Street Fighter
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Nothing like a comfy Sup Forums fightin thread.
When will SFV be worth buying?
I like watching SF games played at competitive levels but I hate the nigger culture that surrounds them.
blame cali
fuck you
I live in Cali, it's not that bad.
Exhibit A.
You obviously don't know much about the FGC
Im not saying it's bad but they hosted most of the events that get streamed and most of it's prominent players are hoodies who grew up playing in actual arcades which it makes sense this behavior is from
What's there to know? What piece of knowledge makes it all better?
I get why it's like that, but I still don't appreciate how it is.
>but I still don't appreciate how it is.
How is it?
Yeah well, them's the breaks. fighting's popular with minorities and that's just something we gotta deal with.
Here, take this.
It's niggas being niggas.
Most of the niggers weren't around when there were actual arcades. The ones that were are in their late 20s or early 30s now.
Unless you're talking Mexico.
It doesn't matter how nigger your skin color is, because at the end of the day, everybody speaks the same language.
Here is a tiny, older white guy standing up to a bigass nigger and destroying him in games.
Nah, not arcades but corner stores and laundromats had some fighting game cabinets.
Hey, is that SnakeEyez in the background?
What's wrong with being loud? Everyone else screams when hype shit happens anyway.
Good old corner store side rooms.
Countless quarters put into Final Fight, CABAL, TMNT, Street Fighter II and Wrestlemania.
Watch smug's and ltg games, any of them. They're not loud, but they both act like niggas.
Not in america. Laundromat cabs are pretty much Mexico exclusives.
There'd be the nigger equivalent to the really shitty chinatown malls, sure, but that's about as ghetto as it got 'back in the day.'
American nigger primarily got into fighting with SF4.
It doesn't matter, though. You talk shit, you get beat. No one's afraid of the racist card, or any card, except the card that says you've won for way more years than they've been playing.
>Embed video
I already knew this was LTG right from the get go.
>he thinks Smug is a loud nigger.
>he hasn't seen Sanford.
I'm saying they all act like niggers and it's putting me off of SF.
nigga what? LTG sits at home and rages like a manchild. Smug is just a clown. I could give you LTG, but he doesn't attend tournaments. Smug though? Not sure where that's coming from.
There were cabs here in Chicago when I was younger.
Maybe you should just give up
Your precious game will be forever ruined by the brown man.
>Smug though? Not sure where that's coming from.
I'm not gonna annotate the whole video for you. Just watch him flail his hands around, repeating 'respect my name' like it's a meaningful statement, he is a basic nigga.
the laundromat i go to here in texas has kof 2002 and mvc2
>don't want to handle loud niggers and salt.
>wants to play fighting games.
Pick one.
they arent yelling like niggers, they are niggas yelling bantz and getting hype over video games. kys please
Smug glares at his opponents a lot and does subtle coonings at the camera. Hardly think it's all that offensive.
I asked in another thread but I don't even remember if someone replied, are these two related in any way?
>local Pizza Hut had Vampire Hunter, MSH, and MVC1 cabs back in the day
Fuck man I love me some fightan. Shame SFV dropped the ball so hard on everything that isn't gameplay related.
Sounds like you're intimidated. It's okay, Jamal won't punch you in the jaw after you take a free set off of him.
There are FG where the community isn't dominated by niggas. SF isn't one of them.
better video
Don't think so
Anyone still got that photo from the last thread? The one showing a different angle?
That's just a little girl who got assigned to Justin Wong to train when Pokken came out. Not related, and barely familiar.
>When you are good with video games people assign you little girls
>tfw i know that i've gotten a bit better
>Recently reached Platinum with Vega
Word of advice if anyone's still in this thread, ignore ranked and instead go play long sets at battle lounge.
No. It's when your are really really good with video games.
Whenever they fix the netcode, so never.
But people gauge whether they want to play you or not based on rank.
They are implementing fixes with the upcoming patch actually
According to Capcom, next week with the mega update.
a mediocre KOF player could destroy a top 3 SF player
>this is Sup Forums on fighting games.
You do know there is some overlap, right? And that Top 10 Evo KOF players like Reynald and Romance are playing SFV right now?
>Reynald and Romance are playing SFV right now?
>Top 10 Evo KOF players
More like KOF traitors
Well, a lot of 4's top players were from KOF. The most obvious being Tokido. That's literally where he got his name.
They're just waiting for KOFXIV. Chill.
Tokido keeps getting 2nd place against Infiltration.
