Steam Summer Sale

Did I do good, Sup Forums?


well if you really like all that shit, yep, u did good

shut the fuck up faggot

pretty good user

son, i am not disappoint

Shut the fuck up faggot

>All the c/u/nts getting triggered


shin please go and stay go

>spending money on the handholding meme game
Omg its just so kawaii and puuure hehe :333 i have gender dysphoria but masquerade it with an obsession with everything feminine in an attempt to stop thinking about how much I literally want to be a little girl because Sup Forums brainwashed me into being a little sissy faggot :33333333333

they have thin skin because they know how shit they are

You seem like a faggot

Assist on what do with cart

Remove door kickers then check out.

What's so good about momodora?


what should I buy

would buy the new hitman but not on sale

>giving your money to Sekai Project
Buy a gun while it's still legal in America and kill yourself.


Hey Sup Forums. I own more than 1300 games on Steam, and these sales are shit. Still, I want to waste money on it. So, suggestions?

Buy me something instead? How about Rainbow Six: Siege?

I'm stupid, but not that stupid. Also, RSS? Step up your game, nigga. It's shit.

I've heard very differently. I didn't think you were stupid, I just figured you someone with a bit of disposable income and a desire to buy stuff. Why not waste money by making a few anons happy?

>it's a SHiT thread

OK, maybe stupid isn't the proper word. I'm egoistical enough to consider stupid to waste money on other anons :P

Should I pull the trigger on ATS?

shut the fuck up faggot

Can't you make an exception? I blew all my money on a new computer and I don't have any recent releases to play on it, just a bunch of old crap and humble bundle games. RSS would be pretty cool user. You'd be a pretty swood guy.

What's your steam id? I don't promise anything, though

Picked this up and played it with 3 friends.

holy shit it's fucking amazing.


I know someone else posted this on the last thread but is arkham knight worth it? I'm talking from a purely optimization stand point not whether the game itself is bad/good.

If you like racing games, go ahead



Can you name any hidden gems? The front page only shows the mainstream games.

Rate my cart?

Wait for more content. Go with ETS 2 if you don't own it.

It isn't worth it yet.

>SRIV ultimate edition
>Actually paying for anthony burch dlc
You are just as much of a fag as he is op

>SR games

>all these yuri games
you did good.

>The Sims 3 without expansions

Bretty gud except the above.