Why does this trigger so many people?
Prove me that this is isn't a flawless female chara design.
Why does this trigger so many people?
Is that drawn by Motchie?
it sure triggers my dick
Have you ever had titties before
you cant just go fighting with your titties out.. or even braless.. they need support or else theyll flop all over the place and it's quite painful
And of course all vital organs ever are unprotected (which makes skimpy outfits for battle bad by default)
Cross looks like shit, should have been a heart.
I think it's pretty good.
If I had to fight her I'd probably let her kill me.
her outfit is tape. Might as well be naked
Skin-tight semi-transparent body suits > skin. Prove me wrong
If I wanted to jerk off, I'd use fucking porn. I can't get off unless the chick is having sex.
>theyll flop all over the place
good distracting tool then
>And of course all vital organs ever are unprotected (which makes skimpy outfits for battle bad by default)
no one complained when conan did it
Her opponents would primarily be men and this would be very psychologically challenging for them.
It would demoralize your opponent and cause mistakes and hesitations when they fight you. Sure, being unarmored seems crazy, but the mobility it affords and the powerful psychological impact it creates gives you an important edge, especially since women are physically weaker than their male counterparts.
Covered up she's just another soldier, only she's going to be weaker than other soldiers because she's a woman.
No one's demanding you jerk off.
Calm down retard.
No breast support
Doesn't cover vitals or weak points, being naked would literally be more practical
Nowhere to stow her fedorablade
Leather jackets restrict movement
Long hair and long bandana are easily grabbed
3/10 design for a hooker, 0/10 design for a fighter. see me after class
I think I saw an anime where girl ninjas being naked was a legit fighting tactic against men. It's all mind games in japan, mind games and titillation.
Every last fucking piece of Japanese media in the last four years has existed solely for people to jerk off to it. It's fucking ruined my favorite game franchise.
I dont see any resemblence
You should get into larping, seems like fiction and videogames aren't your thing.
>Every last fucking piece of Japanese media in the last four years has existed solely for people to jerk off to it.
Stop breathing.
Oh yeah, because that's always worked, and women in battle always went with their titties flopping about--OH, WAIT.
This, it's the cancer killing Japanese games.
yo is her asshole uncovered in this design
someone could just sneak up an buttfuck her
Retarded designs thread?
Let's see you make me, you plague on humanity.
>oh no an objective critique!
No woman with breasts that big has nipples that tiny.
or it's for entertainment and to have fun or something.
Why is fun banned here again? That's all the japanese want from what I can tell.
It should also be backless.
>It's all mind games
All fighting is mind games, it's not a Japanese thing. It's a critical part of all fighting.
sounded like an option to me. I just suggested something that you may like based on the opinion given. Larpers love that shit.
how the fuck does the panel stay in her pussy and ass
I can only describe that as beautiful.
Nipples are too small.
>Prove me wrong
Literally impossible.
Its a dildo
Guess I soulda said "only" instead of "all" or something.
Are you gonna argue about naked ninja girls or what? I need to know now so I can get my shit together.
Screwed in, can't you see?
Female characters are no longer allowed to be attractive.
Maybe in an anime or something but any real killer would just murk the dumb slut.
C-string with a butt plug.
Why is it that these type of artists LOVE showing the butt cheeks from the front making it look like they have a nice round ass, then when you see the back her ass looks like flat shit?
Either it's a c-string and it's compressing against her, or it has two dildo inserts and it stays up that way.
im assuming ugly landwhales, muh feminists and SJWs just hate sexualized female characters.
[i find it quite unerving]
that's not true. my gf does
Pussy and ass glue, stupid.
>No aerolas
shit design
they're strapless panties
look up the images on google
too lewd for Sup Forums
>women in battle
Yeah, historically how's that turned out for women prior to the invention of the gun?
If I recall correctly there were women who used sexuality as a distraction and that's the basis of the character Mai from Fatal Fury.
Gravity influences those boobs JUUUUUST RIGHT!
It triggers me because she looks like my mom and I don't appreciate seeing my mom that way.
What's with you guys and your opinions, namefag? Care to add more to them or is this conversation over?
With what kind of outfit do you need to wear something like that?
with two piercing above the poos and the other end has a buttplug
Came here to post this
>Slightly blurry textures
>AA isn't perfect
>Game doesn't run at 120fps at 1440p
>Woman wearing something that would in no way actually work for the given sinario in any way, shape or form
Whoa, whoa, hey, games are supposed to be fun! They don't have to be realistic!
It's largely a standalone piece.
What is this even from?
Pics for comparison?
Theoretically it is to eliminate pantylines on any tight clothes. Seems like it would be useful on dresses.
>Are you gonna argue about naked ninja girls or what? I need to know now so I can get my shit together.
I mean, it could work. That's all I'm saying.
>Maybe in an anime or something but any real killer would just murk the dumb slut.
That's true whether she was armored or not, but most soldiers she would likely encounter wouldn't be hardened killers.
