>Umbrella Corps is so desperate to be loved that it brought Wesker back to life
>It's apparently canon
Umbrella Corps is so desperate to be loved that it brought Wesker back to life
Nice bait, OP.
>caring about resident evil past 2
>mfw I bought Umbrella Corps and its the most fun I've had with a Resident Evil since RE5 mercenaries.
Its something between the Club, CoD, and Rainbow Six Vegas on cocaine.
Do you actually get to kill zombies in this one or is it more of this team pvp class-based bullshit that has been saturating the market?
>I bought
Wait what?
It got released?
>thinking Capcom has any clue what to do with the RE franchise
They literally asked the fans what they wanted for REmake 2.
The zombies are there as part of the gameplay
Everyone starts off with a zombie jammer
During the fight your jammer can get shot and damaged. Once that happens all the zombies start aggroing on you, so either you start shooting the zombies (revealing your location) to get them off you or you try and kill someone without destroying their jammer and grab theirs.
Shame this game tanked completely.
It's way more fun than most people probably think.
I've never played a Resident Evil game but I remember reading a magazine article, I think in Nintendo Power, about what I'm pretty sure was an RE game for the Gamecube where it was some kind of co-op experience where you and other players were scattered around the city and had to survive.
I'm sure I misunderstood it in some way, but it sounded so fucking incredible to me as a kid.
>you can steal jammers
Oh my god why did no one tell me
Is this shit on sale
There was quite a bit of threads about it since the last few days.
It just came out two days ago so I doubt it
Enjoy it while you can, it looks fun but people are already saying it's dead.
It'd have been a decent game if it was just Mercenaries instead of an FPS
You're thinking of Resident Evil Outbreak. PS2 game
>implying re3 and 4 weren't goat respectively
Couldn't this game just take place in between RE4/5, doesn't mean he's alive.
I personally cant wait until next tuesday.
CO-Oping on RE5 is fun.
The first time we played we didnt know we could upgrade weapons and we got to the part where the Batbug made it's second appearance.
And doing the mercs going for SS ranks was great. We had every level down to a science.
But it's not an FPS, there's ADS but that's it
Did you even read the article?
Who is
It's also far less fun than you make it sound.
It's okay, but nothing to write home about. It's a sloppy mess, with almost no content. It's absurd how little content there is. There should be like 6 more game modes, twice the number of maps, and twice the number of unlockables to distinguish higher ranked players easily. It's $30, there's f2p games with more content at launch, and this doesn't even say early access or anything.
Also, they could have polished it a bit more. Animations are pretty lousy, there's no female characters, only one lame voice for your character who repeats the same lines a lot...
I wish it had more people playing too, but it has some glaringly huge drawbacks at the moment. There's good reason why very few people are.
Wow that's so badly made. His head and rockets literally disappear.
Do I need friends or can I play alone like revelations raid mode?
The single player mode isn't the focus of the game. I don't think you can even co-op either.
I don't think this game is what you're thinking it is
Then truly, all hope is lost; I just want to fight bots all day, is that so bad?
What game has had bots over the past decade? That shit is long gone.
It was a hologram.
But doesn't 7 shit on this with its "no old characters will return" statement?