Where could i buy touhou games?
Where could i buy touhou games?
Other urls found in this thread:
literally j-list
flan and sakuya best 2hus
Any site with Japanese vidya.
A Japanese book store in my area has them for cheap.
Post meme cat
>That spoiler
Fuck no. This is the correct answer.
>green forced slut
>better than anything
I'm going to need you to explain this "forced slut" meme.
She's a forced character
She's a slut
She's "haha youkai hunting is fun :D"
She's green
What else do you need?
How is she forced though? Kanako and Suwako want in on Gensokyo's action so they send her to investigate Incidents.
Because there's no fucking reason for her to even exist in the first place.
>no fucking reason for her to exist
Are we talking about Sumireko and Clownpiss here?
Yes there is. To give the games a GOOD Miko who isn't at the beck and call of a hag.
I love Reisen!
As opposed to "muh gods will help me"?
What a shit miko
What do you think a Miko does, you retard?
This is now a thread dedicated to my love for Yukarin~!!!!!
Sell her body for money
>Loving the woman who's actively ruining Gensokyo
Technology is nothing to be afraid of. Let modernization come and enhance people's lives.
>literal whohag
What the hell is with this secondary discussion?
She's the stage 6 boss of Mountain of Faith
Technology leads to lazy people and degeneracy.
the day threads always have the dumbest shit
Kanako is only using technology like Trams and shit so she can parade it off in a way that gets her faith, she wouldn't support it otherwise.
>What the hell is with this secondary discussion?
This is a Touhou thread. These fags are drawn like flies to it.
t. boatfag
Best god.
Best hag.
Mandarake in Akihabara has them for example. Various other stores too. Ideally you could find some smaller, non-chain shop, could be cheaper there.
I considered going to Akiba today, but the rain was pretty annoying, so I gave up. Damn rain season.
Yukarin is only 17!!!
now that's just rude as heck
Alice Cuckatroid
Kindly help a user that's not quite familiar with the series, where can I download all the portrait art by this artist? I only managed to find artworks that imitate his style.
>wanting alphes's shit
There is no fucking reason for you to exist neither
But I do, unlike your green slut.
Sanaes is perfect..
Thanks user
Your local anime convention
I wish Touhou could go on Steam or at the very least Team Shanghai Alice got a PayPal account or something so I could directly give ZUN my money to thank him for all his fun danmaku games
>I wish Touhou could go on Steam
I like puppers
>Liking meme characters
end yourselves
>he doesnt like futo
she's my fantasy!
>irrelevant char that talks like an old fart
you have problems
There is literally nothing wrong with liking memehous you fucking hipster
In Japan.
This artist hentai's is weird, is never "actually happening" in context.
Is Suika in any danmaku game?