Leeroy Jenkins


Did he fuck it up or was it the mistakes made by his group?

Let's analyze. What went wrong?

Other urls found in this thread:


It was just a video they made for keks. None of it was real. There's no fucking 'number crunching' where you can have some percentage of success.

It was obviously fake.

Who the fuck doesn't just sneak past the eggs in UBRS?

I number crunched the success of a raid on your mom last night and it came up with a .3% margin of error, guess where you come in.

I have no idea user. I haven't seen my mom for 9 years. Last I heard she lost her foot to diabetes. So, have fun with that.

Leeroy did nothing wrong. You can clearly see the cameraman deliberately running into eggs.

>'least I have chicken.

Love that bit.

This is the best thing to come out of WoW.


Now that we established Leeroy running into the eggs was a fake, what have we decided about Crushim? Did he do it on purpose or was it a mistake?



That's not even the funniest video from that guy.


The fuck is DKP?

I never played back in vanilla days and I know the leeroy video is a fake but did you really need some dude to crunch numbers and calculate a success rate for a simple 5 man dungeon?

UBRS had to be 20 manned back in the day. Strath and Scholo 10-20

made up "currency" you got from participating in raids. Then used to bid on items.

Dragon Kill Points

A currency for raiders commonly used in earlier expansions. You essentially got points for showing up, killing bosses and for staying the whole raid.

When an item dropped it usually ended up being a closed bid where you would whisper the person responsible for distributing loot with how much DKP you want to spend. The highest bid would recieve the loot.

The system mainly rewarded players who played a lot . In my raiding days, 50 DKP would be worth about attending 1½ raid clears of Molten Core


>there will at least be one guys thats more stupid than you

sage words

That sounds stupid

Why not just take the item if you obviously need it??

sounds edgy

Hobss from 'this is why 11 year olds shouldn't raid' is now old enough to legally drink.

This video is fake but it is a renactment of something that happened to the group before.
Thats why theres that chessy number crunching and a bit of added flare but its real alright.

because there's 19-39 other people that might need it as much as you do

>Strath and Scholo 10-20

pretty sure they were 5 man and UBRS 10

maybe you're thinking about ZG or AQ?

At least I didn't fuck a diabetic paraplegic and performed number crunching beforehand.

Strat and Scholo could be raided with 10

UBRS with 15 if I remember correctly. Dunno if that was the actual limit or if more than that was just overkill.

A patch later in vanilla defenitely reduced the allowed sizes though.

Good times.


people knew how to have fun back then

>no one bids
>you think they do and bid gorillions because you want it
I hate closed bidding. We had a set price point for items and the one with the most DKP got the item if they wanted it and their DKP was reduced by the amount. Then later we switched to EPGP which was even better.

gnomeland security is a great name for a guild

holy shit i feel old...