People still actually play this broken game?
People still actually play this broken game?
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Those are called large hitboxes retard
A lot of games have larger hitboxes than character models
Still can't believe battleborn lost to this cr@p. That game is badass as heck
>2 hours ago
Terrible way to promote your video OP.
Of course they are, but does that make blind around the corner shots acceptable?
Yes, I do. Anyone want to play with me on PC sometime?
Stillborn devs are still shilling that monstrosity lol
Well no shit they are, it cost them more then their cash-cow to make.
Wonder if competitive mode is gonna be shiters using everyone of these glitchy techniques to the max.
Hey, you missed a new nits.
Somone post the huntsman webm.
>badass as heck
Who cares?
The game was marketed extremely well, and that's all that matters in gaming today.
Great now try to hit a moving target
>rectangular melee hitboxes
>video from 2009
Seriously? I'm sure that shit's fixed by now.
>I'm sure that shit's fixed by now.
Oh user my child
LOL I fucking wish.
Yeah you know this happens only with the lucksman and the medic crossbow, not to all weapons, and it's not like tf2 has a walhack or an aimbot actually in the game as a feature.
>badass as heck
Cant tell if shill
This happens with all projectile weapons. So rockets, grenades, needles all just need to be aimed in the general direction of the target.
The difference is that TF2 weapons don't give you double damage for vaguely hitting somewhere near the head, and aiming the projectiles at close range is a bit odd because projectiles are fired from the side of the screen instead of down the middle.
>Shots go off crosshair sometimes
That was a bug that was fixed
>Reload canceling with melee
This doesn't actually work. People have gone frame-by-frame and found there's no benefit to doing it other than getting in a free melee attack. Whoever made that video is retarded.
>Broken Ammo
>McCree's ultimate can shoot more targets than he has bullets
Is this a joke? There are never more than 6 players on an enemy team.
That's the reason why I'm playing the superior Battleborn. You guys should buy it since it's on sale!
It's hella good and has actual interesting characters and funny writing.
you ever been in a sniper battle with hanzo against a widow?
>>McCree's ultimate can shoot more targets than he has bullets
>Is this a joke? There are never more than 6 players on an enemy team.
The issue here is that the 'broken ammo' means that McCree's ult can most likely kill every enemy entity on the screen. This means it also kills enemy turrets and other enemy things that run on HP. For example, his ult vs a team of 6 midgets and their turrets will wipe out all 12 of them if done right, or 6 syms and the fuckton of turrets she throws out. Let's say there was a rotation mode that allowed more than 6 people, his ult would probably wipe an entire team out, including summons (turrets and other enemy things that can be killed) by itself.
I guess Overwatch just took TF2's example to make everyone feel like they can actually make shots.
>free melee attack
>interupts reloading
>gun is still fully reloaded
Um, sounds like you magically get a free reload too.
Sounds like one of the bosses from Might No 9.
Nice job shilling there. It almost sounds like you have some connection to them with how much of a business ad your post looks like.
Dead Eye only targets players fuccboi
Battleborn is doodoo, overwatch is fun as frick.
This video is literally autism.
The nitpicking, the music, everything is autistic.
If that's true how the fuck do you get a game even more mediocre than memelands spending more money.
It's literally more competitive than csgo. At least overwatch doesn't have RNG and everyone plays by the same rules
every hero has a larger hitbox vs every projectile
Yeah, just wait till you see this form of autism manifest itself once competetive comes online. It'll be unplayable.
is that a rank you get for a certain amount of shilling done?
People still play this game after the Widow nerf killed it?
Game belongs in a dumpster now.
>10 million users within a month of release
Aren't autistic people supposed to be smart?
its not
>ow is alright because this old f2p game has the same issues
they're both bad
>Aren't autistic people supposed to be smart?
They are typically obsessive over certain subjects, which leads to better knowledge on them than most.
Its called balance. The main issue in overwatch is the 60/20 refresh rate and how it punishes quick reaction speeds.
Not the point
The point is that it's inevitable people will bitch about it
and just as inevitable the bitching will die down and what's left will be ignored
the game is only a month old. there's a long way to go
>that loud bang when they slam their desk
I'm surprised they didn't say anything, that'd easily be 2 "fuck this game"s and a "fucking bullshit"
While I struggle aginast certain characters and such, and that really good widowmakers can totally shut down my team. Nothing compares to how salty I get when I get headsthot by a Hanzo, that was just firing into the battle and hopiong for the best.
>trying to force sense into blizzard fanbase.
they will play it, they need their wow fix, buying this game makes money for their dru... game company.
u cant do shit, i seen screenshots of people buying this shitty game with wow gold.
>headsthot by a Hanzo, that was just firing into the battle and hopiong for the best.
That's how Hanzo plays even in tournament games.
>video shows minor bugs that are annoying but not game breaking
>doesnt show the flaws of their class designs
>doesnt show the flaws of their level designs
>doesnt point out the dumb shit they added instead of basic quality of life features other similar games have had for decades
The last part is it faster than his shield down walk?