What's the best way to play original Doom? I've seen people on Sup Forums warn against the Steam version

What's the best way to play original Doom? I've seen people on Sup Forums warn against the Steam version.

Other urls found in this thread:


Someone will probably post the Doom infographic in a second.

Basically, grab the IWADs from the link, then run them with either ZDoom or Zandronum. Or, if you're feeling like a complete nostalgiafag, you use Chocolate Doom.

Then you go to Doomworld and start grabbing WADs with reckless abandon.

What is wrong with Doomsday?

Nothing, it's simply that ZDoom is the best in terms of shit just werking.

Also forgot to mention, get yourself some DoomSeeker to take it online and frag motherfucker.


You want the uncensored pre-Bethesda IWADs and a decent source port.

The tinyurl doesn't seem to work anymore

If you want to be a moralfag (or salvage your retarded purchasing decisions) you can use GZDoom to run the Steam store bought version correctly, since it basically just checks to make sure that you have a purchased WAD somewhere on your system.

Bought Doom, Doom 2, Quake, Wolfenstein, and whatever else came in the GoG bundle. I'm not reading that long ass infographic for mods bullshit. How do I fix the ass tier controls?

GZdoom or Zdoom

literally hang yourself

setup.exe or the options menu in a source port.

The tinyurl for the iwads is down.

delete system32

Objectively, the best way to play Doom is with ZDoom with mouselook on

The best way to play in the way most people who used to be kids that didnt have a good graphics unit is with Chocolate Doom on medium screen size on 800x600 resolution and low rendering settings

How unnecessary. Still though, Download ZDoom. Open the wad file with that. And you're done.

get the iwads from general pasta and follow

Nobody recommends buying it because nobody from the original iD Software works there anymore, and you're practically giving Bethesda the dosh.

Thank you

>Chocolate Doom
This is the way Doom should be played. Way more nostalgic. This is the Doom I remember as a kid.

Looking for something else I stumbled on this site which has all the .wad files

No one who worked on the game gets a penny now days, so I don't think they mind.
