Just finished this.
Is DLC worth it?
Just finished this.
Is DLC worth it?
i felt the DLC a little too short, but damn it was awesome, best part of the game by far.
It's the best part of the game.
Yes. The weapons alone are almost enough to justify buying it. Then there's some great lore and boss fight additions on top of it.
What's the cheapest way to get the DLC when you already have the original game and the GOTY edition is 60 bucks?
I live in Australia.
If you didn't like it that much it's not going to magically change your mind about the game. It's more of the same.
Weapons are good, thats it.
Only one new area and 2 new bosses.
Everything else is reused assets.
Yes. The boss battles are amazing. Ludwig the Accursed is my fav boss of all time now.
PSN store, dumbass
no other way.
This is a lie. There are actually FIVE new bosses and the weapon count doubles.
>FIVE new bosses
2 new
3 recycled
2 of those are literally spam R1 if you have BoM
Bullshit. Your opinion doesn't make three of them disappear.
>3 recycled
ok Laurence i get it, but who are the others?
OP don't bother listening to this guy, he has severe brain damage and some obvious memory loss
>fire cleric beast
>generic hunter npc boss
>celestial emissary v2
FROMfags defend this
>>celestial emissary v2
worst bait
If that's how you argue what recycling is then you could say most of the bosses in the souls series are recycled.
But no the only boss that's ACTUALLY recycled is Laurence, and even then his AI is pretty different, along with his second phase so I don't really give a shit.
>celestial emissary v2
they don't even share the same movements, just because they are blue and there is a lot of them doesn't mean it's recycled.
Are you sure? There's only three hunter NPC bosses in the game and each of them are unique in some way. Gascoigne goes full beast, Gehrman's literally superhuman and Maria's got her Cainhurst bloodfire magic shit. Are Gehrman and Gascoigne generic too?
>parry and win
or if you have quick weapon like BoM or Rakuyo
>spam r1, dodge, repeat and win
Yeah. generic, just like the regular hunter NPCs.
To be fair, Both do that flailing arm charge at you.
>Using Rakuyo on Maria
DLC is the best part of any Souls game.
I wasn't aware that deliberately reducing an encounter to its base components meant it was a generic boss fight.
Try again. This time, do it properly. What's generic about Maria?
Nigga you fucked up, DLC (and especially it's final boss) are hard as shit on NG+, especially if you haven't alredy practiced on them in your first playthrough.
I also bought it after I completed the game, I feel you
That's DLC done completely right and totally worth it. Best bosses, weapons and areas in any souls game
That is just a hunter fight.
Which isnt a big deal.
Not any of the hunter fights were difficult in the game, yet they still a hunter boss in the DLC.
You either parry them to death or just spam R1 and if there there is more of them just use the Shaman Blade and they literally kill themselves for you.
Its literally like PvPing against a retard with high HP.
Dark Souls 1 DLC was way better.
>Dark Souls 1 DLC was way better
No ?
>Dark Souls 1 DLC was way better.
>roll and attack
>Souls/Borne games are good
>roll and attack
On the subject of DLC: Did anyone notice how this guys moves are all almost identical to Gehrnams?
>a double-spin attack
>an attack which lifts you up in the air
>a jumping attack which can be dodged by walking under it
>a fast walking combo
>a powerful projectile that stuns you for a short time
>a quick swipe for when you are too close
>an attack when they fly up in the air and cast some shit down to the ground
>a combo with a strong second hit while the first hit locks you in place, making the follow-up undodgeble
>Dark Souls 1 DLC was way better.
I don't particularly care for Bloodborne but that's just wrong. ToH did have way more obnoxious moments, but it had much more atmosphere.
>get btfo
>copy paste posts as a counterargument
KEK guess you lost.
It's almost outright stated after the fact that Gehrman has a strong connection to the events of the Fishing Hamlet, and the Orphan itself.
Stalker has way better atmosphere therefore its obviously a way better game than Bloodborne.
Thats how good a comparison of that was.
And it had shit atmosphere anyway.
>gets btfo
What he said is 100% applicable to Bloodborne.
Only thing is proven that him and you are both retarded.
So how do you make a not-generic boss?
>same cry at the end of the cutscene
>has some weird dialog about gherman finally having a rest after you murder the orphan
i think is gherman's son
Except BB's DLC had more interesting weapons, bosses, atmosphere, areas than DaS 1 DLC
But STALKER and Bloodborne are drastically different. Bloodborne is a clear spinoff of Dark Souls, and it's not like BB is the only game in the series that has atmosphere. Keep being a retard though.
You cant in FROM games.
All bosses are roll+attack or even parriable.
In the end you will be doing the same shit.
>Except BB's DLC had more interesting weapons
Its true up until that point.
