sorry here
still gay
>Tales of Antsilia
what's gay about it besides not having any good symphonia characters?
Well yes. Tales is very popular with fujos after all.
Symphonia is overrated
true, the only Symphonia character on there is a piece of shit
Why is she the worst?
I see three of the best girls on the side so it's ok.
Why ruin your image like that
She's not that bad.
>liking girl who betrayed you 80% of the game
>not that bad
your taste in 3D women must be impeccable
Yes I would go gay for Sync, why do you ask?
That means nothing. Most Tales have a betrayer now if were arguing her actual actions and what she did(No matter how unintentional it was) you'd have a point.
>kills a party member
I bet you like Ken from persona 3 too, you little shit.
Her number 1 priority and job was to protect Ion. Ion, the persons she cared for most in the world. and she fucked shit up and he died because of her
and the entire party is just like "Well i guess it couldnt be helped! dont blame yourself!"
Is there a character you don't have art for?
So im playing Vesperia after just having finished Abyss
how do i "git gud"? Vesperia feels so different
>Not Lucas
>Not Kor
See. Now I can't actually argue that. I got pretty mad when the party just give her a light slap on the wrist.
I still can't think of her as worst Tales girl though.
Well, she did get her own husbando killed. She was probably pretty dead inside by that point.
Who's the worst?
Shirley from Legendia.
She wanted to genocide an entire race because her sister's BF wouldn't fuck her(Oh and her lesbian friend died I guess)
She's a bitch. And even her own sister passes her up not once but twice to save her BF over her.
Somehow I knew this was the answer.
>He even has art for the worst girl.
Never stop aceman.
Shit. You can't blame me for thinking that.
Even girls like Ansie and Sodia have defenders I don't think I ever seen a Shirley one.
I can't help it. I post art of even worst girls.
I don't know why they love using Harold as the representative of her game.
She's the last party member to join and is arguably the least important of them (arguably, since she has a lot of backstory importance and it's kinda hard to be less important than Nanaly)
Maybe it's also because almost no one played Legendia.
>inb4 legendia user
Reala is a character you literally can't write these days without people shitting on you for it, and Nanaly was the rep in Abyss.
I guess she's the most well known? I guess they can always use Reala but she's not that popular besides Graces which made her a bonus boss.
Although none of the ToD2 party members aren't all that popular to start with(Except Judas/Leon but that's cheating to say)
Kyle was always kinda popular.
Huh. Had no idea. I would have thought they didn't care much for him.
You use Rita on your team when she's available. And dump Estelle off your team when Karol learns how to heal.
He's voiced by FukuJun, he's automatically popular.
Oh God, I want to fuck Anise.
I want to hold her hand
And maybe stroke her stocking clad legs.
I see.
To be fair Orerines are ayy lmao invaders scum and should all die.
I want to finish her game
>>Not Kor
You know damn well his name is Shing even in the west.
I need to replay it. I missed so much by not using a guide.
It's good user.
Yep Tales is really fucking gay
I used to do that to my cousin when we were kids but I doubt a fujo would understand.
just want to say i'm going through tales of the abyss here and there when i feel like it. it's my second tales game. this game is fucking long as shit. now im leaving.
That's good user.
And yeah it's kinda long.
>Sorey not present
This isn't proper gay.