Fuck this game in its stupid fuck face

fuck this game in its stupid fuck face

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>not using glitch to kill dancer


>Using a glitch instead of gettin gud

what glitch??????????



I don't know, I don't think there's one but if there is one and you use it you are a faggot.

If you can't straight up beat her just summon some one for fucks sake, that's the reason summoning exists.


shes impossible tho and summonings for scrubs

Patched :^)

Why the fuck does he go into the menu midfight like a fucking retard especially against a boss with so much reach?

>summoning is for scrubs
>Using a glitch is somehow better

using a glitch is better than having some faggot do it for you

Thought the boss died, was moving to the statue to place the bowl.

>getting killed over and over by this boss
>tried different weapons, just can't get it down
>chuck a kukri at her in frustration
>it takes a gorilla dong sized chunk off her health bar
>end up cheesing her to death with about 20 kukris as I sprint around the arena

Easy boss, stop whining.

The gameplay is fine, you're just bad at dodging and predicting the boss' moves (both attacks and position).

a boss with a grab that does half your life in damage isnt fucking easy asshole. it has too much fucking health and can hit you no matter where you are and that stupid fucking grab is instant.

Regardless, a boss should never combo you completely to death. Thank Miyazaki for nopoise.

Can't believe I've been rused, this was a bait thread all along.

how the fuck is this bait?

I cheesed the abhorrent beast in Bloodborne like that with poison knives. Only takes one knife to poison it. Throw, run in a circle around the arena, reapply as needed.

do you mean bloodstarved beast?

I beat this boss as my second one by killing the old lady while had shit stats no summons no glitch.
Git gud casul.

Soul of Cinder busts out a dope ass Soul Calibur juggle combo in phase 2. Luckily I had 40 vitality and could survive it. Must suck for anyone who can't take the whole combo. One hit locks you into it.

whats it like sucking your own dads balls?

Bloodstarved beast is the big one and it has a headless version. I'm talking about abhorrent beast, it's the smaller super fast one that gets some lightning on it halfway through. It's what the cannibal guy in the woods turns into if you attack him.

>"A boss with a grab that does half your life"

If you have enough health for the grab to not only not instakill you but to take only half of it and you still can't kill her you have to be the biggest shitter to ever touch a game.

I refuse to believe a person like you exists much less post on Sup Forums so I come to the conclusion that you are just trying to trigger someone. You've been mildly successful from the looks of this post.

the lightning beast isnt small its fucking huge. why the fuck can you poison a sceleton?

Correcting myself. Bloodstarved beast is the poisonous one in Old Yharnam. Bloodletting is the big one with a headless version. Abhorrent is medium sized and is basically furious rajang.

>soulsfag threads get plagued by soulsbornefags
Every time.

That's darkbeast Paarl you're talking about.


i didnt watch the video but that doesnt look familiar

Wow what a great response.

Pumping your points to vitality only ever carries you through your first gamethrough. On NG+ you get 1-shot by everything again, with the exception that you have no strength or dexterity to fight back.

>A boss should never combo you to death
Okay first, says who?
Second, why are you still complaining about poise in HYPER ARMOR, THE GAME

Beyond that, there are bosses that can easily 1h most player characters. Let me blow your fucking mind: think of what you are calling a "combo" as one attack, because that's sort of what it is. Typically if you're not going to be hit by the first attack you're pretty safe from follow-ups unless you fucked up by rolling into a shitty position.

I mean, you've played this game for more than two seconds, so you should be pretty aware that the bosses have decent tracking, and it's pretty obvious if you stay out of her face and try to understand how she attacks that the dancer uses a shitload of fast, wide-sweeping attacks and very telegraphed lunges and longer reach stuff. She spins like fucking mad, it's pretty obvious. Generally speaking the safest bet when you're only working with a cursory understanding of how she fights is it stay at longer range, bait out the telegraphed lunges and run in to punish ONLY the attacks you know have long recoveries before getting back to safety.

this is the worst boss fight in any Souls game that I have played

>that fucking frame rate drop when she starts setting shit on fire
>that absolute terrible camera especially when you dare to lock on
>all that shit littered around to get caught on
>that insane clipping of her attacks even for a From Soft game

no other boss pissed me off so much

>wow what a great taste on dads balls
thats you

I beat the dancer first try.