>Matchmaking Speed(nothing)
>Smarter Matchmaking(nothing)
>Improved Quality of Matches
>Improvements were made to the connection range settings (1-5) and should more accurately reflect the quality of incoming matches.
It's fucking nothing. Improvements weren't actually made to the netcode. Just that those 5 bars that are actually 2 bars will now show up as 2 bars and you will never get a 5 bar match ever.
Are you 2 legit shills? Or did you just quickly skim over it and miss the whole post?
Tokido is a fighting game player in general. I wouldn't call him a SF or KOF player, regardless of where he got his name.
In fact, interestingly enough, the very first Evo he won was in Capcom VS SNK 2 (you know, the game featuring characters from both and he did it playing only SF characters to boot).
I'm not going to argue about what playerbase can claim him, but his name came from KOF and that is where even he and everyone in the scene says he started. KOF 98 specifically. Of course, there's plenty of footage of him playing ST and 3s.
So what other characters do you guys think they'll add in Street Fighter V? We already know Ibuki, Balrog, Juri and Urien are next. But what about after that?
>waiting for KOFXIV
>tfw Shingo probably won't be in KOFXIV either
Anyone went back to USFIV after playing SFV?
Sad thing is, I'm actually better at SFV than IV, but the large roster and oki/vortex shenanigans just make it an overall more fun game.
And what is the problem with netcode? For me it's always been fine against actual 4-5 bars.
I haven't played USFIV since SFV released. I prefer Ultra more than V since it has so many issues, but I can't help but stay on this game. I'm sure it'll improve over time. SFIV wasn't so great when it first launched.
I acutally played a set of it last night with a couple friends. We all had fun but I couldn't confirm anything anymore. Took me maybe ten matches to land Rufus's BnB. Totally forgot how to play Adon.
Maybe your internet sucks donkey shit? I play fine against a 4-5 bar connection. Unless they haver a toaster then I'm fucked.
Not him, but despite getting matches that are suppose to be 4-5 bars, I still find some feel like they're below 3 bars.
I don't think it helps that the server keeps disconnecting me in the middle of a match. Sometimes I'd just stop playing online entirely and try to play in training mode or do some survival out of boredom, but then I still experience server issues and it takes me right back to the title screen.
This is so goddamn true
The funny thing is, even the generals dedicated to a certain fighting game don't know shit for the most part even though they play the game.
Depends if they try and add more story. If they do they will add more SF3 characters, if not they will probably go for more known by casuals
The only characters we can be certain one or the other getting in are Sakura or Akuma
Personally I haven't had server related DCs in months, there must be something wrong with your router or connection.
Well, this thread seems like it'd be a good enough place to ask.
I feel like playing some Street Fighter after ignoring it for 20+ years. I know I could just get Ultra Street Fighter 4, but I like to play various games from any given series. Doing a bit of research, I figure I'll play:
- Super Street Fighter II HD Remix
- Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike
- Super Street Fighter IV Ultra
- Some of the other games eventually, like the Alpha series.
I hear Street Fighter V isn't that great right now, and is a DLC factory anyway, so I'll wait until they release an Ultra edition with all the DLC or something.
What about Street Fighter 1 though? Yeah I know I can ignore it, but I don't want to. I'd like to play around with it a bit too, but there's quite a few versions of it. What's the best version of it to play?
>>Improved Quality of Matches
>It's fucking nothing
>>Improvements were made to the connection range settings (1-5) and should more accurately reflect the quality of incoming matches.
>It's fucking nothing
Shut up, it really seems like you just have shit internet. Since Guile online has been acceptable
Yo I know nothing about how SF5 works outside of the gameplay, is it possible to buy those preorder bonus Chun Li and Cammy costumes? This will heavily influence my decision to buy the game or not.
don't consider sf1 as a street fighter game.
>. I know I could just get Ultra Street Fighter 4,
Next to no one plays it any more
>I hear Street Fighter V isn't that great right now
It is a good game and popular stop listening to the shitposting. They can't even use muh not complete game by the end of the month
>What about Street Fighter 1 though?
Busted and pretty shit but worth playing for history. It's on the capcom classic collection for ps2 if you have that
4$/€ each after next week's patch.
I hope it's Sakura OR Akuma, and not Sakura AND Akuma... and Evil Ryu, and Gouken, and Oni, and Dan, and Sean, etc.
Enough with the shotos.
>is it possible to buy those preorder bonus Chun Li and Cammy costumes?
soonish as they are premium costumes
Yes in this weeks update. Everyones premium costume will be available to purchase
I only set it to 5 bar matches and 1/5 matches doesn't suck.
