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Video Games #3425
Video Games
Okay Sup Forums I need some financial advice
Filename thread
What is the goddamn fucking longest/ most annoying bossrun in Soulsborne?
What music do you niggas listen to while you play vidya?
What is the worst genre and why is it racing games?
So who's excited for this game? It looks better than Zelda at least
What went wrong?
How the FUCK do I make this asshole Air Dash?
Which one are you?
Is it good? Should I buy it?
Should I buy it Dragon's Dogma? Is it really that good as you niggers say it is?
Emergency WoW Legion thread
How did these two get to the top of Youtube? Is it really just because of the way they act or is it something more?
UK leaves EU
Give me one reason why women are unable to compete in high level pvp in any video game
On Cosmo
This steam sale sure is bringing out the normies
Is this game any good?
Xenoverse 2 Thread
This little gem of a game finally came out for EU!
What game shows light = evil, and darkness = good?
Are there any video game characters you honestly would like to marry if they were real?
You don't need to tell me what's going on here, Lieutenant
Whether you like it or not the Wii U will be exactly like the dreamcast in ten years time...
So have Zelda Cyclefags (Skyward Sword apologists) been btfo?
I'm going to buy this seeing as its on sale, but I hear it's very difficult to get into...
Kingdom Hearts 2.8
ITT: Games that could desperately have used a story editor, or maybe even just a complete rewrite
3x3 thread?
Is all the Assassins Creed series as shitty as III?
Games that can be played one-handed
Which one was the best?
New Layton game to be announced on July 27th
Wishlist r8 thread
What's a good video game to play while high???
Blood Money > ™ > Contracts > Silent Assassin > Codename 47 = Absolution
Screenshot thread
Fuck you Nintendo giving Rosalina a new render for her boxart, while Daisy only gets her old one unchanged
Tell me
Remember to avoid the following titles during the current steam Sale:
Where could i buy touhou games?
Who's the best vidya girl?
Worth buying?
What did he mean by this?
Mods are asleep
So realistic. The way he falls and goes limp
Can Sup Forums draw Kirby?
If the aliens each speak their own languages, and your omnitool is just translating it for you in real-time...
If Undertale came out against Chrono Trigger in 1995,.would anything be different now?
It seems like every game is set in the US or some third world crapheap. What games are set in the UK...
MGS4 was shit
Censored to hell and back
Now that Dolphin 5.0 has been released, what are some good games that I can emulate and have myself a jolly good time?
So now when a game is announced for a EU release will this not include the UK?
Quick question
Go fiddling with any Skyrim Threads around here and we're going to have a real big problem
Everybody is talking about Zelda, Dad of War, Death Stranding
Do we all agree that Overwatch is just a shallow cashgrab with little substance or effort put into it by blizz...
I just beat bloodborne in 3 hours 30 minutes
Comfy Zelda: BotW Thread
Post some examples of Japanese censorship
Do you think the ERSB ratings are necessary?
Hey Sup Forums what's a good game to play to celebrate this glorious day for Britain
What game has the best graphics?
Nice individualism, nerd
Be me
Loved base game
The last non-VGM song you listened to is now the boss battle theme for every single game you play for the rest of your...
I want a Metroid game like Breath of the Wild
Honestly, if this was NOT your GOTY then you're either a virgin weaboo or some sort of MGS autist...
What was the last video game that genuinely made you happy
This is for skeletons
Steam sale starts on the same day the Great British pound crashes
Is there any point in getting an xbone or should i just upgrade my pc and get windows 10?
Is weeb shit killing Steam?
How deep are endless pits?
Tf2 "neato" update
Anyone else really want dead before daylight I'm to poor to get it but add me anyways my steam I'd is Exterm4tor I have...
Steam sale thread
B-B-But the internet told me Homefront: The Revolution was a broken piece of shit that was going to be abandoned...
PC Essentials
Just bought this, what am I in for?
Are there any games set in our world where you travel a lot?
Can we have a hate mail thread?
Why haven't you been to Anor Londo yet, Sup Forums?
I loved fallout new vegas and liked 3
Is it safe to say that VR failed to live up to the hype?
Out of the four, which one would make the best mom and why?
Now that the brits decided to crash their country with no survivors...
What is your one most anticipated game, Sup Forums?
Post your idle animation
Don't mind me, just hasting my way to page 10
Why can't I loot him?
