So now when a game is announced for a EU release will this not include the UK?

So now when a game is announced for a EU release will this not include the UK?

No you fucking idiot, when they say EU there in that context they're referring to the geographical area not the communist dictatorship.

EU release means Europe not European Union.

You know what, good for you guys, UK. It's about time you put your foot down and took control of your own affairs. This namby pamby bullshit where every country has to hold hands and swallow each other's bullshit with a smile on their face has to stop.

Cheers to you britbongs.

Don't worry, you can always import from Scotland once they get out

Yes, because the UK will soon no longer exist.


The pound has crashed. Riots are starting in supermarkets over food that has been marked 20 bongs.

Soon UK will just be a german state.

>inb4 this means we now get same date as US

>YFW France realizes it's the only cool kid left at the party and decides to jet, causing Merkel to have a fucking stroke and the EU to start collapsing

Do it frogbros, it'll be hilarious.

>France leaves
>Germany crumbles trying to keep all the gib monies countries like Greece afloat
>those gib monies countries have to start selling debtor citizens as slaves
>Europe becomes easy pickings for Muslim expansion

I hope we get them at the same time as the US. No need to translate my games to bumfuck languages now.

Welcome to New Britainstan. May Allah smile upon you.

Good joke, mudslime.

Get that ass deported.

Holy shit user, that's it. I'm reporting you to the Sultan of United Muslim Kingdom. They are coming for you.

Why do Scotland still think they're a notable, real country?

They don't they just want to swap an union for another

wait what about river city tokyo rumble are we not getting it anymore this victory is bitter sweet

I thought the majority of people voting to leave were old white xenophobes scared of immigration, this makes no sense. Look at far right politicians across Europe congratulating the bongs right now

>America has kept its states united for 200+ years
>Europe can't even do 50 years

American superiority confirmed once again



Why did the UK left the European Union?

>The european union somehow resembles the U.S

falling for the bait this hard, brexiters really are stupid

Because EU keeps shitting down immigrants on UK's throat

Explain. Are they forcing your goverment to take these immigrants in? Did your goverment not agree to this?

The EU is weak vermin sucking and leeching off those successful enough to sustain themselves. Glad UK put their foot down to liberlal muslim loving cuckholdry. Let the poor fucks rot in their own cesspool, take back your identity UK!

Wow that sucks but in the long run that was worse for everyone, no?

uk has always been a 2nd rate "eu country" with all their whining

now that they are gone the EU can finally make decisions without their interference

Because they want to be special snowflakes

I can't wait until they leave and then get denied membership into the EU leaving them with no one to leech onto.

Because the economy is tanking and people are scared of muslims.

The euro union votes and if they don't get the result they want they recount it till they do
I'm not joking this is how the euro union has functioned for decades

Thousands of companies will go out of business, the British economy is fucked and the UK will most likely break apart so yeah.

Back to Pakistan

I guess everyone is scared of muslims.
But why do it? So they can stop taking in muslims?

Okay again. Are they forcing you to take these immigrants in or is your goverment agreeing to it?

Yeah, decisions like implementing Sharia Law, and giving your 5 year old daughters to Achmed's big brown muslim cock.

You did good, UK. You did good.

Because muh feelings

Why are youngins so retarded? Why did it take the votes of old people to free the nation?

This outcome is beautiful.

All liberals screaming how fear won, while they fearmonger absolutely everything for the next 3 years.

Its going to be fun.

>tfw I can't import from uk without dealing with customs anymore

Fuck you britbongs

It's more complicated than that. Basically xenophobia+recession+austerity can get people to vote for anyone promising the opposite. It's how Hitler got in power.

But EU is purely capitalist.

Because they are all brainwashed by the liberal media

>old British people are racist and stupid enough to manipulate into believing anything their politicians want them to
Gee who would have thought.

I think it's implied they do that liberal maneuver of recounting votes everytime something doesn't go as planned and if the results are not the expected they keep recounting the votes until they get what they want. So yeah.

The entire point of the EU is for all of the members to function as one country in regards to immigration and work.

So yes, if Germany lets in a fuckload of Mudslimes, and then they decide they want to go shit up the UK, the UK had no choice but to accept them.

Why would you want to import from UK?

Liberals and Muslim brotherhood are now rallying for London's exit from Britania.

Wow that's really dumb. So they got rid of the small problem and fucked everyone in and themselves in the process.
This is what bigotry gets you man,

>young kids who get their opinions from statements 140 characters or less should be trusted with critical thinking
In 40 years they get to be the old guys making the majority of decisions, until then maybe they should just live and learn

>liberal maneuver of recounting votes

The NSDAP wad liberal now?

