>Fighting game with a dedicated Block button.
Fighting game with a dedicated Block button
what games do this nowadays?
The same one that started the dumb thing.
Soul Calibur 6 please dear god just announce it
But pressing back is the dedicated block button, and annoying as fuck
your autism is getting extremely specific
But how else would I air throw?
in mk4
Tekken? Soul Calibur?
But.... That sounds as retarded as not having a dedicated reload button.
Not a fighting game person here.
>fighting game with a jump button
It's a lot smoother and more natural, for me at least. I played some MK9 last night and having to block with RT was annoying as fuck.
Not only does it reduce the number of buttons you can use to attack, I kept forgetting to let go of it and not being able to attack because I was blocking. It's clunky and awful, and doesn't flow in a fighting game.
To block in Tekken you just don't attack
Holding back is usually the dedicated block button. You can move backwards and transition into a block at any time, and are then free to move again once the attack has ended without having to let go of any specific, block-only buttons.
It sounds retarded until you play it, but trust me, it's clunky as fuck.
>for me at least.
is this redddit?
What does that have to do at all with another website.
Casual detected
I kid, this is acceptable reasoning, though you can barely notice it when you've started to play regularly.
SC is fine.
MK needs to fuck off with that shit already.
That sounds unreasonable. What if you want to move forward, and block.
Like.. I know there exists charactres that are based on countering people, and such.
Move forward, hold back when the attack comes, the move forward again. There are very rare examples of continuous streams of attacks that prevent this.
A countering character will be based around letting the opponent attack you first. Consider Valentine's physical counter, or Cerebella's projectile counter from Skullgirls, for instance.
You can still block and move forward. When you hold back to block, if there is an attack about to come out you won't move backwards. It's not like you can hold RT and shuffle forward in MK or anything. You're either blocking or you're moving, not both. Just a different, dedicated button doesn't allow for a smooth transition back in to combat.
But the dedicated back button is back
How will charge characters exist then?
Dead or Alive
>fighting game with a dedicated punch button
>fighting game with a dedicated super button
What, you mean like hold + attack?
Just fine?
Have you played Street Fighter?
>Fighting game with a controller layout
In most fightan's, the controller layout is the same as the fight-stick layout.
Top row = Punches, Bottom row = Kicks. Ez.
So you admit it just flubs your personal muscle memory, rather than being objectively unergonomic?
Maybe, but it is clunky. It's more about game-feel (yeah, I know) and a smooth transition between animations.
Try MK9, and then try Skullgirls. The flow o the gameplay is leagues apart.
It's not just an execution issue, having to release the block button before attacking means switching from defense to offense always comes with an input delay frame disadvantage.