>frame rate drop when she starts setting shit on fire

Spotted the nigger playing on a toaster, post screenshot.

Don't say you play on a PS4 because I play on a PS4 and there's no frame rate drops in this fight, and I've fought her in coop with 3 other guys all throwing spells and lighting at her.

If you have hit the soft cap on stamina you win against the dancer easily just by having a decent shield.


I play on ps4 theres some pretty bad framedrops if she sets everything on fire at once.
Not the same guy.

oh and whats a soft cap?

>Fps drops
>Send screenshot

>stuck on her for like two days on my first playthrough
>beat her first try without even getting hit on my second one and start wondering what the fuck was wrong me
You know, I think your performance suffers from your mood. Just put her off and try on a day when you're relaxed and happy.

fuck off bitch

the game runs very well for all but this fucking boss room, even turning down all the settings and resolution doesn't help which shows that there is some fuck up on Froms part here

You think that's hard? Wait till you beat her with one hand holding the controller

To see how low his settings are you massive faggot, I never contradicted the fact that his toaster had frame rate drops

Did you hear of Sup Forums off of those top 10 spooky countdown vids or some shit edgelord?
I think Sup Forums is more your style.

>it's all the game's fault, not me being shit, I- I swear!
>framedrops and shitty hitboxes and bad camera and my dad was tugging on my dick the whole time!

not a spooky one why?

As someone who beat the boss as quickly as you possibly can my second boss i can tell you there are some frame drops when she shets shit on fire but you usually have already dodged the attack by that point.

No she doesn't. If you get hit by the full spin attack it'll likely break your guard though, but for as long as you don't get hit by the full spin your block should do fine even against the spin.

Soft-cap stamina, decent shield.

she still does damage when i block her tho! no matter what attack she does! and for some reason i cant block her grab. what the fuck is a soft cap!?!

>those shitty hitboxes
Thanks for triggering me , i was this close to giving this game a second chance.

Use dragoncrest shield, by this point you should have it.

Her grab is telegraphed as fuck, through both visuals and audio if you can't dodge it after two tries then you are better off starting the game again and learning how to play.

if i had something that sounds that fucking cool wouldnt i be using it? where do i get it???

at the High Wall of Farron Keep

>first fight with the dancer
>fuck around and get her to set the entire stage on fire because TECHNOLOGY
>after that proceed to kick the shit out her easily
>when she is one swing away from death I let her kill me because its been way to easy and I want more of a challenge
>she rapes me around 15 times in a row before I am able to finally kill her
>fucking hubris
This happened to me with a few bosses. First round I always did well if not 1-shotting the boss outright. After that though I had a tough time beating them

where at the high wall? ive been all over the place.

Dancer was fustrating but THIS MOTHERFUCKER RIGHT HERE killed me at least 50 times. Literally the only DS3 boss that killed me so many times

there is a giant wall in the swamp that has a ladder you can climb, don't bother though blocking her attacks doesn't get you anywhere

Hes only hard because of the fucking long ass filler wyvern fight every time you die to the actual boss.
If i could have just fought the nameless king every time that boss would have beenso much fucking easier or hell just throw the wyvern and him at me at the same time like good ol ornstein and smough.


Dancer is CUTE


Storm Drake was annoying with that fucking camera but eventually I had that down easily and it was just a grind to kill. The fact that Nameless could kill me in 2 hits was the real problem

Do you even play NG+ and beyond? The scaling in DS3 is laughable compared to other Souls games. At NG+4 with 40 vig embered I beat SoC by spamming R1 and tank his shit then heal because I have so much fucking health compared to what the boss can do.

I had more trouble with Storm King because his fire bullshit requires perfect timing and I forgot dragon heads are sensitive. Nameless King killed me about 2 times before I just approached him like every other humanoid boss in the game.

