Release on March 10

>Release on March 10
>Includes BotW Collectors Edition (Special design cartridge and the 3 amiibo)
would you Sup Forums?

Wait, what?


Pretty sure nintendo learned their lesson with consoles over 300 bucks...let alone 400+

$400 max.
Nintendo is a toy-tier brand so I'm already spending a ridiculous amount based off of what the company is.

Im tired of amiibos. Fuck those anime figurines
The name amiibo even reminds me of those damn yellow pill minions... Two things i hate

I mean I'm willing to pay money for VR headsets so I shouldn't have a problem buying a console for 400

Ps4 Bundles (with regular games edition) are 400$

the 50$ is cause slightly better hardware LET ME DREAM and the amiibos

But NX was confirmed as a poor un-powerful pos w a gimmick... The same guy who told everyone Wii U wasn't even as powerful as 360 in some ways leaked it on GAF... so prepare yourself for another weak generation.

>he same guy who told everyone Wii U wasn't even as powerful as 360
so he is wrong and you are shitposting?

i mainly play on PC so it's not like I need a console to pretend to be a PC, I just want fun games

$379/349 (uncharted/bo3)
Anything above this Nintendo would be shooting themselves especially since the Xbox One is at $279

A $299 deluxe NX launch bundle, VR ready and amiibos included would sell like hotcakes tbqh.

Fuck Amiibos and fuck you too.

Make it 400 and we've got a deal.

380$ is a cut down cost, original was 400$

but ok, 430$

VR is a fad that will die before NX even sees the light.
yeah, is not like Sony bleed 7 billions cause of that

BITE ME! 430$!

>VR ready

so more gimmicks that literally no one will use

>VR is a fad

Yeah it's not like Sony is going to be pushing it super hard or that 90% of games will have VR support now

>VR is a fad that will die before NX even sees the light.
>so more gimmicks that literally no one will use

Only poorfags who have not yet tried VR say that, anyone who actually has tried VR knows that it will become the next big thing soon as the price comes down a bit.

No, because the boxart would be painted some obnoxious hue of gold in my country.

Look i don't like it either but sony and co are gonna push the meme hard, i just hope they don't make it mandatory.

Nintendo consoles would be fine if they released more games instead of releasing 2 games per year.

dont matter. VR is a glorified screen attached to your head. it ads nothing to gameplay unless a game is 100% designed around it (or some 1st person shit)

>anyone who actually has tried VR knows that it will become the next big thing soon as the price comes down a bit.
HA HAH maybe. maybe when infinite omnidirectional trendmills are no 700$ a piece. till then is just a camera in your face. gameplay still married to control input.

I doubt they'll do 400

349 max

How the fuck do you even know it'll still be called the nx? I thought that was just one of their dumb codenames.

Spot the idiot who has never tried VR, but still thinks they know shit about it because of memes.

>color TVs are just a meme

Next you are are going to tell me Xbox Scorpio is going to be 399 :^)

Protip: it's going to be at least 550

hey, I spent time doing this shit, dont disgrace it !

Nintendo release more Games per year than any otehr publisher. its looks empty cause not 3rd party to fill in

yeah and that worked wonder for the WAND and that microsoft Xbox spy cam shit.

VR has cool application in other fiedl ,but vidya is just a glorified screen as long as the input for every fucking action on the game still a controller.

yes user, enlightme then on the wonder of what VR will do to revolutionize games. (without forcing all games to be 1st person camera)

>he thinks VR needs to be first person


>Protip: It's gonna be at least 550

Rather build another PC with that instead of another paperweight.

yeah, this totally got me TOLD. I have seen the light... fagget

What's the price for a decent tablet these days?
I feel like they'll try to sell this at a price parents are comfortable getting tablets for their kids.

3D platformers senpai

>What's the price for a decent tablet these days?
pick your poison

>OMFG i can move the camera with my neck!!!, everything looks the same as on my 50inches TV tho.
yeah, hype for neck camera unless Im missing something

Actual 3d depth from the stereoscopic 3D. 2 different view points for 2 different eyes creates real depth the same way it does in real life.

No, I'd rather wait and see if the NX has a library worth getting a console for.

I'd buy it

That NX logo is hideous, though

You must be fucking retarded

If BOTW scores about 9.8 then it'll be day one for me. Above 9.2 I'll wait a couple months and if it scores below 8.7 I won't buy an NX period regardless of the library.

neotendo isnt gettng a fucking dime from me. not after the blunder that was the wii u

>The same guy who told everyone Wii U wasn't even as powerful as 360
So he's a proven liar?

>only console with games