Yfw a Kirby game is a better Star Fox game than Star Fox Zero

>Yfw a Kirby game is a better Star Fox game than Star Fox Zero

Also holy shit the deep lore in this game.

Other urls found in this thread:


I dont know, I thought that boss was too fucking easy for a final boss.

Nigga you need to spoiler that shit next time
But yeah there was some deep lore going on

It isn't though. The Star Fox section was extremely weak and Shallow. Zero, despite being clunky and unoriginal, had much, much richer gameplay.


Apples and oranges.


Is he meant to be the old Nova rebuilt or do they just both look the same because they're wish granting machines?


The latter.

I thought that Planet Robobot as a whole absolutely crushes Triple Deluxe and i had more fun fighting the true arena bosses in Robobot.

I dont find Queen Sectonia fun or interesting aside from the finale.


Different models of the same type of machine. They're both created by ancient Halcandrans, but they are different individuals.


In True Arena he's a huge cunt but I thought he was a decent enough final boss. Loved the lead up from the 2nd form to the 3rd and the TTGL finale. And I had pretty high expectations after Sectonia.


>tfw True Arena
Why are there so many fucking bosses in this

How do you get high quality screen sceenshots of the game?
And can you post more?


I had the same exact thought.

All I wanted out of SFZ was at least one on-rails boss, but everything had to be BIG, EXCITING, CINEMATIC, ALL RANGE TARGET MODE. Meanwhile what is presumably a budget game announced three months before its worldwide release delivers a sequence that is not only exactly what I wanted from Star Fox, but is so fucking thematically rad from beginning to end that I wonder how the fuck the next Kirby game will try to outdo it.


Citra emulation.

Here's a selection from the True Arena.


>you now need to bait in order to create a Kirby thread
I wish I were just kidding.


Posting feels

You guys did spend time with your pop last Sudnay, right?


Does it run well?

Runs like shit, but screenshot user toughs it out for us

It runs at Hammer Lord speed.

>comparing an on-rail shooter sequence to an on-rail shooter game is bait

The End
I don't know much Jap, but Haltmann says something about feeling nostalgic and not being sure why


God bless user for high resolution Dark Matter and pre-transformation Sectonia

>comparing an platform game with simple on-rail shooter to a focused on-rail shooter game
I will bite it just to give you my reply.

>You guys did spend time with your pop last Sudnay, right?
yes, i spent about 9 hours with him at a relative's

it was boring as hell and made worse because i didn't have reception, retroarch was broken, and the conversation between my relatives is rarely anything i'm interested in but i made a point to spend the time with him anyway because my mom passed in april and i regret not spending enough time with her

Guise why does Dark Matter hate the 3DS?
He's got no depth perception

>HAL wasted the Factory Inspection remix in Rainbow Curse instead of waiting to use it for Robobot
>Kirby 64 boss fight music doesnt play on the Holo Defense boss
>Heavy Lobster is nowhere to be seen, not even as a cameo

Could have been a 10/10 game

>HAL wasted the Factory Inspection remix in Rainbow Curse instead of waiting to use it for Robobot

Except they remixed it again for Robobot


I know im saying i prefer the Rainbow Curse version.

I don't play Star Fox but man I loved that boss fight, replayed it too many times to keep track of.

Alright, how would you all have implemented Heavy Lobster?

I'd do a Robobot Wheel race and boss fight against an upgraded sanic speed Heavy Lobster, we would have something to burn rubber against

>>Kirby 64 boss fight music doesnt play on the Holo Defense boss


Going into Galacta Knight's battle with half of a health bar.

Wish me luck

Phase 1: Neo Metal General Fight
Phase 2: He activates Heavy Lobster to attack you.
Phase 3: He fights you inside a giant Heavy Lobster Mech.

In Meta Knightmare mode you get a Heavy Lobster mech like that fan art someone drew. I wanted that to be real so badly.

Galacta Knight feels easy as fuck in this game.

I'm also a scrub who uses hammer for the entire arena, so that might have something to do with it.

>beat him in one minute

Time for the final boss. This is my first time so hopefully I don't get fucked.

Spamming the hammer and spinning around is a great way to deal with Galacta Knight.

good luck m8
fuck him up

Some of these will be my new wallpapers, you butifel man you.

The dash attack and down attack both have invincibility frames during the attack, so it trivializes most of the bosses. Plus, the up attack deals SO much fucking damage that if you know the appropriate time to use it you can wreck most of the bosses super fucking quick.

After I finish the True Arena I kind of want to do it again with either no ability or using the ability roulette.


Oh I didn't know the down attack had invincibility frames, imma try that.

