Who did you main, Sup Forums?
Who did you main, Sup Forums?
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>90s kids will never stop pretending Crash games were good
Real Crash
Alternatively Cortex or N Gin
I mained N. Gin too.
If you mained the penguin, then you were a faggot.
CTR is the best Crash game of all time, and arguably the greatest kart racer of all time.
nice meme did you buy it with your moms credit card?
Ripper Roo
Pussy magnet coming through
Where's all the Dingodile folks?
Fake crash and the polar bear
I used Tiny most back in the day, but I've been using Coco more recently.
Dingodile. fuck yeah bro
>If you mained the penguin, then you were a faggot.
Anyone wanna get some netplay going?
His laughing really rubbed it in, done the smugness for me.
using slide boosts on straightaways is way better than high top speed
dese niggas know what's up
mah niqqa
Penta is for time trails, plebs.
>Penta is for people who can't git gud
Crash or coco.
Fuck off spic
dingodile is number one best character
I thought I'd seen everything but this is fucking insane. I knew about jumping around off the hump as you come up the hill toward the final corner but that is next level.
best kart racer
compare to Penta = fast = increased skill ceiling.
Gimping yourself in time trails is pointless.
Racing anything other than Coco is being retarded.
Crash Or Dingodile.
Regular cast: Crash
Unlockable cast: Komodo Joe
>tfw this game will never get 4P or 8P netplay
ITT: people ironically praise shitty games that came out last millenium
I mostly played Cortex and Polar.
I wanted to like N. Gin but I just couldn't get used to his car's sounds
Using Penta for everything can gimp you on some tracks, N tropy/Tiny/Dingo are better for tracks with long straight stretches because Penta overturns when powersliding
he was only top tier in the PAL version though. everywhere else he had the same stats as the the rest of the pet animals.
Favorite track?
This game is so great
The temple one with the secret route in the statue mouth will always have a special place in my heart
Polar Bear and Dingodile
N. Gin Labs
Boring and vanilla, probably the kind of guy who picks Mario in Nintendo games.
The guy who always picks the girl, out of obligation or preference.
Has an underdog complex, or just thinks playing as the bad guy is the cool thing to do.
Loves powerful characters, and causing mayhem when playing.
Thinks they are a person of refined tastes, though it may not always be the case.
Says "i'm smol" and "adorbs" unironically.
Thinks Pura is cute, might not be aware that Pura is male.
>N. Gin
Likes collecting things like comics, is obsessive about cleanliness.
>Ripper Roo
The kind of guy who finds sitcoms and Adam Sandler movies funny.
>Papu Papu
This person does not exist.
>Komodo Joe
Do not look at this person the wrong way.
Probably has owned a fedora at some point.
>N. Tropy
Uses overly complicated vocabulary in everyday conversation, and is always polite.
>Fake Crash
A total troll, especially in battle mode.
Appears unassuming, but can and will win every race one-handed, if left unchecked.
N. Gin was the best at the start
The one you posted is great because drifting on ice is fucking rad
>That super long speed boost tunnel
Dingodile and Polar
You just posted it.
>Ripper Roo speaks by laughing like a maniac
>has to have subtitles
>actually has a fairly level-headed vocabulary
Did anyone else think that was fucking hilarious?
i mained N. Gin and my room is a messy shit hole
i do collect comics though so yeah
>A total troll, especially in battle mode.
This I cannot deny
>those shortcuts
jesus is a penguin
Originally he was going to be speaking full words.
I'm glad they made the change, the way it is now it's hilarious
Cortex for story mode, Ripper Roo for everything else
Well, his boss arena in 2 is a library of books and he's wearing a top hat. Science went too far, man.
N. Tropy, motherfucker.
You had to git gud just to play as him.
>he didn't unlock n.oxide
it's like your lazy or something
>He doesn't know the code to unlock Spyro and the Dragon Shores track
yess. Ripper Roo is the best
I don't regret a thing.
Crash, it's his game afterall.
So anyway, as a kid I never beat Oxide in all the time trial tracks but now as an adult I finally did it and it turns out that it in fact does NOT unlock Oxide as playable character, what the fuck is that all about? All it does is gives you the Scrapbook (which you already saw at the end of the story mode credits), I mean at least make it unlock Penta or something.
They have the Oxide model, portrait and through a hack it seems to play just fine, there is literally no excuse, who cares if he is op since at that point you have pretty much beat the game and Penta has the same stats as well.
Fuck you Naughty Dog.
Ripper Roo
Your mother regrets giving birth to you
>in fact does NOT unlock Oxide as playable character
I unlocked him just fine, must be the version you have.
>my dad works at Sony
I don't think he works on some tracks because he is xboxhueg
Komodo Joe
This Genie from Aladdin lookin ass nigga.
I used Crash because I didn't like Cortex and didn't know the secret character's stats and Cortex and Crash had the best stat distribution. I didn't want to use Cortex because of his giant head. When I was just dicking around with friends I'd use Fake Crash or Pinstripe