Post an ad on CL trying to sell my Xbox and some other shit because I don't use it anymore
Howdy. My name is Jed Masterson, and I'm a caravan boss for the new vegas thread Caravan Company
Get a game over
"Don't kill me man, please, just let me go"
Stardew Valley
Fighting game with a dedicated Block button
Overwatch is a sad joke...
Fuck, this game is pretty good
The Mohave doesnt get cold/snow at night
What's your excuse Sup Forums?
One Piece Burning Blood Voting Thread
Gg ez
What does the UK leaving Europe honestly mean for videogames Sup Forums? I'm scared
Did you refund anything this steam sale?
ITT: Random quirks that vidya has given you
Bethesda jewing the summer sale
For those playing Tokyo Mirage
Why is this game so highly praised over here?
SteamDB bread
Comfy world maps
Harmony was 10 years ago
British level
It's a "Nintendo literally only makes new Mario and Zelda games anymore" episode
Hi, I am the best game in my series
Show me your filter, Sup Forums
Name a better crpg
Another one
MEANWHILE, BACK IN 2015 (one year ago)Sup Forums
What are your favorite AVGN episodes?
What video game does this ass belong to?
In 5 years time Sup Forums will claim pic related is a great game just like they do with Morrowind and to a lesser...
You fell for the emotional meme
Persona 5 can compete with Final Fantasy 15
Got word about another settlement that needs our help
Dragon's Dogma
So we all agree that it looks great so far...but who else thinks the title is fucking stupid?
Steam Sale 2016
It's a Junkrat firing pot-shots episode
This game sucks
Hey user, we got your invitation to the party! So what are you going to do tonight?
Comfy Disgaea thread
What do you think of G2A's controversy?
Who hyped?
How fast is the last video game character you played
Ha hahaha ha
Va-11Hall-A Thread?
Tfw you still watch the trailers occasionally
Risk of Rain
Should I marry Penny, Leah, or Haley?
What a fucking piece of shit game
Dark Souls 3
Final level/boss is the most dissapointing thing in the game
What are some good video games about horse monsters Sup Forums?
Final Fantasy XV screenshot dump
What are you playing tonight Sup Forums?
Yo nigga you best be tellin' me your favorite 3DS games before I bust this cap in your ass!
Help me understand this "visual novels are good meme."
Never played this before
Quake Champions-nonMOBA Edition
How many Pro Teams does Battleborn have Sup Forums?
What commercially released game has the longest name?
RPG maker horror games
Games that were only made possible because the PS4 exists
Which game has the deepest lore?
Aporogize. Now
What are some games that do what Fallout 4 tries to do but better?
GF buys a Wii U
So we all agree that this is the best game of all time right?
Total perfection
Zero time dilemma clover day
Favorite character?
Why haven't you played Yokai Watch yet?
On the first day...
There are humans on this site right now who think anime/game characters are their girlfriends and masturbate furiously...
So I got steam. Now all I need are games
Why do people not like Linkle?
It's time to settle this once and for all
When does this game get good?
Is there a video game reviewer more based than sepirothsword57?
Have you preordered your copy yet Sup Forums?
Little cousin's birthday coming up soon
Which one should I buy? Is the content in deluxe anything worthwhile?
Going to drop some keys, mostly from the E3 ticket thing
Post quintessentially British games in this thread
What are some good games that star vampires?
This game is plagued by cheaters
Are there any video games about regaining my sovereignty?
Lucina, this is Sup Forums!
And what else?
ITT: Freeware games that are actually good
Entire internet says a game is shit
Steam Sale Thread 2016
There are people on this board who think MN9 is a good game
You're a pig guy
Does pirating games make me a bad person or a smart person?
Ace Attorney
ITT: games that need a remake badly
Drawful 2, get in here faggots!
Steam List Rate
Any good ds games Sup Forums?
Vidya faps
Hard mode is just normal mode but the enemies do more damage
Just a crappy YT video and a sale for his 25th anniversary
What are some good games to play on independence day?
Sup Forums official music thread
I'm a big Mega Man fan. Im a big Castlevania fan
What's your favorite British game? Developed or set in? I really like Rare's work but that's easy mode I guess
Can we get a Zelda thread going? who else here hype?
For Honor
3X3 Thread
We're never going to see these again are we Sup Forums
Did anyone even play this game? I didn't even know it existed
Literally Impossible
Sup Forumsidya draw thread
Friendly reminder that if you're not living in the US, prices in Steam will probably go up tomorrow if Brexit wins...