You argued that better atmosphere == over better.
You are the retard.
You said that DS1 DLC being better is wrong because Old Hunter have better atmosphere.
Fucking retard.
You tellin me my boy Gerry fucked a fish?
He also has Gerhman's face and when you beat him Gerhman stops having restless sleep
What's a not-generic boss in a not-Fromsoft game?
Mother Kos or some say Kosm isn't a fish, she is pretty human-like
>You said that DS1 DLC being better is wrong because Old Hunter have better atmosphere.
And that's right, because it did. The areas themselves are also better. The only thing AotA beats it in is bosses, which is hardly the entirety of what Souls games are about.
>ToH didn't have more interesting weapons than AotA
I see what's happening here now.
That's a fish with chick's mouth. Gerry wouldn't fuck no fish like that. He's pure
>Its true up until that point
Opinions, opinions. Artorias is a great boss.So is Manus. But holy shit they're nowhere near Ludwig, Orphan or Maria in hype and gameplay
>he also has Gehrnams face
They look nothing alike, Orphans ace is skin and bones, he can "have" anyone's face
He fucked the doll, I would say he is that pure
Play a Ninja Gaiden game. ;^)
>The only thing AotA beats it in is bosses, which is hardly the entirety of what Souls games are about.
This is the true bait.
>I see what's happening here now.
You are just having reading comprehension.
But let me help, i said that the sentence is TRUE up until that point.
That means i agreed that ToH had better weapons.
>in hype and gameplay
what hype?
and what gameplay?
Manus is better than all of those with Orphan being close.
Maria is literal shit.
Bloodborne is overrated garbage.
DS3 and DS1 are both superior to it.
>Play a Ninja Gaiden game. ;^)
Whoa lad that really answered my question. Considering your meme face, I take it you actually have no argument.
>this is a "Ninja gaiden is much better than souls game even though they're different" episode
>DS3 and DS1
What's the difference?
One has poise and the other doesn't
>Bloodborne is overrated garbage.
Yes overrated, but the gameplay is much better than in Souls.
Whats the point?
You idiots come with shit like the
> Ludwig, Orphan or Maria in hype and gameplay
What level of retardness and fanboyism is this?
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you filth? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Hunters Workshop, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Vilebloods, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in hunter warfare and I’m the top shooter in the entire Workshop. You are nothing to me but just another beast. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before in Yharnam, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me through a messenger? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of hunters across the city and your location is being traced right now so you better prepare for the hunt, maggot. The hunt that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my untricked cane. Not only am I extensively trained in hunter combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the Healing Church and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the city, you little shit. If only you could have known what holy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn rat. I will shit frenzy all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo
>Ninja gaiden is much better than souls game even though they're different
Not really.
Only difference is Souls and Borne for some dumb reason gets called a RPG, even though its an hack and slash action game.
>muh stats and levels
COD is a RPG too then.
We already know you're baiting, man. We just want to see how far you take it before you give up and go to bed.
Nah, it has a somewhat cancerous fanbase for sure. You sometimes get a good thread that dosen't turn into a console war. The game is one of the better soluls games but Deamons and the first Dark souls is still my favorites.
>you are baiting
No, you are just butthurt and thats the best you can come up with to easy your pain that Bloodborne isnt BEST.
>implying I ever said that Bloodborne was the best
please refer to the post
This started when you decided to pull your absolute shit taste in bosses out of your ass.
>This started when you decided to pull your absolute shit taste in bosses out of your ass.
>shit taste
says the guy who defends roll+attack game with passion.
>says the guy who defends roll+attack game with passion.
please refer to the post where I defend roll+attack game
>this guy again
Your technique is becoming better and better now. Didn't see it coming before you mentioned Ninja gaiden but now everyone saw you for what you are
Get it nao
>Ninja Gaiden
>not a roll+attack game
Fuck off, Laurence was a great fight and had the best music in the game.
Soulsfags are so easy to trigger with the truth, BBfags even easier.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you foul beast? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the School of Mensis, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on the Healing Church, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in arcane warfare and I’m the top hunter in the entire town of Yahar’gul. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before in Yharnam, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over a note? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of snatchers across the Hypogean Gaol and your sinister bell is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, beast. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, beast. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my kosm parasite. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of The Choir and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of Cathedral Ward, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” note was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have gained some fucking eyes. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will rakuyo spin all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, beast.
Daily reminder: Dark souls is better than bloodsouls
This is some of the weakest bait I've ever seen and it still got you a bunch of replies.
Well done I guess.
>You cant in FROM games.
>All bosses are roll+attack or even parriable.
Why are you even here and why do you even play the games if you're this mindnumbingly cynical and downright retarded about them?