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$100 and 33 games

there are no good games to buy


Haven't looked at all. Was too busy actually playing video games to check today.

Nothing so far, the sales are fucking lame. Any worthwhile games are only like 30-40% off. Fucking greedy ass gaben.

>falling for the valve jew

17 dollars
2 games

The Banner Saga

the deals on the front page are garbage

Try here:
Enter 65% discount and 65% rating in the upper right. There's some stuff.

im not a fucking retard
everything is cheaper on g2a
steam sales completely irrelevant today

Pretty bad considering the Brexit, I didn't even have to buy a game.

$50. Only other game I want is XCOM 2 if it goes on a sale of 50% or more.

>Europoors won't be able to enjoy all these steam sales because their pound is getting pounded

$0 just like last year

>choosing to pay money but not support devs

11.50 on Rocket league. This sale sucks ass


Got all the old Xcom games

>Tfw I got everything I wanted from steam sales years ago.
>Sales only got worse from then

Remember when sales weren't shit and they had bundle packs for each franchise and developer.


>thinking devs deserve my money
>thinking g2a doesnt give devs money

hiw does it feel being a vavlecuck? suckle on those gaben balls and feed him more burgers homo american

got rocket league and a dlc I had been wanting for a different game.

So far, I'm resisting the urge to get MGS5 and FF13-3.

Only england uses the £, you dunce.
Rest is individual currency or €.


This MGSV key, Valkyria chronicles, Dead Space 1+2 and Deus Ex better be worth it.

There's literally nothing wrong with g2a

$0 for me so far
Probably gonna nab Shovel Knight by the end of the sale though

$9, and it could go up to $9 more.

$209 on ~30 games.
I have no idea how this shit added up so fast. Most expensive thing I got was Doom and a bunch of $10-20 indie titles.

I bought Lyne and Risk of Rain.

I got 3 burgers left, but apparently Planetary Annihilation is shit. What buy?

I wanted Binding of Isaac Rebirth and Afterbirth but those are never fucking cheap

Nothing as no game on my list was under €7. Thinking of getting far cry 4 on g2play as it's only €13.

I want to get DOOM, But I can't afford it. I guess I have to conform with some of my wishlist stuff. Unemployment is tough, even when you have good savings.

No damage yet, this sale sucks

>nothing good for 66% or more
>everything good is under 50%

fuck why

$40 sir!
> Lisa
> stick of truth
> Bioshock pack
> portal pack
> Arkham asylum
> life is strange

Like $34.
Got Guilty Gear 2 Overture and Blazblue Chronophantasma

Like $12
>Hyperdimension Neptunia U
Considering buying Grim Dawn and dropping $30 on the metroidvania bundle for Axiom Verge, Momodora, and Salt & Sanctuary

>All these people thinking G2A is legit

I've bought most of my games from them and even I'll admit they're a bunch kikes

Only Dark Souls III
I'm not planning to buy anymore

havnt purchased a single thing

honestly, it all looks like rubbish


no more flash sales
no more buying

I couldn't find anything I want to buy (that I don't already own).

>this is american education at its finest

Haven't spent a single cent because there's fucking nothing I want to buy.

nothing. probably will buy some stuff next week since steam server issues will only get worse through the weekend.

0$, i'm saving up for the 300$ G Gundam blu ray sets

england = euroland

> Chinaman sells you stolen key
> Reports game tied to that key as stolen allowing them to reset the password
> Empties your steam inventory via PayPal or btc and sells the account itself

How's the Metal Gear Rising PC port?

>"they dont deserve my money"
>what is pirating
>thinks devs gain money from sites like g2a

$6.22 and two games.


>Armstrong loses in the end
Nice foreshadowing user

What's wrong with g2a? First I've heard of it and it looks pretty good. Also, are those random key packs they have any good? I would imagine 99% of the games in them are garbage but you never know.


I've already bought basically everything worth buying. Just a few DLCs here and there left. For those, I'll just wait until the main game is on daily sale or until the last day.


Did you even watch the last cutscenes? The only person who won harder than him was Augustus in Eternal Darkness.

Estimated Ideal Wishlist? $160, more than I have ever spent on games at once.

Probably going to chicken out and keep it that way. Pare it down to something semi-sane.

0 dollars 0 games
Forgot it started today.
Did i miss any good deals?

It's legit, would recommend a controller tho.

0 dollars
0 games
0 happiness

That's good to hear, Japanese PC ports always worry me. I'll grab it, then.

0, bought KoF 98 with steambux from selling cards.

>I don't know how online transactions work
Why does everyone that's blatantly wrong about a topic post this character?