This is the best single player FPS I've played since Half-Life 2
My verdict: 7.5
Cart Thread #2 Shit Prices Edition
What seriously went wrong...
Bethesda did nothing wrong
The Nintendo 64 turned 20 today. Have any good memories about the system?
Open Steam's Upcoming tab
Going to be buying this soon and was wondering what are your guy's opinions on this?
How will the UK leaving the EU effect Rockstar games?
Sup Forums says a game is good
Hey Sup Forums. I've decided to play through the entire Final Fantasy series...
What games are you playing today, Sup Forums?
MGS4 was shit
What's the best way to play original Doom? I've seen people on Sup Forums warn against the Steam version
Umbrella Craps
Start skyrim
Hey Sup Forums, I don't usually come to this board, but I need your help...
What class did you pick? Who else chose Crusader?
Stealth mission
Xenoverse 2
Are you gonna get the Collector Edition of Battlefield 1, Sup Forums?
How do I get past Hangar 18?
Playing game for the first time
What is the the most powerful sword in video games?
Explain this
Why do people meme hate on this so much? It's perfectly fine
Let's have another Paper Mario thread. These are always fun
The fuck you guys complaining about? This is a solid multiplayer shooter...
How about a Subnautica thread?
Starting to miss the time when Nintendo just forgot about Metroid's anniversary, uh?
The HD PC port is t-totally gonna happen r-right Sup Forums
Post an image and other suggest you a game to play based on it
Who else is waiting for the new amd cards
What does Sup Forums think of this game?
ITT we judge each other based on who we main
So uh what do you guys think of Rhythm Heaven: Megamix?
Well did you user?
You know what to do Sup Forums
Vidya Confessions Time
Why do you hate Neptunia so much?
Which game has your favorite iteration of Yoshi?
Steam Sale Thread 2016
In 20 hours of TF2, I had gained 4 friends
What went right?
Recommend good multiplayer games that aren't dead and which you don't need to rely on teamwork
Confirmed: Tokyo Mirages Sessions is COMPLETELY uncensored
Show me your idle animation
Is his design Ironic or do you think they were being serious about the whole edgy thing he's got going on
MW2 Was the best CoD
Why does this trigger so many people?
I just got this game
Play one match of insurgency
Tfw cold while playing video games
Are you going to buy this game Sup Forums?
Hey, I am thinking about getting DiRT Rally on the steam store...
Cart thread
Isn't it still Sonic's birthday?
ITT: Games women will never understand
ITT: You hear it, you lose
PSP Appreciation Thread
What did she mean by this?
Today is Eggman's birthday!
Who did you main, Sup Forums?
This was written 15 years ago
Who /swap magic/ here?
Persona 3
Now that Fallout 4 is 50% off, this is the perfect opportunity to purchase it! Wouldn't you agree, fellow gamers?
Yes, yes-- Well done, Harry Potter. Well done, Harry Potter--
Do you trust him with Nintendo?
What went wrong?
What are some games where the best girl is a boy?
Sup Forums I hear that g-sync is really good for my games what exactly does it do is free sync better or is it all just...
Steam Gift Thread
Steam Gifting thread
Native americans
Can we stop it with the Spagetti-O shitposting and talk about how they are actually improving the formula this time?
Don't companies just have to revive old franchises to win e3?
So, speaking as a strategy gamer to other strategy gamers(Or just gamers in general)...
Yosuke the homophobe
Dragon Ball Fusions: Universe 6 Fighters Confirmed
Did you PLEASE her yet?
ITT: It's 2013
Post your vidya confessions
Persona 4 Crossdressing
Safe Intoxication > Wanna Be Crazy > Big Bang Sonic > HEAVY DAY
What is the strongest mech in video games?
I'm playing the 3D Zelda games for the first time and I just beat Ocarina of Time...
Igavania steam key
Hey don't mind me man just being completely fricking useless as usual
Why did he die?
Blizzard in the last 2 years
How's the state of this game?
Pick the same option five times
Just finished pic related for the first time
Why do you trust these so-called "based" Japanese developers, Sup Forums?
This is the main character of the upcoming PlayStaiton 4 Exclusive Action game Nier:Automata
Welcome to the Hall of Valor, by what right do you request entry?