It's not the best internet available but I only make $15 an hour so it's what I have. Seems decent to me in literally every other fighting game.
The biggest thing I hear mentioned is "one-sided rollback." I don't know anything about the issue though. I only play V at meetups. But I frequently hear complaints about the netcode.
Because Sup Forums is filled with suburban post-2000 kids:
>Early 90s
>Everyone is poor as fuck
>Vidya is expensive as fuck
>Usually only a handful of people in the (neighbor)hood can afford consoles and games
>Fightans blow up among the urban poor because it's a great way to play vidya and socialize
>Still 90s/early 2000s
>Arcades are pretty much dead
>The few that are left are only frequented by ultra-nerds, DDR-fags, old heads, and scumbag teens, all playing for money
>The seediness, autism, and coonery all sort of blend together
>FGC is getting more and more popular to outsiders
>scene is still dominated by 90s fightan-fags and arcade hucksters
>fighting games require tons of dedication, so the people who train enough to break into the scene usually get the autism and coonery rubbed off on them
>FGC without black people
That sounds awful
I think we all know that will eventually happen cause those characters are popular.
Ono has said he didn't put Sagat in so the game wasn't just shoto-likes so maybe they would get big changes
That was the first thing that came to my mind, but if that were the case this would happen much more often. I've tested other games on my PS3, PS4, and PC to check if I've experienced lag on my games. I typically get good connections on games like Marvel 3, Tekken Tag 2 and USFIV (PS3 and PC). I honestly don't get a lot of sever disconnects, they happen on occasion, but it's still a little irradiating to see them appear.
There are times where I'm able to get solid connections with 4-5 bars, but there are occasions where I find some that lag. I don't experience this at all when I put it to only 5 bars, but it takes so long just to find one match when I leave it like that. Putting it at 4-5 takes a bit too, but that doesn't annoy me. Putting in only 5 bars takes quite a while.
>That sounds awful
It's okay. You lose a lot of the flavor that makes it so entertaining though.
My internet is worse than that and I can get matches that run fine, seem like you've got some weird specific problem
SF5's problem is that it's lacking in single player content, other than that the gameplay is great and it's the easiest to learn.
As for the DLCs, they can be unlocked without paying by playing. Story mode/trials/easy and normal survival give enough to get all six characters and probably some more.
My friend was on the same spot. He ended up trying Ultra on PC and learned from there. It took him a while to learn the mechanics, though. That's mostly because he doesn't play any fighting games. He also tried Street Fighter Alpha 3 and Third Strike later one.
Personally, I'd recommend Street Fighter V if you really want to get into the series. It's simple enough for newcomers to get in. If not than try getting into Alpha 3. That was my first Street Fighter and it got me to learn some of the mechanics.
I get perfect matches in SF4, Guilty Gear, etc. SF5 just constantly shits the bed. I have 60 fps, I make sure the ports are forwarded even though that essentially doesn't matter. With all of that nearly every match ends up a teleporting mess. Not just a little either. A common example is me hitting someone with cr. MP as Alex only to have the game roll back and they are hitting me with a cross up. They seem to be able to combo fine too but since they are teleporting in all these random directions I can't react or even set up meaties. I plateaued at gold because of this bullshit.
>Not having 3rd world internet
Huh? I'm from Edmonton and only get 16.40/6.39
Something like this would never happen in 2016 in any e-sport scene
Oh is that so? I thought it was pay only. What about the new content they add? New characters and costumes and such? They unlockable too?
Yeah, I don't play fighting games much either. My experience is mostly limited to a Power Rangers and Clayfighter rental in the 90s, Clayfighter 63 1/3, and less Smash Bros than you'd expect. Figured I may as well give some a whirl though. If SFV really isn't DLC infested shit and they're continuing to add content (I hear it's kinda barebones compared to, say, SSFIVU), then I might pick it up and play a bit of it first and then go back to the others (since I know SFV will have an active community, the others will probably just be solo play).
Fiber OP man. I don't even live in Halifax it's just the closest node on speedtest. I live 8 hours away in Sydney.
>Fiber OP man.
Wow I need that so bad! I've been living with shit internet my entire life.
>really isn't DLC infested shit
Actually they have said each update will be completely free if you have the base game. Then you can get pretty much everything but premium costumes free
>(I hear it's kinda barebones compared to, say, SSFIVU
Content wise they are pretty equal, SF4 weren't games known for their huge single player content and options
One set of costumes (story mode) is unlockable, but the majority will be pay only as it's what they plan on making money from.
Stages and characters will always allow both options though.