 2D waifus until someone comes up with a serum that will turn me gay.

is this a cap from a porno?

I meant slutty and cute both. There's just an idea of a sister in threads like these, for obvious reasons, who is really good looking and also shares your interest. Like Dva in Overwatch, but 9/10 thats not the case. The whores on twitch are the exceptions.

My sister only plays adventure games likes Ace Attorney, Danganronpa, 999.
Owns a 3DS and I lent her my Vta sometimes.

She is a comic book nerd though.

i hope

Mini Inuitinua?