So why are you still living under your federal government, you hypocrite?

Because games got cheap pretty fast over there
At least in the past.
Also for English strategy guides because fuck German

What's the advantage of sticking with them? All i see is a totally fucked up economy for years and years.

i pity you

>Strategy guides

It's called Google

>everyone that wants an independent country is a nazi
>border control is for racists!

Legitimately good question, honestly. One I ask myself everyday, but until I get to the answer I would prefer if my guns weren't taken away


As opposed to what? Younger people that will believe anything that EU shills write on Facebook or say on TV?

Care to explain how Britain's economy is going to change for the better when it was entirely dependent on Europe in the first place?

Exactly. UK will be banned from next UEFA too.

Because my country isn't being dragged down the third world shithole like the UK was, faggot.

>UK isn't the only one
>other countries are now calling for referendums
>soon Merkel will have to occupy these misbehaving countries to get them back into line

Does this mean i can never use my British passport to live anywhere in the EU besides UK with no bs?

Look I think the EU was always a bad idea and Brits getting out of a sinking ship is good but lets not pretend this decision wasn't made by old white xenophobes scared of brown people.

That would actually a very good thing,Londonistan is a fucking disaster of a city.

No, it's being lifted up by the 3rd world and once all the spics realize that, you'll be fucked.

I think Canada will let you, and maybe Straya


>Does this mean i can never use my British passport to live anywhere in the EU besides UK with no bs?
Pretty much, feels bad for the Brittish living in other EU countries. Though if they've lived there long enough they could ask for citizenship, but for those that can't ask for it yet, they have my sympathies.

It's called fuck you they look nice

Everyone hates weeaboos anyway

Yes, that's exactly what it means. But more importantly, it means EU passport holding faggots also can't shit up the UK.

It was Hitler who wanted to make a EU though.

how is that a bad thing?

>Implying Merkel can do shit
What's going to happen is that Scandinavia will get tired of mudslimes soon enough and germany will fall to the jew once again.

It is different user the eu has recounted votes that have clearly gone majority not in favor of the "correct" option, its just bullying on an international scale

because old people are stupid

The more rich countries leave, the more strain it puts on the few remaining rich countries who have to provide welfare to the poorer ones. Its either invade or go bankrupt. Or swallow their pride and admit they were wrong and come up with a more amiable solution (which with WW1 and 2 we know germany isn't capable of)

I wonder who is behind this

probably because the people old white people are afraid of enable the economy to begin with

Unless all the rich countries just say fuck it and let the invalids fend for themselves.

Recent EU politics are pure bullshit and it's about time everyone realized that.

>canada doesn't accept disable people

What? I thought canada was a SJW wet dream?

It's true though, old people are fucking stupid and ruined the world for like 3 generations.

>each party is full of hypocritical scaremongering
>each party is lead by cunts
>each party will lie their way to victory

Either way this could have went, the situation is shit. At least the leave voters I know aren't loudmouthed pricks about how the only right choice is the one they support. Hell, they're probably scared of the social ostracizing caused by not sharing someone's opinion.

I think Germany would be capable of starting a war on their own if they have the support of the few bankrupt countries with a large land army, that still remain. They've done it before.

Because old farts won't have to live with the consequences. I think I leaving is good because the EU is self imploding anyway but lets not pretend this will set Brits into a recession to last for decades.

Besides France and UK there is no country with a a great military force in the EU tho
It's only France now

As Liberal as it might be, Canada is a harsh country only for the strongest of men and women.

That's why you can't like loli in canada. Lolis are weak and make you weak with their moe, increasing the chances of you dying so they had to make loli illegal.

How does it feel to be left out from all upcoming EU tourneys?

>As Liberal as it might be, Canada is a harsh country only for the strongest of men and women.


>germany gets turkey to join the EU now that they're desperate
>kraut engineering and roach speed blitz france into surrendering for the third time

Germany did it before because they literally ignored all debt and forced an internal economy boom out of promises and an indivdual's charisma. That won't happen again, they won't let it.

Can't wait to see either the EU fall apart or the great UK crumbling apart from certain regions voting to leave it in order to stay with the EU. Did you see the Scottish votes? Almost all of them wanted to stay and they have good reason to given their car and oil industry. Being part of the EU made their trading easier.

Germany is currently having an invasion that they will never be able to manage,why do you think that they have the power to do anything to other countries?

>Homosexual relationships
>Not manly as fuck
It's men fucking men in the ass, how is that not a statement of strength?

Oil is fucked in the current situation, whether they're EU or not.