CEO tomorrow, anyone here going?
Now that leffen and mang0 are confirmed to not be there, seems like the hype has died down. Still should be fun.
CEO tomorrow, anyone here going?
Now that leffen and mang0 are confirmed to not be there, seems like the hype has died down. Still should be fun.
Other urls found in this thread:
>no leff
>no mango
>no armada
>another free bracket for fagbox
Lucky will win this
how did he choke so bad at ltc?
Oh boy cant wait for residentsleeperbox bringing in more bad melee!
>bad melee
kys, Hbox vs Armada at Summit 2 and Hbox vs Leffen at GOML are some of the best Melee sets this year
>the One True God
>bad Melee
pick one
Wow campy puff who spam bair and camps ledges sure is fun to watch.
I Will Win CEO
oh wow a twitch tier comment.
maybe you should actually try playing melee.
hbox hasn't ledge camped in a long time, because it doesn't work wel
I liked the young extra faggy Hbox who doubted himself, even in interviews. Now we have confident Hbox who only doubts himself and cries in the corner if he loses.
>Leffen not going because he doesn't want to get shot in Orlando
Why is mango not going?
why are florida TOs so cute?
personal issues
>hbox feigning concern
top kek
There's a lot to be said about him quoting instead of just replying
Im going to CEO.
CEO is amazing as an overall event but lack of Leffen, armada, and HBox, and with m2k learning about horrible news of a close of his getting Huntingtons desisease, this is a going to be a horrible top 8.
I don't want to say GG Hbox champion of CEO, but really, who is going to stop him?
At least I have mahvel and other games to watch...
one of the non-god foxes could beat him, like sfat or luck, or maybe mew2king IF he stays in winner's and is playing particularly amazing.
i still think top 8 will be good anyway besides the hungrybox sets
Meant mango instead of Hbox is lack of course.
Nope, literally lolhboxwins this weekend. Only hope is Plup or Swedish's Luigi.
How is he so cute boys
I want to fuck Plup!
Not while Hbox stays the ultimate clutch master.
Watching Sfat choke to death in smash n splash was painful.
you forgot about Lucky.
he's been closer than Plup or Swedish
Congratulations to Liquid | Hungrybox for his 1st place finish at CEO2016
>start work this week
>more money to go to tournaments
>less time to go to tournaments
Only of they don't choke like they always do.
The guy that lost to Wizzy last week isn't beating HBox this week
you're probably right. some times i wonder if he's just teasing them.
Either you are him or you are a disgusting slut.
What are Leffen and Mango excuses for not attending?
wizzy is fucking amazing and destroys foxes.
lucky should have won that too, that was basically 2 chokes in a row.
the guy that is the first person to 4-stock Hbox in years has a bigger chance of doing it than Plup and some Luigi
>no mang0
>no leffen
>no armada
>m2k might not play
Going to CEO to play other games but this sucks.
leffen - afraid of being shot even tho Jebailey upped the security majorly
mang0at - some bullshit about personal issues (i would be more concerned but his mom literally called him out on twitter for it)
So what do you guys think Lauren's latest tantrum will be? Will she hold baby Mang0 at knife-point if Twitter doesn't believe her sob story?
They're only hype because people want to see Hbox finally lose. It's not even really about the game at that point
It's actually fox who's campy that makes the matchup the way it is
Maybe if he picked a different character.
There's no way I can see Sheik winning a major. If Plup switched to Marth he may be able to do it.
nah, i want to see Hbox win atleast vs mang0 to make his 12-year old fans upset
some of us actually appreciate hbox's god-tier spacing and baits.
not all of us want fox vs. fox all the time. without floaties this game wouldn't be the same. you need variety.
his eyes man
this guy either does shitloads of drugs or has insomnia
Salty past first-round losers who got rested on like little bitches detected.
he said he's going fox vs. hbox dummy.
you guys gotta keep up.
>people want to see Hbox finally lose.
Didn't Leffen beat him at GOML? It's not like the man has never lost.
I don't really care.
Sounds like the opinion of a mature well adjusted individual
I once had a sexual dream about Mew2King.
everything was being commentated on too.
get outta here
I'm not him and I'm also male
oh yeah to the fag that always wants to be reminded of fantasy
It's up:
post yours kids
Ehh, I agree with him, seeing the idiots who unironically say "DON'T SLEEP ON THE KID XDD" get BTFO is kinda funny. Still that has more to do with mango's fans then mango himself so its not something I really care to see.
he actually does have really bad insomnia
Leffen has been moving apparently. Still he's a fuckboi bitch.