The number of people who this would have no impact on would be small.
the only psychological damage anyone would have would be the gruesome arrow wounds on a fairly attractive female
>"Her pussy is sucking up my entire cock! Wow!"
- Every Doujin ever
>If I recall correctly there were women who used sexuality as a distraction
Name one single historical figure that used their own sexuality as a distraction during battle.
Go on. I'll wait.
What is she from?
Japs also have small boobs so it doesn't make any difference for them
>Sup Forums is one person
C'mon user. Stop pretending to be new. You have nothing to gain from this.
what game is this so I can buy it twice
>sjws will complain about that but not this
But thongs exist
Hm... I doubt it, his face proportions look different. Close though.
It was over when you started evading and ignoring actual valid points from that user, you only will plug your ears and pretend any single thing you do not agree with is wrong.
Which again, is pathetic.
>the only psychological damage anyone would have would be the gruesome arrow wounds on a fairly attractive female
... As though arrows wouldn't pierce whatever Japanese armor she would be wearing in lieu of this.
It's not like you can just take arrows because you have armor on.
>tape pasties
It's trash. Get actual shapes or get out.
People have ALWAYS complained about that.
If you can trace anything real out of ninjas, it's some poor farmers assassinating people. Being a prostitute or at least posing as one is a great cover for killing someone important, so there is a tiny grain of truth there, but it has little to do with titty ninjas in actual combat.
Who do you think the japanese women are fighting naked? Japanese men you bozo. They don't know what small was until the blonds came.
but at this point why not just go pantsu-less?
Do women REALLY need the bare minimum for their pussy juices to not leak on their legs like some fucking kind of animal?
>Demons exist
>Dragons exist
>Magic exists
Mhmm, yes, fine
>Tits and ass front and center
>Armor, while skimpy, is supposed to be able to protect them
God this is sooo unbelieveable. So unrealistic. My sense of immersion is totally broken.
Just say you don't like it, stop being a bitch. I for one love gratuitous TnA in my video games. It's just fun. You can have the guys be buff and half naked too, like I give a shit.
This is like the most amazing thing ever. Mind blown.
It's weird. I don't have an issue with sexual or fan service designs. But, on the other hand I've never seen a really fanservicey design that I've thought was really cool. Like it's hard to take an outfit like that seriously even if you explain it in the setting.
So, I don't dislike that kind of design. Far from it "triggering" me, but I don't think it's a good design either. I mean "good" in the subjective sense here too not that it's objectively good or bad. You can just do so much cooler and more interesting shit if you actually give a character clothing. I couldn't care less how sexist it is or isn't.
This tbvqhwymf
Big jugs need big nips
Preferably inverted
it helps quite a bit and the type of armor the japanese used was actually pretty darn effective against arrows
and certain types of armor most certainly could take arrows, renaissance era plate armor reacted to arrows like a tank reacts to 9mm
Are we talking about the same thing? I merely gave a suggestion to the user who didn't seem to be into the design. You obviously don't like my suggestion but you won't tell me why. I never said anything he said was wrong or bad, I just told him what I think he'd like. What's your problem namefag?
not as a distraction but there have been spies and sleeper agents throughout history male and female that used their sexuality and looks to assassinate or undermine the enemy side. Just recently women tricked ISIS members into sending them.
It's definitely never been a thing on a battlefield though
Why does this trigger so many people?
Her tits aren't big enough.
It depends on what you define as fanservice though. Chun-Li has a great design, but Chinese dresses are common fanservice elements.
How does that cup thing over her vag stay in place?
Well, there was Mochizuki Chiyome and the girls that she trained, but then they weren't really direct combatants.
They were more spies and at times assassins.
Historically speaking women haven't engaged in melee combat like this. Even with the advent of fire arms, female combatants hasn't ever been very common.
You don't just get to say something like that and NOT post pics of your mom.
They complain about the girl and not the man. They never complain that she looks aroused while on top of a pile of dead bodies.
Being turned on around dead bodies is a huge red flag.
>The number of people who this would have no impact on would be small.
I really think you're underestimating people's ability to become violent when push comes to shove. "Ooh no she's a woman" really goes out the window once your life is actually in danger, then it's all just adrenaline and instinct.
I think it looks fucking retarded, but my dick is okay with it.
It isn't Nyotengu.
Already flawed op.
Not even that user, but you sound like a fucking dipshit, dude.
If someone said "I don't like oranges because they're hard to peel and have a fleshy texture," and someone else said "maybe you should try apples instead," would you say the second person is pathetic? Because that's exactly what you just did.
I'm pretty fucking sure her nipples should still be visible unless she has like weird micro nipples.
>huge fat tits without big ol' areolas
Fucking trash.
Well I did say it was an anime, I wasn't trying to argue what is realistic or whatever, just that it's a troupe that exist there. I know it's more about presenting sex and violence, but it's the creative ways they ham fist it into things that fascinate me sometimes.
No fuck you those things need to be free during cowboy position
I WISH Motchie would do the character design on some game. Makes some of the best MILFs ever.