Why can't Link be a girl and why are mods deleting videogame related threads?
What the best game time fight the European/Germans?
Nintenyearolds will defend this
Is this actually going to be good?
Autistic kids are a bigger cash cow than I thought
FUCK, just bought pic related because it was so cheap but remembered I can't into horror games, any tips?
I don't even play Overwatch, and judging from gameplays of her, she needs a buff more than anything
Fantastic animation and lots of love
Gravity Rush thread
ITT shit you had to look up a guide for
Video games are a thing that are pretty new to me, I used to be interested in gaming when I was a child...
Sup Forums I need your help with figuring out what this thing is
What went wrong?
So Square has a huge sale on PSN. I just bought Final Fantasy X HD, Final Fantasy XIII-2 and Lighting Returns...
Zero Time Dilemma reviews
Game over screen
Umbrella Corps is so desperate to be loved that it brought Wesker back to life
Ponzi Steam
Why do new games never cost more than $60?
Mighty No. 9
New Kid - how does steam work?
Yfw a Kirby game is a better Star Fox game than Star Fox Zero
This has got to be one of the worst games I've ever played
5 days untill god eater resurrection releases
ITT: video game characters who you wanna cosplay / dress up as but have the right body yet
Aside memes and boobs
Well? It's been 20 years
Steam Picnic Sale
D44M is number one best seller on steam
R.I.P. sweet prince, you will be missed
Steam Gift Thread
What do you think about this, Sup Forums?
You remembered to marry best girl, right?
Is this one of the best video games ever?
Darkest Dungeon
How the fuck did sonic adventure 2 have better hip hop in it than real hip hop music
Witcher 3 Thread :) talk about anything witcher related
What are good videogames to distract me from the destruction of Great Britain?
A indie game, made by players like me...
Best girl is actually a boy
Is it really that bad...
What location is the best area and why is it Velen
There's been a lot of New Vegas threads lately...
Get Trips and ill buy you a game on steam
What does Sup Forums think about this upcoming gem?
SFV is on sale right now
What the FUCK happened
Let's have a webm thread
Which was the biggest JUST?
What if you woke up tomorrow and every video game was gone
Nintendo may use cartridges for NX
What are some genuinely scary games, Sup Forums
Game is censored
Filename thread
I'm trying to decide between 24" and 27". I sit 2-3 feet away from my monitor...
Yes yes, nice team kill. Nice team kill
Hello. I am a psych major and frequent poster. In all my years I've concluded...
But which Souls game had the best Moonlight sword?
Im keking perdy hard senpai
Mount and Blade
Are steam sales officially dead? look at the top seller list. the highest discount is 50% and most are 20-40%...
Reddit is ranting over MN9 for $20 but
Link being male doesn't matter to the core of his character. However...
Would you play a Metal Gear Game where Big Boss is female? What are the chances?
Damn, just fought against first real boss and game feels great
Steam Sale 2016
Who wins?
What are Sup Forums's thoughts on Rainbow Six:Siege?
Bloodstained Demo
Xenoverse thread
What video games require me to think creatively?
So which game comes out first, this or half life 3?
Yes yes, well done Sony. Well done Sony
Be Nintendo
Why did Diamond Dogs keep torturing him for no reason?
Im bored, big bro. When can we go home and play Street Fighter?
At a party
Disgusting dyke ingame. Repulsive even in her voiceacting and cringeworthy reddit "motther russia" lines
S iv been playing MO no 9
Save some money for the steam sale but now i have to neuter my cat it's now or never fuck
Shopping cart thread
Hyrule Warriors/Dump thread
Well Nintendrones? care to explain?
If you are given a chance to give your female characters socks, what would you go with?
Looking to expand my PS1 Library, Is pic related any good? What are some other good PS1 RPGs aside from Final Fantasy?
Hey user, we got your invitation for the party! So what are we doing tonight?
How's your game coming along, user?
Well, it's finally here guys. What games should do you recommend...
Hey Sup Forums I want to know if there are any games where you can manage a resteraunt with the central mechanic being...
ITT: Games men will never understand
Post a game you think you're good at
So, how do you unlock endless sleep mode/Horny mode?
What went so horribly wrong?
Dear developers who purposely make their games too hard: Fuck you...
Steam Summer Sale 2016
Post subtle video game related clothes that you don't mind to wear outside
So, how is your gaming channel going, user?