>This is my first time so hopefully I don't get fucked.
I'm sorry user.

You'll get why I say this in advance.

Hammer is easy mode for any arena

I made it to Star Dream Soul's final phase and I'm on red. I don't wanna unpause.

not bad for a first time. Just thread slowly, run like hell; or accept your fate and git gud.

>Still no good 02 remix

s-surely we'll get it in the kirby 64 remake

>So close!

The one in Brawl is so bad that im shocked Hal hasent attempted to remix it themselves.

It's franchise warring, and it's fucking obnoxious and horrible to do.
Starfox and Kirby have J A C K S H I T to do with each other, so stop creating this one-sided "rivalry" that doesn't fucking exist


I mean if you really want me to be an asshole about it, not only does Planet Robobot have a better final boss than Zero did, but it also has more replay value, better music and better controls.

Theyre not even the same genre but even i wouldnt tell anybody to buy Zero. Maybe Zero is worth renting at most.

Would HAL do a good Star Fox

Anyone can do a good Star Fox if they don't push a controller gimmick. But that's not the point of this thread.

Bro it's mostly just a joke from the earlier PR threads when people found the final boss fight.

This is about as close as we're gonna get.

There's so many fan remixes and arrangements too but none that I've found quite nails what made the original so good. Hearing the how well they did the Robobot Dark Matter remix really makes me want them to do a 02 one.

Shit on Zero all you want I love it but I know full-well why people hate it but leave Kirby out of the discussion. I repeat Kirby has J A C K S H I T to do with Starfox and it just creates more shitflinging between fanbases, which tells me you either WANT Kirby threads to be full of shit/revenge posting, or you just see the franchise as a gaudy accessory to tout around while you gloat about how much better it is than Zero, which shows far more disrespect for Kirby than it does respect.

>10 kirby games later
>completely fail to surpass Super Star
>just resort to sucking its dick for nostalgia points
Kirby is a fail

>It's just a joke bro, let us shitpost in peace!
Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure it is

ignore him, he's a recent autistic shmuck that goes on about how jokes are destroying the kirby threads
inb4 "b-b-but I've been here since 2008"


It's neat but you literally hold b for minutes on end while dodging in between.

No I'm not trying to justify it, just saying that's what it was, a joke from back when people got the JP version.

Like clockwork

>10 seconds in

Ok, I suppose I should be a little more discerning with my (you)s. Thanks m8.

I unironically love the Brawl remix and think it fits a game like Smash. Brawl itself is trash though.

It's a highly conceited and venomous joke full of ill will and it makes Kirby fans look bad for trashing other people's games.

>mfw original Dark Matter of all things came back as a boss
And it feels like the only reason 02 and others didn't come back as bosses is because they're saving them for another game. This trend of bringing back the most badass and memorable parts of old games and lovingly recreating them in 3D is wonderful and I hope it continues. Call me a sucker but I'd buy a Kirby that was entirely that, to be honest.

Are you the guy who used to shitpost about how Dream Land 2 is the pinnacle of the series and that modern Kirby sucks?

This is bait, but I really do hope the next 'main' Kirby game is 3D and on NX. I want to see HAL really push themselves and try something new with the formula.

Post more
This game looks fucking great at high resolutions

02 is too big.

They've tried/started making a full 3D Kirby game like four times now. The only explanation for their continued cancellation is that they just can't make it work. So they're being smart and adapting the work done on those games into the 2D games instead.

If they can make it work, then I'd love to see them, but I appreciate that they're taking the time and care to not release something that's lacking.

>HAL locks a mode behind the True Arena known as The Final Arena
I'd buy 5 copies.

I guess I'm a lore pleb because I don't understand why clone Sectonia turned into clone(?) Taranza for a second before being destroyed. Someone explain?

I'm a sucker for the recent games but after 3 in a row I would definitely be disappointed if we just got more of the same next time around, I definitely feel we're more than ready for the leap to 3D, hopefully HAL is as well, what with that one interview and now 3D "Cock Tease" Rumble

They tried.

But HAL just kinda gave up for the moment. That's kinda why 3D Rumble is there to give a taste of what it would be like.

because the wasp form isn't Sectonia's true form

She gazed into the Amazing Mirror and she got that form

Oh... I kind of thought it was funny. I guess some jokes have their time though.

That's Sectonia

Its Sectonia

Sectonia used to look more like Taranza, but when she asked for Taranza to get her a mirrior he got her the amazing mirror, which turned her into the form you fight in the game.

post yfw Kirby Dreamland 1 remake in full 3D

MAYBE it was funny the first time, but now it's just rubbing it in.

>unlockable Revenge of the King 3D