I mean... why wouldn't you just pirate? It's like people paying money for students' Windows keys.
>I want to have none of the support of a legally purchased product
>I don't want to support the developers
>But I'll feel bad if I don't give my money to somebody!
To be entirely honest, I respect pirates more. At least I understand their motivations.

Jesus Christ your IQ might be lower than a dogs.

3.83€ for killing floor

24 games so far, several purchases of DLC for games I already have, and 3 returns (Technically 5 returns since 1 was a bundle, but still).

Spent about $170 after refunds, and $50 of that was from a steam card I bought at BB from some rewards certificates I had. I have about $5 in my steam account right now, and will probably be about $12 later after refunds. Considering getting another $15 game and any smaller deals I see.

Does the Sanic Bunduru count?

dont you ever fucking link me some redditor's fucking youtube channel again

Once you put in the key, it's like you bought the game. You don't "lose support" for anything.

Because you can't pirate multiplayer games
You can't pirate denuvo games
Depending on the game they don't get updates on torrent sites

Its alright, but not perfect. It has some weird issues with HDMI and 1080p, and the options menu is not the best, but otherwise is it a more or less direct port of the PS3/360 versions with all the DLC.

>>I want to have none of the support of a legally purchased product

Don't be a retard.

60$ today because because the store was out of stock i will probably burn all the money that i kept toomorow


I got:
>Mordheim + DLC
>Baldur's Gate 2
>Icewind Dale
>Return to Castle Wolfenstein
>Wizardry 6, 7 and 8
>Vermintide DLC
>the Game of Thrones RPG

I've already got the majority of games I wanted from past sales, so I mostly went for older games.

It's a shit game

I was thinking recently I'd like to play a Battlefield game.

So I looked it up and apparently they're on origin. Battlefield 4 deluxe (which I'm assuming has all the dlc) is like 19 bucks, but then again I'd have to use Origin.

Should I?

Also, thinking about Doom. It's 35 smackers.

Yeah no, Armstrong loses clear and clear. Dont try to save face because you made that image and failed miserably at it.

how is dragon's dogma? been lightly interested, but it's now within my consideration level.

Just like your opinion

Just bought DoW2 and it's expacs cause I've been itching for an RTS. Eyeballing KF2. Can anyone recommend me any good co-op/multiplayer games?

>You can't pirate denuvo games
Since fucking when

BFBC2 should be steam only but not sure.
BF4 is a good game and origin isn't that bad, just close the shit when you're done.

Its one of my favorite games of all time, but I love all games with third person action combat.

Stellaris, TW games (Rome2/Attila/Warhammer/Shogun/FotS), Factorio, Project Zomboid

I personally love the Multi, but if you're COD fag then you're gonna have a mixed experience.

In terms of epic battles and living servers, though, hard to beat for a AAA shooter.

don;t even bother with the SP campaign tho.

Just clearing my inventory of cards and bought a dozen of shit games for cents to sell more.
Gonna buy some DLCs later.

It's good if you don't treat it like any ARPG you've ever played. Dodging is barely a thing, only Rogue-type classes really make use of it.
The climbing on monsters is awesome, feels like Shadow of the Colossus all over again, just with fantasy monsters. Overall, solid game.


There isn't much of a story, but the combat is fun and the post-game DLC stuff is incredible.

good enough for me. Dragons dogma it is.

since last fall. mgsv and mad max are the last denuvo games to be cracked

It's fun.

>try to sell all my cards and CS GO shit for the sale like I do every year
>items are put on hold for two weeks because I don't have a fucking mobile authentication

literally what the fuck

>You can't pirate denuvo games
So... Doom and Mirror's Edge? Single player games are always cracked eventually.
>You don't "lose support" for anything.
Who are you quoting? Of course you don't "lose support." You never """"had support""""
>Halp me Gaben! I gave my money to Russian credit card thieves and now I'm having problems with my 1000% legit game!!

>>Halp me Gaben! I gave my money to Russian credit card thieves and now I'm having problems with my 1000% legit game!!

Are you actually a retard?

Do you not know how Steam works?

>You don't lose support of anything
Who are you quoting? He never said anything of the sort

>literally what the fuck

put into effect months ago. if you dont have a smart phone just use google voice and winauth.

Had a bunch of cards I had been saving up for months only to get that story too.
>haha, time to sell some pennies
>lol no can't have you making tax evasion like that, goy
>when all the papers are in place you'll have your pennies in a couple of weeks
>but the sale ends in a few days
>not my problem lol

bought TF2 costumes, bought loot crates in Overwatch (I'm a mother fucking retard). I keep buying 3ds games and Virtual Console games.


I buy from key sites only.


Blame the retards and children for getting scammed/"hacked"

1 game. $2.99

what's that game that overwatch ripped off? I watched some game-play footage, looked fun AF.