Why didn't you listen Sup Forums

Why didn't you listen Sup Forums

I didn't have to because I knew it would be shit

Someone post that photo he put up to try and prove that he and Inafune are still tight.

>it's a "I didn't back it!" episode
Considering there were over 200 people in the /vg/ thread I find it funny so many people act as if they didn't back it and you don't hear about the people who backed the game anymore.

I actually didn't back it

I was hyped for it but I've only back Shantae, Yooka-Laylee, Saurian, and that failed game Spooky's Happy Hell.

can he even speak English? or does he use a translator?

>even based Block Man is tearing Might no. 9 a new asshole
Fuck man thats beautiful.

He's no pro but he understand english well enough


>not posting the snapshot from the time he visited Sup Forums

He uses twitter to shitpost, "connect" with fans, and improve his english.


but bad analogy tho.


Kamiya is so based holy shit. No matter how shitty vidya gets Kamiya can still make things viewtiful.

I backed it, but I traded my key once I got it.

>tfw Kamiya liked one of my tweets

how can one man be so based?

Good taste.

gods work user

why is the Japanese Phil Fish get so much love here?

Because he actually makes enjoyable games.

that hack isn't relevant anymore so your shit joke really lost its edge

>it's a ''When phil phis does it its not cool, but when japanese bald man does its okay'' episode


Literally who?

>There were Jewnafune cocksuckers who defended him by saying Kamiya was a hack or the tweet was misunderstood

>Several high profile and well loved games
>Comparable to Phil "I somehow believe the father land of our industry is shit" Fish

This is dumb, even by shit posting standards.

I was busy backing other games

Because japanese phil fish had more balls than the actual french phil fish

Because people in here are sad weebs with no judgement. Stick some anime eyes on a smelly turd and they will flock to it.

Because Kamiya is the greatest game director of all time and Phil Fish is a faggot

>Muh based slant eye xD

He's a dumb irrelevant fuck that havent made good games for a long time. Get over yourselves.

think about this picture for a second and just realize that this fucking faggot handed the bartender his phone and said "take a picture of me...but not until I look like I'm thinking about something important....oh also hand me an empty glass."

>sad weebs with no judgement
>on a weeb imageboard

>beta cucks hate on based alpha phil fish

Go to bed Kamiya.

>Viewtiful Joe
Any game he directs is guaranteed to be god tier

>Any game he directs is guaranteed to be god tier
Is that why sales are poor and Platinum is slumping?

>shit he's proving me wrong
>I know the most worthless metric to how good anything actually is
Also how the fuck is Platinum slumping they've had exclusive deals with all three big consoles

>Sales = Good Game
Yeah there's never been a shit franchise that sold well, right?

not everyone cares about your little rehash platformers user

that's why they stopped making them after all

There's a difference between liking anime and being an insufferable nolife that worships everything from Japan.

Tbqh it's sad that people like this hack developer manlet kamiya.

Hue hue hue

I don't agree with all the faggot teenagers propagating this stupid kamiya cult but Viewtiful Joe is a nice game.

its a shame everything he seems to make nowadays is a 4 hour DMC retread and/or tie-in shovelware

What did you tell him?

>No I've never played the games I just know he's a hack

>"I like your hair"

I've been here all summer and am not familiar with this person. Is he a meme like Wojack or Gross Frog?

nobody can deny that MN9 was a waste of 4 million dollars.


has this fag even made a game recently? or does he simply sit on twitter all day pretending to be relevant

You mean like megaman?

Oh wait......

you're mad he blocked you

I don't even have a twitter account, child.

Muh nigguh

How is he proving me wrong when his games sell like ass?

There is just another thread up saying that #FE is a bad game despite receiving high scores.

Sup Forums doesn't actually play video games, they just love e-celeb bullshit. That's why you have everyone here circlejerking over people like Kojima.

Did you see the latest E3 reaction for Kojima? People were literally screaming GOTY rom a fucking trailer with NO GAMEPLAY.

It's sickening.

>Liking one dev makes you an insufferable nolife that worships everything from Japan
Cool, I can do that too.
>There's a difference between not liking anime and being an insufferable nolife that worships everything from Japan.

