Shirtless Old men fighting other shirtless old men on rooftops in Japan
ITT: Describe a video game badly and others try to guess it
An undead tries to kill a demon with a burning guy and gets crushed by a giant gorilla robot.
man kills bad guys, and then gets told he is literally worse than Hitler for killing bad guys
guy is an asshole to his sibling because his sibling needs to be an asshole to save the world
Spec Ops The Line?
Far Cry 4?
You can tell the final boss to join you and he does it.
not the game i was thinking of but that could also be correct
Knights of the Old Republic?
Shadow of the collossus
autistic robo ninjas talk endlessly and occasionally fight to butt rock
The absolute madman.
a middle aged man dooms the human race because of his survivor's guilt
Fable 3?
Metal Gear Solid
Devil May Cry Series?
Last of us
Boy purges a God together with his wife.
Not the game I was thinking about, but I guess it counts too.
Fable 3
Shirtless man needs a chill pill
fnv, lonesome road
God of war
Shirtless man takes his wife's son out for hunting after taking a chill pill
Autist fight each other 1v1
people in a world that barely makes any sense screaming loudly at each other and facing the most convoluted bullshit mankind can come up with just to kill someone
You go room to room, your only company is a potato, and although you don't have a job and no one asked you to, you paint literally everything over.
Chrono Trigger?
it has crazy guys and it has roadhog concept as a character
Everyone you love, everything you've ever done, it's all gone, this is real life motherfucker.
Oh yeah and your parents are dead lol.
Kid fights his mom then developed an identity crisis
You play as children who control robots but you didn't know you were a child so you save yourself by accident.
>your only company is a potato
Portal 2
Binding of Isaac
You get paid to collect cards in a war zone for U.N.
Binding of Isaac
girl sets up a plan to save her child self being burned to death
No, but the answer should be fairly obvious once you eliminate TLoU from the answer pool
Small men swinging giant weapons at large creatures for 20 minutes multiple times for a single item
Your girlfriend goes through tons of bullshit to save humanity
You go to lighthouses after a giant eye tells you to.
in a world without toilets, you're some anime cop girl trying to work your way through predictable cliches.
Nigger explodes a lot of people while half of the team is useless.
Monster Hunter?
Gears of War?
Golden Sun
far worse than that. It has to do with crime
Team Fortress 2
Last boss fight is hot brother on brother shirtless action
Shorts are so comfy
You die.
Ace Attorney
You get your legs sawed off, but get a hp and speed bonus.
real life?
damn right.
Dark Souls?
Killer 9?
golden sun
After your priest gets stabbed to death in his own church, you conduct multiple prison breaks so you can finally kill a pig-bat
Got it
Money, guns, and naked people in dreary places.
After achieving god status you literally kill yourself because you're so bored.
Cannibals who are actually programs.
Soul Reaver.
You're a petty criminal who fucks older men who look like your father
You work your ass off to conquer something big for the benefit of your people, but your ruler decides to skip rewarding you and just takes it all for himself.
Dragon's Dogma
Dark souls
Indiana Jones The Fate of Atlantis?
technically true
guy who was banished from space and time steals legendary item
Dragon's Dogma
Chivalry or Warband
Ding ding ding
You resurrect someone with an egg
All the conspiracies are real
You capture monsters to fight the monsters other people own.
Digital devil saga?
cyborg goes on angst quest to protect the weak but really, deep down, he doesnt care, he doesnt care about anything
Play me online for a chance to win 1,000,000 dollars.
Everything happens because friendship
Papers Please
You grab a piece of shit and toss it around.
It is also a metaphor about you playing the game.
Game technically has a story about some ancient mystery that involves aliens, but you'll be ignoring that to set sail instead.
Metal Gear Rising
Every JRPG
Any Tales of game ever?
A boy goes around the world telling a bunch of cocks to wake up.