Oh look, big boobies at a video game. Triggered yet?
Oh look, big boobies at a video game. Triggered yet?
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Where do you think you are?
At SJWchan?
Yes I am
Big boobs trigger my dick
You got the wrong door, buddy. We've got threads worshipping anime titty during every moment of the day.
Pretty shit graphics user. I can't fap to this.
These graphics are atrocious. What game even is this? I wanna say darkstalkers but I know that couldn't be true even in a million years.
Only thing triggered is MUH DICK
im triggered by the boobs
because boobs that large
are not attractive at all
if you find those attractive you have never touched a female human in your entire life or seen one
Fuck you.
Get back to Kotaku.
I've seen your mom and yet still find some human women attractive. If that's possible then anything is.
Oh look, a black guy in a video game. Triggered yet?
I think someone in Kickstarter's comment section was triggered.
At least post a more kickass black character.
Urhhhhh post pictures mmm
>you'll never be between them
Is she a literal semen demon?
It's ok when men do it.
I can't wait for this boss to get next to no porn
>that choppiness
It'll be better on launch right?
My ex had tits that big, but she was morbidly obese
Why do you talk
like this?
it is the E3 beta demo, so probably
No, but I am triggered by that awful Dreamcast-caliber character model. The demo is great and looks fantastic except for that boss. I have no problem with the design but they need to add more detail to the model (and change up its attack patterns into something approaching a challenge).
I think it's just the Webum, looked fine in the youtube videos of the demo.
Why'd you date her? Needed a fat mama to support your lazy ass?
What Sega saturn techdemo is this?
While I like big ole titties, that boss fight sucked dick.
I get that it's more to showcase what they can do, but it was basically a cinematic boss where you watch it do the cool cutscene attacks or spit at you and then stop for 10s to let you kick it.
I want to actually fight the boss like most every other castlemania boss, not watch it shit lasers from the background or whatever.
will this be on the PS DEAD?
ITT: Plebs who dont know that the boss in the demo is a MAN
they're not boobs they are water storage tanks
You have to try everything in life, you only live once
Probably just that guy's PC. I played through the demo last night and it stayed smooth throughout.
Yes the port is outsourced so you have to wait
the vita?
yeah, but it will be handled by a different company or some such
I shall point your statement back at you my friend.
I've seen porn of the fucking lures from that one DMC4 boss.
It doesn't matter anymore. If it's attractive to you, fuck it.
So that would be a yes?
You can still hurt it while the body is in the background. But yeah it's too easy for sure. Considering how quickly they threw the demo together it's probably more of a proof of concept than anything and will be heavily reworked before the game releases.
why does it look so bland?
>using "triggered"
>while being a whiny Anti-SJW drone bitching about something 'ironically' to bolster their strawman
I dont get why you are so defensive
What game is OP's image from? From all the talk about Kickstarter, is it the new IGA game?
It's enormous titties with an eye rape color palette and an enormous preggo monster-face belly. I literally have a pregnancy fetish and I think that shit's gross.
>his arms are not bling bling gold
Yes im triggered.
not finished yet.
isn't it coming out 2017
but it's a beta?
Oh yeah, that's why I'm saying it's a showcase.
I just don't want that type of game in my castlevanias, I want to be constantly actually fighting the boss in some way, shape, or form
Shit like the shadow demon from OOE is what I want.
I don't like the color palette. It's too bright. The textures being so blurry don't help either.
The boss or the demo overall? Because I agree the boss model looks low-detail and out of place because of this, but the rest of the demo looks great. All the shitposters said it looked too dull and gray but now that I've played the demo I can say it has tons of color. I just hope we get some background animations (water running down the walls of the ship's interior, or bugs/rats scurrying around) to make the levels feel more alive.
I like her weird crustacian faceplate thing.
yes i believe that is the case
Is this in the leaked demo?
fuck off retard with that shitty camera footage
that was quick
Those hitomi tanaka monstrosities don't even qualify as breasts. They're basically just gigantic tumors.
honestly that's a shitty design
looks like someone photoshopped random things together and made a deviantart OC
>looks like someone photoshopped random things together and made a deviantart OC
That's every character in Bloodstained.
Agreed. Iga's games usually have decent bosses so hopefully this follows suit. I also hope he gives us at least one or two CotM-style bosses that truly test your reflexes. Even if it's optional, I just another ball-bustingly hard boss in the game.
the thing in the abdominal area is the demon's true face
the girl part is like the anglerfish's esca, which he undoubtedly uses to bait anons into getting eaten
he is supposed to be monstrous, because he's a monster
Because nobody should be fucking obese people even if it's for a paycheck enough is enough already, you fucking dregs on society.
My dick
take your mommy issues to /r9k/
You need to be 18 to post here.
Reported. Goodbye.
I have $71 in my Steam Wallet.
Which of these do I drop?
I've already played DD on console, and I've heard Hyper Light Drifter is meh.
Also entirely unsure if I'll enjoy Grim Dawn. Most ARPGs of it's kind have always seemed boring to me.
Get Doom for some demon punching fun.
Grim Dawn, Doom or DD for dat glorious 60 fps.
Looks like a goat design.
Or is that a sheep?
camel actually
Triggered by that awful as fuck Color scheme? you bet.
Thanks doc.
I really hope someone makes hot lesbian porn of this boss and the main character
Bonus points if futanari tentacles are involved
Source for the artist?
Do these trigger you m8?
Looks pretty cool, too bad Mn9 apologists will shitpost this game any chance they get with their endless tears of regret
I want to impregnate those tits
Breast impregnation is an underrated fantasy fetish.
I would post some breast impregnation but this is a catholic christian imageboard.
>being this ultramad at videogame boobs
Indeed, I think I've seen only 1 doujinn and 1 h-game featuring it
go for it, mods are jerking off right now
They are big, yes.
But are they HAPPY boobs, hm?
Can you tell me that?
Because from where I'm standing, those boobs do not look like happy boobs. And that is not acceptable. The boobies need to be happy. THE DESERVE HAPPINESS.
>Not wanting a tittyfuck from a tittymonster
Thank you.
The only thing triggering me is the awful textures
That's Sup Forums you're thinking of
Sup Forums is pretty shit but we got nothing on how awful they are
I enjoy big tits myself, but that's pushing it. They get all saggy and pale.