I had the opposite problem, after 2 playthroughs i killed the storm king without using estus. But with the nameless king i always miss timed one roll and died evey fuckin time


a-user you arnt trying to fight the dancer after you have cleared the high wall and nothing else right?

where else would i go?

I concur. The Dancer's probably the best girl in the series. Followed by Yuria and then Anri.

She is a lategame boss! you are meant to go through the undead settlement and most of the game before you fight her. No wonder you are getting fucking REKT. Dont kill NPCs you tard

i dont normally but i couldnt fucking figure out anywhere else to go so i just fucking killed the bitch blocking the ladder because where the fuck else was i gonna go? wheres the undead settlement?

god fucking dammit user SHE FUCKING TELLS YOU WHERE TO GO
Instead of going to the dancer go the opposite way from her fog door down the steps, there is a different boss called Vort who is actually your level. After that go past the door that had vines growing on it and hit the prompt at the edge of the cliff. Make sure to take in the landscape below because you go to all the places you can see.

i killed the pig guy fuckin weeks ago and all there was was a drop off cliff i couldnt do anything with.

A prompt pops up saying raise lothric banner then you get taken to the next area

it didnt do anything when i clicked it tho. it said the banner wasnt in my inventory.


>Chugging Estus immobilizes you, and the heal isn't instantaneous meaning trying to chug while someone is sticking close to you will result in death

>Can only perform four rolls before running out of stamina

>Can only perform 5 attacks of a rapier or straight sword before running out of stamina

>Stamina regeneration is tied to weight, so a character at 10% burden will recover their bar faster than a character at 70% burden, giving an advantage and a reason to make a low burden character

>Poise exists and armor provides relevant, but not overpowering damage reduction, giving an advantage and a reason to make a high burden character

>Phantoms and Dark Spirits cannot chug estus, spirits can only heal via spell useage which is slow. This makes fighting outnumbered even without mob assistance possible since any damage you do sticks.

>Parrying has longer recovery frames and consumes more stamina, making parry fishing riskier and makes parrying require higher skill

>Power stance allowing for unique combinations of dual wielding and unlocking an alternative moveset for weapons

>Being able to use the full moveset of a weapon in your off-hand including running, rolling, backstepping, etc. attacks rather than just being able to do a basic R1 swing and blocking with the weapon as it is in Ds3 (lmao who would ever want to weapon block)

>Non-linear first half of the game allows you to rush straight to the areas of the game that contain the items for your build

>Fun PvP covenants that were unique

>Bell Tower covenant providing two unique optional areas to PvP for Titanite Chunks, Slabs, and Twinkling, making farming for upgrades fun

>Rat covenant providing two unique optional areas for pvp that heavily involve the environment for pharros lockstone farming

>Blue Sentinel covenant had cracked blue orbs for arbiter invading and punishing sinners

It should have dropped when you killed emma old bitch in front of the ladder in the dancer bossroom go back there next time you play holy shit

The chick in the chair gives it to you you dip

Holy shit how can one person fuck up so hard

A list things Dark Souls 2 did that were far better than Dark Souls 3

how was i suppose to know i have to kill the old woman BEFORE i kill pig guy?

You don't kill the old woman you tard, you talk to her

>mfw DS2 was the best in the series

you are meant to talk to her you retard, she tells you where to go, what to do, and gives you access to the blueberry covenant

Please make mr. ruseman stop. I'm starting to think he's serious.

i didnt think she gave me anything when i talked to her but i might have forgot to talk to her before i killed her like i said its been weeks.

She's only hard if you're doing her at the start.
I killed her on the first try when I got teleported there after getting all the lords.

>but i might have forgot to talk to her before i killed her

You are the reason video games are now made for idiots.

hey fuck you


Hes right though

holy shit i forgot just how awful ds2 looks
imagine if they never shit this out and ds3 was the second dark souls game

This made me laugh, goddammit user

Post dancer booty