FUCK, just bought pic related because it was so cheap but remembered I can't into horror games, any tips?

FUCK, just bought pic related because it was so cheap but remembered I can't into horror games, any tips?

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Man up

hide under the table

and get ready to turn the generator on and then backtrack to open the door twelve times in a row

Run away.

same here OP

I figure to get over my fear of everything I gotta go all in, Ill play it at night, with headphones on, lights off

Im prepared to pee myself if thats what its gonna take

I believe in you, OP!

I also couldn't into horror games, but it was so interesting and well paced I managed to beat it.

If I can, you can.

Play some Subnautica, famalama

such an underrated game of this gen
probably the best movie game next to riddick and goldeneye

alien isolation is my favorite single player game. I recommend playing on hard, and understand its just a game no reason to be scared

Watch the movie first. They did an amazing job of recreating the atmosphere of the movie

This game makes my roommate scream in terror every time the alien gets me. It's hilarious. I play exclusively to give her PTSD now.

>any tips

They mostly come out at night, mostly.


should i watch aliens before i play this game? i already saw alien

Just to the part where they discuss Ripley's daughter. Then turn it off and play the game.

It's not necessary. Personally I think Aliens is massively overrated.

Just finished this last night, pretty good game, though it becomes less scary as time goes on, more just tense

>Massive fan of Alien series
>Hear good things about Alien Isolation
>Buy on sale. GET HYPE
>Switch off lights, put on headphones, prepare body for this masterpiece
>Manage 2hrs of game before shitting myself and quitting
>Have not played since

I'm becoming more and more of a pussy as I get older Sup Forums. Will probably go back to it fresh at some point, but it will have to be with lights on and ambient sound. Gone are the days when I could blithely plow through Silent Hill, Fatal Frame, Amnesia etc without a second thought.

If you're not into horror this game will break you. The can be unforgivable, there are no real checkpoints and you're constantly in sheer horror. Good luck.

>tfw when my gf beat it on hard but I cant play it for more that 15 min

eat shit

It doesn't stay scary for long. Once you realize that the alien is always nearby and it's dumb as rocks the scares evaporate.

>tfw want to play alien isolation with headphones, but computer runs too hot and room gets too hot and get really sweaty

Play on normal. Crouch everywhere.

PC? There is a mod that prevents the Alien from moving or reacting.

in truth I blame myself


Play it and get over your fears and have fun, or refund it.

I wanted to like this game but damn it it's just another closet hiding simulator like Amnesia.

find the scary things, go into the room, and then take your hands off the keyboard and let it kill you

do this a few times until it sinks in that you don't die in real life if you die in the game

>not loving the retro hi-tek shit in the game
>being hysterical about androids
>the totally accurate aesthetics and character designs


Don't do this. I did this and died in real life. Now I'm a skeleton and I can't use the PS4 resistive touchpad with my bone fingers.

eat shit


I feel less effect about horror games when I had just finished masturbating maybe that might help

When I get really horny I want to fuck the things in horror games

>tfw fast reader

advice: never stop moving, hiding anywhere for more than a few seconds will get you killed

oh and,


and if you're on xbone with kinect IT CAN HEAR YOU

Since it's related, I'm thiking about buying the game, what does the DLC add to the game? It's a single player game what the hell could the season pass be for?

The game begins with fear of the Alien. Later, the fear becomes that the Alien will murder you when you're a million miles from a save point. The tension is pretty constant throughout the game, the cause just changes.

You have to have your senses tuned at all time, which can be mentally exhausting. Listening and analyzing the Alien's noises, listening for facehuggers, and gauging when it's time to keep still or say fuck it and make a break for it.

The alien goes through the vents a lot. As such, it can appear anywhere at a moments notice but it very rarely does and, because of this, the tracker will often give you a false sense of fear. Just do what you need to do quickly and move on. Explore and scavenge for supplies but do so quickly and keep moving.

Also, use the alien to kill other enemies whenever possible, although it'll rarely, if ever, attack the androids.

Finally, treat flamethrower fuel like they're extra lives. The game gets much easier once you get the flamethrower but don't rely solely it as carelessness can easily drain your ammo.

I wouldn't say more than a few seconds, but staying still for more than 30 seconds is extremely ill advised.

>You have to have your senses tuned at all time, which can be mentally exhausting.
Fucking this. I've never played another game with so few button presses that required so much intense concentration. I always felt exhausted after playing for about three or more hours.