See that mountain user? You can climb it
Dark Souls is finally finished
Steam Trading thread
What are some great WRPGs ?
Which one is you Sup Forums ?
Post female vidya characters that wear leotards
This seems to be another multiplayer based game dead on arrival, another flop like Battleborn
What other games have referenced Watergate?
[GAME] didn't age well
Why people so buttblasted about no jp voices in the western release?
You now remember how 3 years ago everyone on Sup Forums was shilling this game and attacking anyone who said literally...
Is Pat fucking dead or what?
Find a flaw
Finally bought EYE Divine Cybermancy, what am I in for?
Desktop thread
Well, Sup Forums?
S-see you around, Mr. Marston
Hands on buzzers, Sup Forums
Why is skyrim still in the top5 of played games on steam?
Does this game have a chance of being decent/good?
Is it finished after Capcom Cup 2016?
Leave CastleKino to me
If the Nintendo NX isn't at least as strong as the standard PS4 or Xbox One, then they're fucked...
Looking for games we decent stories. Preferably on the level as the witcher series, 2nd mass effect, last of us...
Sonic the Hedgehog Social Media pages are most likely ran by Sup Forums users
What is your favorite aspect of Overwatch lore?
Why did you stop playing?
Why do people call the PS1 the PSX?
Post "LE HIDDEN GEMS" from Steam Summer Sale that are not quite on the front page
Filename thread?
ITT: Obscure games you played a lot as a kid
What went wrong Sup Forumsros?
Total War Attila
Any video games you're emulating?
Is this the best silent shill outside of the first 4? why did it get such a negative reception?
Is it worth it, Sup Forums? I've never played a dating sim before. Is the atmosphere and lore enough to justify it?
Which do you prefer? Doom 2016 or Doom 3
Picnic Sale
Imagine Vanilla WoW with Witcher 3 graphics
You jam, you lose
Sup Forumsidya Drawthread
Will there ever be a great Fallout game again?
DS2 >>> DS1 >>>>> DS3
What are you going to main in Legion user?
Star Ocean 5 next week, comrades
Let this be a reminder that a large budget does NOT ensure a good game
TPB summer sale is out!
Can this actually happen Sup Forums?
Will we ever be able to play games which use real life robots...
How do you deal with rage?
X8 isn't his favourite Megaman X game
Your opinion on the Sega CD
30 heroes
How come when a game is too hard, people blame the game for being to difficult...
Join game already in progress
Universal Praise
Melee thread
How did touhou become popular...
PC release when?
Oh look, big boobies at a video game. Triggered yet?
Steam Summer Sale
Reinhardt is cute. CUTE!
STOP buying games on steam! Just stop!
One Piece: Burning Blood
Obvious regrets in a series which resulted in stupid plot devices and retcons
Don't forget to buy Skyrim Legendary Edition for the low price of $20.54
You may ONLY post in this thread if you have defeated at least one(1) game in the Ys series on nightmare difficulty
Favorite Year in Gaming?
Reminder that this literal magic engine will never be used for anything except pachinko machines ever again
Name a better flash game series
"It's all Toads"
Is this game perpetuating harmful male gender roles? Thoughts, Sup Forums?
Yfw someone says that X is the best game of all time, where X =/= Ocarina of Time
Final Fantasy
Guys, I'm thinking of trying out the Fallout series for the first time. Should I start with 3 or 4?
Sup Forums guilds in 2016
Have any actually decent surreal/occult horror games actually come out of the last 5 years' endless deluge of shitty...
Help me Sup Forums
Reminder that there is literally no reason to not buy Battleborn now...
Post a game with a better soundtrack
Tfw you will never play the demo
That guy who took their 3DS/Gaming Laptop into the shitter
Steam Picnic Sale
Is it better than Diablo 2?
4k 60fps
How are your purchases going?
Okay, since the Steam sale is fucking shit, what are some good freeware games?
They should've remade this
What went right?
How accurate is this?
Self-Imposed Challenge Thread
Now then Sup Forums, will you battle against me?
Since Sonic is a hot topic I think it's appropriate to ask about this now. Apart from 3D Blast...
Serous question, why is Silent Hill (first 4) so much superior to Resident Evil...
Can anybody recommend me some good RTS games from 2000-present?
Join server
As a person who dislikes stories in games should I even attempt to play this game again...
NX Catridge based
This is the worst fucking Steam Summer Sale ever
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...