Lol, faggot. Everyone, like you, who backed it are too ashamed to admit it if they have any sense.

>being this mad that you fell for the ruse

you were blocked and are now running around like a scorned lover all over Sup Forums because he did

Phil Fish hasn't made a single good game.
He didn't even make Fez: just took all the credit for it.

By your logic CoD is god tier because it sells like Mcdonalds.

yes user he blocked my non existent twitter account. you are a very good detective perhaps even batman tier

But Phil is just a faggot, while if it wasn't for Nintendo Bayo 2 wouldn't have happened. Of course Kamiya is okay with it being Wii U exclusive.

Dragonwhatever looked really fucking bad

at least you finally admit it instead of trying to feign ignorance


that's because it's not a Wii U exclusive

>"Computer, can you do all the work for me and print out the address of a culprit?"
I literally don't understand this meme.

He made the computer

maybe if you saw more batman than TAS then you would realize why

settle down Sup Forumsmblr

There are good and bad CoD games.
Just because you don't like the genre doesn't make it bad.

It's because Fil Phish looks greasy and disgusting, like somebody you don't want to come close to because he stinks, and Kamiya looks cool and like somebody you want to hang out with

That makes him world's greatest engineer, not detective.

I tried reading Snyder's run. I regret it.

You can't read

>backing a company that censor their promo art because of SJWs
Reminder that the original artist was literally forced to censor his art.
He was a cuck for agreeing though.

I did it too actually. Sold it for 100 bux to a retard because "kickstarter only dlc". Backed at 60 bux, made 40 bux as a result. Thanks con man.

Because people thought he was being an asshole (He was, but he didn't say anything wrong)and felt the need to see MN.9 through to stick it to Capcom for their neglect, not realizing Kamiya was giving a subtle hint that Inafune wasn't a creator or director, nor the right person for the job.

You made your beds, now sleep in them.


You're obsessed

I haven't backed anything on kickstarter, nor plan to.

It's a platform made for scamming, if the game is good when its actually released i may pirate it or buy it, but during development, no thanks.

You don't even have the money to back your own future let alone kickstarter

Be quiet, neet

i need the image comparing the game testing methods where it ends with "they said it was too hard, so we made it harder"

>is upset not everyone is gullible enough to donate to scam artists

>calls others neets

here's a free (you)

Nice projecting there, faggot

I backed it. KNOWING it would be shit. But at the time I was backing most of the games coming to Wii U, because I wanted to following the productions and learn from them, as I had recently ordered a dev kit.

you don't have a source of income quit lying

your allowance doesn't count

>It's a Kamiya thread


The man is losing his touch


igarashi is my husbando

So you backed it ironically? Love the denial that some of you people come up with.

Call it what you will. I have never even played a Megaman game, and I didn't like the concept art for MN9. But I knew that at the very least Inafune would bring the production all the way to the end, and following that process was worth $15 for me.

I had a fucking field trip with all the morons complaining about Dina and getting vanned as well. 10/10 would have paid more.

Can we take a moment to discuss that demo that he did on e3 stage?

I think that's everything that's wrong with gaming and the weeb aesthetic. Overly exaggerated proportions don't make it epic unless you're 9 years old. What kind of a mentally ill person thought that would be a good idea?

If that's Kayima's idea of interesting game design, then he should just fucking kill himself because his life is worthless.

I think its risky for Kamiya to talk big right now because Scalebound doesn't look like the wonder we expect it to be based on E3's showing.
I understand how Kojima, Miyamoto, and others like him have a following but Kamiya has never been consistent to me.
Well, I hope Kamiya proves me wrong.

Kamiya doesn't really do it for the audience acceptance I feel.

He keeps reiterating many of the same design ideas in different genres and IPs, with varying degrees of success.

He's a man on his own mission, not primarily doing it to surprise and delight. He's not a showman like the others.

You probably spend all your money on food, Usagi.

I don't need an angry chinese man to tell me a shit video game is shit.

I never back Kickstarter in general m8. If the game's good I can wait until it's out and I don't care for any of that backing bonus shit

Fuck man I never knew you could trigger weebs this hard.