Star Ocean 5 next week, comrades.
Honestly I feel obligated to buy it for some reason.
Star Ocean 5 next week, comrades.
Honestly I feel obligated to buy it for some reason.
Does it have alternate costumes?
>Buying censored games.
Nah, I'll wait for Tales of Berseria
What's been censored?
This only has a single small thing censored though. It isn't completely butchered like #FE
I really liked til the end of time. Is this similar?
Nothing but Potato-chan's pantsu. Went from high cut panties to normal ones. Devs themselves censored their own work. Japanese version is the same. It's kind of bizarre.
Star Ocean is always a buy for me because i like the combat Baccus was one of the most fun things i've ever played in a RPG. I don't even care if the story is crap. Although TLH had some fucking Kojima length cutscenes.
Kind of? Depends on what you liked about 3.
Who designed this outfit?
I'll be picking it up once it gets a bit of a price drop. Heard it was kinda mediocre. It's pretty much inevitable and if I buy said copy from Gamefly chances are it'll be the day one edition with a usable dlc code even months down the line.
>out next week
and I have no money to buy it
somebody buy two copies and give it to a friend for me
Someone with impeccable taste. Possibly even a god in human form.
Devs wanted to "self censor" before it came to the states so it wouldn't "count" as censorship since the Japanese one is also censored.
>Censorship is okay when it's a game I'm excited for.
Crikey, m8.
Men who think with their dicks.
It's short and you never leave the planet you are on.
The closest thing to a star ocean in this game is the night sky.
Crafting system, dungeons, combat, and story until the bullshit twist
My europoor copy of Odin Sphere PS4 is here next week, so I'm busy with that. Tales of Berseria looks much better too than SO5
I'm buying it. First star ocean on ps4. Wasn't regretting buying Leifrasir either. As long as this doesn't play like the last tales, I'll be fine.
Combat was always good, graphics nice, massive item customization and overall gameplay were also pros that's why I'm getting one too even though character design, voice acting and some dialogues wil be terrible again. Waiting for price drop of course, 60$ is too much.
Not saying SO5 is good but Tales of beseria looks just like the 3 previous tales games and they were awful
>ywn play chess on her thick body
Just stick a grenade in my butt and pull the pin already.
Looks like shit desu.
Only cucks like still care about this failing series after 3.
No Baba this time though
What the fuck happened to her face.
As long as its better than tales of zestiria, I'm fucking sold. I'm probably going to sink atleast 40 hours into it, so I'm good with that
Would you prefer frogfu face?
Between Sup Forums's shitposting about MUH PANTYSHOT CENSORSHIP and 20 HOURS, I feel like my hype has died down a bit. That might be for the best though. I know this won't be another Star Ocean 2, but at this point I'm just expecting a fun medium length JRPG, which sounds like will be exactly what I'm getting.
I always liked SO more than Tales.
Is the snes game worth playing?
nothing, the devs changed a characters panties mid development and that counts as censorship apparently. Because devs aren't allowed to make design changes.
Is that skirt made out of candy?
>falling for Sup Forums shitposting
It works in reverse for me. All the Overwatch shilling has made me avoid the game and Sup Forums being butthurt over SO5 has made me interested in it. Fuck this board.
We need more of those in design roles. Seriously, they can get pretty creative with costume design.
I like both, tales and star ocean. Also Project setsuna looks ok but
>$40 unity engine game
Maybe later, Cosmic star heroine for 15 bucks seems better.
I'm not saying I fell for it. I'm just saying seeing the constant negativity got me to dial down my hype and be more realistic in my expectation. Most of the time when a game gets shilled hard, like Overwatch or with #FE, I'll be more cautious with how I look at it, same with a huge amount of forced controversy.
I can't believe I'm finally going to have a jrpg backlog again. Thank god.
I think the problem people had with, especially the japs, was the devs did it to appease western audiences according to their own words. So I can understand japs not liking that but now they know how we feel.
It has some beautiful spritework and it's pretty advanced for an SNES game, especially the sound chip, but the combat isn't really that great at all. You're better off playing the PSP remake.
In all three of them, I can't even see a hint of labia. Maybe because it's so fucking hard to see anything.
>star ocean 5 hours
They can go fuck themself. I'd have bought it if it still was PS4 only but now I can have it in higher framerate / resolution for free.
Luckily Berseria western release is simultaneous on PS4 and PC so I'll try the game first this time on PC
Oh fuck is the game short or am I getting memed on?
I Fucking hate short jrpgs give me the truth