So which game comes out first, this or half life 3?
So which game comes out first, this or half life 3?
Cyberpunk for sure. Steam can cash-in on Steam, Dota, and TF2 hats. CDPR has to make games to stay afloat.
Chess 2: Check Bait before either
Duke Nukem Remasterd
They'e slowly becoming more casualized and opting for greedy sales platforms. See: gwent.
whenever it comes, it will probably be worth the wait.
people literally begged for that to happen, you don't throw away money like that
>See: gwent.
Nigger, the community asked for it.
*Valve can cash-in on Steam
They're still making giant, open-world RPGs. When CDPR goes full Blizzard and only makes card games, MOBAs, and MOBA-lites, then I'll agree with you.
Valve practically confirmed HL3 is dead and said their priority is in skins and e-sports now. C2077 might be coming slow but at least it has confirmed production.
Blizzard was always about dumbing down a genre/a style since their goddamn inception with the warhammer ripoffs.
he met O'Dimm in RL and sold him his soul for CDPR success
And I'm hype. Online Gwent is what I always wanted
they already said they won't even start production on Cyberpunk 2077 until late 2018.
I wouldn't expect this to come out until 2022/23 at the earliest, and that's being optimistic.
HL3: Literally never in official development.
HL2:EP3: Development long since halted due to Steam's success overtaking Valve.
Cyberpunk2077: In-development by the based pollocks of the west.
Prepare your bodies for more downgrade.
Cyberpunk for sure, Half-Life 3 isn't even in development.
Cyberpunk is a stale ded genre
what genre are we talking about?
Serious Sam 4
>white woman submitting to black man
more jewish cuckspiracy propogation tools or more neo-con cuckservatives sexual demonisation?
They already had some people working on it since Witcher 3 launch, and now, after Blood and Wine, the whole team is working on Cyberpunk.