I don't know if it's been mentioned but playing with a really good set of headphones or a surround sound system makes a huge difference and actually makes the game easier since you can tell where something is just by hearing their footsteps. I'm not if I could've beaten the game on hard otherwise.

>Being scared of pixels on a screen
I will never understand this meme

What are you doing there? Allow me to assist you.



I reccomend playing with a controller because you get analog leaning. Aiming isn't too critical in this game so you don't really need M+Kb and with the keyboard you're stuck poking your head out the whole distance which can easily get you killed, plus analog movement speed is nice for keeping quiet too

Unexpectedly good game, desu. I thoroughly enjoyed it despite being a wuss.

Those god damn robots are so much worse than the alien.

one of the things I most enjoyed about this game was the unexpected popularity of the androids and all the hysterical memes


you're becoming hysterical

Only animals are afraid of fire.

failure to take proper safety precautions for industrial work zones can have severe consequences.

I think my worst and most frightening death was hearing noise behind me, to see it was chasing me in a vent.

I was backing up slowly, firing my pistol, HOPING it would do something. The truly horrifying part was that with each muzzle flash, the alien was closer, like those rapidly flickering lights in haunted houses. Closest I came to shitting my pants, out of all the death sequences.


Best "easter egg" in the game right here. Must have been inspired by Ash.

Most definitely.

Thank you for visiting our product showcase. Please take your time to thoroughly inspect our fine Seegson craftsmanship. Tomorrow Together.

don't you dare!, skeleton!

Also, that filename is just the icing on the cake. You're alright in my book, user.

>any tips?

use this:

makes the alien less like a cheesy slasher movie and lets it run wild.

but it is literally a slasher villian

Thanks, user. I'm glad someone else appreciates the intense sexual allegories that ooze out of the Alien franchise.

Great mod. It not only makes the game a bit less frustrating (because the alien kinda stops knowing what exact area you're in), but also makes it more realistic for the same reason and more interesting thanks to how unpredictable it gets.

I friend lend it to me yesterday and i played it for an hour, so far no Alien but the atmosphere of the game is sublime. I want to stop being scared of horror games and get into the genre but overcoming my fear of jumpscares is a hard task.

A:I has very few if any jumpscares, like the original movie
The alien also takes a bit to show up, they really want to build tension and a good atmosphere

Be brave, user!

And cover your butthole--aliens love sneaking in there.

>And cover your butthole--aliens love sneaking in there.

I think they're more into oral.

>I'm glad someone else appreciates the intense sexual allegories that ooze out of the Alien franchise.

>implying the entire fanbase didn't pop a boner anytime they got a good look up the alien's skirt as it walked by


Is it kind of a slow start? I spent like two hours just diving and breaking apart rocks

It's a shame shadowplay seemed to stop working most of the time for me on this game for some reason. I missed out on capping a lot of cool moments

Should i buy it?

I need to stop being a pussy. Never finished a horror game. Even Serious Sam and Doom 3 were too much for me. I can't deal with enemies behind me and A.I frightens me.
I also hate to feel helpless and not in control.
I get too immersed in games.

Could play F.E.A.R with no problems though.

Really want to play Alien Isolation.
Is it a good game to overcome my fear?

The sexiest alien.

You're becoming hysterical.

Idk i tried to play but the stealth and alien became boring and annoying fast

yes! I completely agree

>movie scene where the alien is mildly distracted while Ripley is sprinting back and forth across the entire damn ship
>meanwhile the alien goes and takes a nap

>try something similar, setting off alarms and shit in one area to lure the alien away and then sprinting for the exit
>instant death when I run under an air vent
Fuck atmosphere. Just spend the whole game crawling behind furniture.

Follow protocol.

it is dirt cheap on psn and probably on steam, it is a great game

This game was simply awesome, there's no way they can make a better alien game. The retro futuristic, future of the 70s is there, the feeling of watching a action movie from the 80s is there. The horror really makes you be in the skin of the character unlike anything I've ever played. The closest I can say I was so immersed in the game was in STALKER, but this game does it even better.

If you are really spooked then play AVP 2010 as the marine first, should get you quite ready from this one.

It expands the universe of the movie like GTA Vice City does with Scarface.

You were in the comfy starting zone probably.

Shit starts getting real in the kelp forests.

There's nothing scary about this game.