Looking to expand my PS1 Library, Is pic related any good? What are some other good PS1 RPGs aside from Final Fantasy?

Looking to expand my PS1 Library, Is pic related any good? What are some other good PS1 RPGs aside from Final Fantasy?

Quite literally my favorite game growing up as a wee lad. Fucking do it!

>Meru/Haschel master race your first time through, OP

You'll thank me later.

Suikoden II is the best JRPG of all time.

However, you must play the first Suikoden.

So play those two. Don't worry, you'll find lots of reasons to replay them.

Also Breath of Fire III and IV. Pic related is gameplay from 4.

No. It's terrible, just awful. Star Ocean-tier shit. It's unbelievable that a game this shitty could come out 2 full years after FF7.

I just got done with Suikoden.
Should I get the second game on PSN or jump to BoFIII?

i loved it but apparently it's only because it was my first jrpg

Definitely play Suikoden 2 then. It's a sequel to the first. You will come to appreciate a lot of II if the first game is fresh in your mind.

After that I'd say play BoF3 and 4.

I enjoyed it, but I have really thick nostalgia goggles for it.

Legend of Dragoon was my introduction to a lot of classic fantasy tropes.

Valkyrie profile


It's shit, so is suikoden 2 though

Yes it's good.

Don't forget to get Xenogears as well.

It's pretty good. The OST is amazing and the story is cliche and all but the lore is pretty interesting

If you like the Mario RPG battle system you'll like it. Only big downside in my opinion is that they remove your healer from the party several times leaving her continually under leveled. Nothing you can do about that either since your entire party shares XP except for her the chapters she isn't there.

LoD is as generic and mediocre as jrpgs get.

Well, ok, it's not Secret of the Stars/Beyond the Beyond level. But it's only one step above.

It's fanbase is mostly just the type of turboweeb who will praise anything Japanese no matter how subpar it is.

It's a shit meme game

There are much better JRPGS, especially on the Playstation.

>Azure Dreams
>Jade Cocoon
>Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete
>Lunar 2: Eternal Blue Complete
>Star Ocean: The Second Story
>Vandal Hearts
>Wild Arms

There. That's a complete list of the best stuff on the PS1 not already mentioned here.

>Tactics Ogre
>Vandal Hearts 2
>Arc the Lad II

Your "complete" list is pretty shit.


life is suffering that this isnt on the euro psn i just want to play this game on my vita

>Only big downside in my opinion is that they remove your healer from the party several times leaving her continually under leveled. Nothing you can do about that either since your entire party shares XP except for her the chapters she isn't there.

I just did a playthrough using Shana/Miranda and she was never underleveled. She may have been 1 level below the others for a short while but that's it.