I wanna rape leffen
>goes to CEO to watch smash
Well I don't have a problem with melee youngsters looking up to mango rather than a puff or ICs.
We were all cringey and impressionable at that age.
face it CEO is a smash event now
Sm4sh has more entrants than SFV
Melee will get more viewers than SFV
Pokken is on Sunday even though it sucks
Jebailey was on the Scar and Toph show and said smash is his favorite game to watch
Still not a serious fighting game :^)
>looking up to a puff or icies
Dude get over it, just you don't like the character doesn't mean they're "cheap". I respect good puffs and icies just as much as spacies, we all do what we have to do to win.
M2K will get top 16 in melee losing to a top 20-30 player and buster out of smash 4 since a close friend of his has Huntington's disease now.
>leffen - afraid of being shot even tho Jebailey upped the security majorly
>its an hbox wins episode
yeah I won't be there or watch
despite living in central florida
>tfw no high level luigis at CEO
kill me boys, he's never making top 8 again at major is he?
man you should at least spectate, i would definitely go.
especially since melees in the ring this year
Swedish is going
If you aren't working go to get some high level practice.
he can only reg as a specatator at this point.
>Campy puff
You're dense as fuck. Hbox is typically the aggressor now a days. He's such a tyrant in his play style that fox players are scared of him and run away. Only Mango, Leffen and recently Armada have attempted to approach more (there's probably others as well).
>going to tournaments to watch people play
>not to improve as a player and play as many people as possible
Hbox most likely winning is no excuse.
Leffen and Mango aren't going because they don't want to get fucking shot in Florida like the trillions of others have in mass shootings there.
Friendlies my nigga.
You MM people and get in as many friendlies as possible.
why are there quotations around cheap as if I ever said that?
I'm saying it's good that a lot of young people wanna practice crazy tech skill and fast combos rather than finding a gimmick exploiting it. Both ways are fair ways to play.
>implying florida is known for shootings
no, it's known for nutjobs. there are no mass shootings in florida besides orlando.
it's not chicago senpai
>implying Melee is worth playing after the frame lag bullshit was discovered yesterday
it's been known for a long time and is only a big worry to netplay
Yeah man I can totally notice 1 frame of fucking input delay every 20 seconds.
>being shot to death in the streets is now an actual legitimate concern/reason for not going
jesus christ
>first world
>Luigi Delight
The absolute
Fair enough, I just hate people who think puff and icies require zero skill. Too many people think at low or mid levels of play where those characters excel, at the highest level of play those characters require great skill.
Puff sucks at low level play against people who actually know the matchup. Puff is legitmately hard to play even at mid level.
You can win locals like crazy if you are asshole with IC's though. Wobbling is too good at low level.
If anyone would shoot up CEO it would be a tr4shfag
nah it would be a KIfag or mahvelfag
Grand finals last year were hype as fuck. I'll be there sat and sun, mostly for Mahvel but I'll definetely be watching Smash as well.
you would have to go to some super fraudulent locals then
when i first picked up icies i got a few cheese wins but people figured it out after a few sets and forced me to step beyond wobbling
>local starts up recently for my town in bumfuck southwest florida
>decide to show up
>16 entrants
>get 2nd losing only to a wobbler
everyone here is awful
yeah I wasn't trying to imply that.
>think something in melee is easy
>try it for yourself
>get bodied
Hbox is the only puff doing what he does so obviously skill is involved
16 entrants is pretty fucking good for a bumfuck town
also im sure there are places within an hour drive with larger scenes, florida is the 2nd biggest state in the US for smash
The other entrants mains?
Did RockCrock show up to take your money senpai?
>M2k's friend has Huntington's disease
why not just check twitter senpai
Well shit.
My friend who's an avid Hbox hater is going to be insanely pissed that no ones going to be there to take him down. I think it's funny
>leffen - afraid of being shot even tho Jebailey upped the security majorly
>being this much of a bitch
Almost 2 minutes wasted with Hbox unraveling his earphones and putting his music. That guy is smart as fuck, that effectively killed Lucky's momentum after the 4-stock.
the new projected CEO bracket seems to predict GFs pretty well
Chudat doesn't even win MVDA locals. No way is he gonna make it to Grands lol.
although if anyone wants to see a great puff-ICs set look up hbox vs. nintedude at big house 4
yeah just like how Chu was gonna drown in pools at EVO
he doens't even go to MDVA locals
Difference between making it outta pools and getting to GF with Plup,Hbox,M2K,Lucky, etc. there.
Chu can easily beat M2K since he's depressed.
depressed m2k vs ICs is shit for m2k