I want a Metroid game like Breath of the Wild


Other urls found in this thread:


Man, I just want a Metroid game

I would love this

Only as long as Sakamoto is never allowed anywhere near the project.

So a game with world design and progression based on the first game but with modern mechanics and conventions?






I wish samus would have just been created as a male so we'd still have good metroid games








How would you modernize Metroid without throwing the bathtub out with the bathwater?

Breath of the Wild still looks and feels like a normal Zelda game underneath, but they've overhauled many aging mechanics and tropes.

How would you overhaul Metroid so it doesnt feel like a Prime 1 wannabe or a Super wannabe?




Platinum knows what's up.


Fuck yeah, put Monolith in charge of that franchise




More like these


i thought that was lu bu in the thumbnail





Echoes had best pirate bantz.

I've never played Other M, but I imagine make a game like it but good.

In a way it looks to me like it was the original Breath of the Wild.

>brought back 2D scolling like BOTW brought back free-roaming.
>revolutionized the first-person perspective, by allowing you to toggle into it at ANY time, like Zelda's new physics engine has no custom animations, everything is real-time.
>introduced a new take on the series' main protagonist, like Calamity Ganon.
>we see the history of Samus like Bill Trinen said you will learn about Link's past.
>both games are advertised as being mystery-driven narratives. Other M with the bottle ship, Deleter, and M.B.; BOTW with the post-apocalyptic world, robots, and Sheikah.

Probably more.

>thread about wanting new Metroid
>turns into Metroid art thread

I am ok with this.

Maximum kek.

Hope you guys dont mind me posting more wallpapers.

Metroid imho cant please everyone. Everyone wants something different.
>Other M



What was up with the orange phazon in the impact crater and why were there teeth growing out of the ground and walls?





Who the hell cares if it looks awesome?



as long as it's not fucking haloid shit



I wish r*ddit would leave with their sjw headcanon and shitty prime games



best track from Fusion


Make it a third person open world shooter with an annoying cunt narrating everything

Incoming poorly baked brainstorming.

Other M had inklings of good ideas that never materialized well, such as the third person perspective and combat, and simply confusing ones like going into first person to fire missles. Why was that necessary?
Super and Zero were treated as gameplay gospel instead of a base for a new game, and it showed in trying so hard to be simply those in 3D, and ramming a 2D game into 3D almost never works.

For a new game?
As much as i hate to bring out the tired Souls formula for fanwank reboots, it could work for metroid, if suitably remixed so as not to be a complete clone.

Lock on based combat, in where you shoot and dodge alien creatures out to kill you, and exploration of an open 3D world with savepoints in where you return to a home base (Call and Board your ship) and choose which savepoint to reawaken at (Land your ship) screams metroid.

But the idea falls apart if you try flesh it out. So many ways it could go wrong.

I want a Metroid 2 remake but modern Nintendo is cancer and would definitely ruin it.



>3d metroid games


Reminds me of Another World








who wanted Other M?

I may be the person on this board least hating the game, but nobody wanted this


Metroid 2 suit a best



i cant wait for this, but fuck that metroid battle music, its fucking horrible compared to the original.





but user, I want a Prime. I don't give a fuck about anything else. Give me a game that mimics the Primes and I'm sold, I don't give a fuck about innovation, I only want a good game please, don't make another shitty metroid.



is there anyway to get this image without the stupid text at the bottom





So Powersuit >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Zero Suit?










Zero suit was a mistake.