>Bought it
>It's amazing

So who's to blame for this behavior? Is it the unrealistic way the studio shows off gameplay? Or is it the quick to judgement audience?

Other urls found in this thread:


Both, they have to show gameplay that appeals to normies and then people flip thier shit over it.

It's fast
It's pretty much brutal doom only good
They revived the IP successfully

inb4 pcfats who hate it cause they can't steal it

>Watching E3


>So who's to blame for this behavior?
The MP demo.

>its amazing
dont kid yourself. It was so easy it made me sick

Here's your reply, cool guy.

Well yeah, they do.

I felt it was far too slow and the QTE bullshit was sickening

Got a refund, no regrets.

no they don't, they don't even know what E3 is.

>I played on I'm Too young to Die


You don't know what that word means

>Tried the multiplayer demo
>It was horribly slow, underpowered weapons, just all around shit
>Tried the campaign demo
>Definitely a faster pace, but the game focuses too much on melee kills
I wouldn't pay much for it, but that's me

Steam Sale had it for $35. It was enough for me and I'm satisfied. I just scratched the surface of it though, I got through the first mission and half-way through the second one.

It's 2016 user

Shitposters will tell you it's slow and it only shows they've not actually played it and only watched Polygon attempt to play it.

dont judge a game by its looks

My only complaints so far are levels like the Argent tower and that you... pretty much run around with the gauss, super shotgun and chain gun at the end.

I want more and I dont even know why, it felt right, just like the new Wolfenstein

so true, pc faggots shun any game they cant easily steal. after all, they're all mostly poor fags with pricey hardware.

>"hey what did you think of the Bethesda conference?"

Prior to release all they really showed was the multiplayer and a bunch of montages of the melee kills. It looked like shit.

So whoever was in charge of marketing. They're to change.

I got asked how i felt about the skyrim remaster.

I couldn't be bothered explaining that mods can already do that stuff so I just said it was cool

>"Hey how do you feel about the skyrim remaster.


Reminder that this guy is 100% right and D44M is trash.


>e-celebs make my opinions for me

perfect mindset for a sheep, you fit right in on Sup Forums

I've noticed over the years that shitposters on Sup Forums will shit on any fps no matter how good it is.

Why listen to shitposters? Seriously play them for yourself. We have so many stupid fuck try hard contrarians here that it can be hard to discuss it I know. DOOM4 has a great campaign at least.

>So who's to blame for this behavior? Is it the unrealistic way the studio shows off gameplay? Or is it the quick to judgement audience?
gee maybe if we saw more than piss filters and slow as fuck gameplay, we wouldn't have said that.

The marketing of the game was AWFUL.

The only thing there was to judge the game by before it came out was the multiplayer which is probably the worst thing ever made by a human.


Have any examples? Genuinely curious.

>played it and had fun but still found flaws
>get memed on with ur just salty pirate le fox and le grapes

Fuck you


>doom 4 gameplay
>soldiers don't stagger for an hour waiting to be glory killed after two shotgun shots

All shit

>focuses too much on melee kills

Only in the first few chapters with all the imps when there aren't tons of hellknights and revnants throwing AOE blast at you constantly.

I refunded it too. It's a console FPS. It feels like a console FPS. It's a sluggish piece of shit & just a sign of the times that elite gaming is dying because of an over abundance of faggots.

The blame is on the youtube reviewers, the idiots that follow them like cattle, and people who just like to trash new titles for the fun of it.

>talking to friend
>we talk about vidya a lot
>"so did you watch E3?"
>"What's E3"

Doom 4 shotgun does not even have half that range, it only one shots imps from melee range.

Maybe Overwatch is more your style

This guy talks like a robot.

Also his first complaint is like how the game is too easy. As if Doom was all that hard in the first place.

Doom 3 + the mod that spawns a monster randomly on the map every 30 seconds is still the best one.

Day yoo sex

>doom 3

It's the zelda cycle again.

>Reminder that the multiplayer is absolute garbage and the modding has reached to the point of complete hysteria (if you call it modding, you can't even customize to game to your liking).


What's even the fucking point. You're just buying it solely just to experience the singleplayer campaign. Doom is great today because of what the community created and pulls out of the games. Thanks to Denuvo this Doom has non of that. It's going to fade into obscurity like a fucking fad. Even Doom 3 is still talked about because of the overhauls it brought out like The Dark Mod.

No good multiplayer or good modding, no buy. Probably when it reaches 10 dollars I might.

Nah, it's just that kids who played it 12 years ago have grown up and are nostalgic.

>Probably when it reaches 10 dollars I might.

You mean when your allowance allows it

Nah, when it reaches the price range that the game deserves to be paid.

It's worth $10. Not more. And I agree 100%.
This time next year no one will talk about it. Bethesda just completely fucked it.

How's that Bethesda money m8?

Was it too much for them to just not lock doors every 5 minutes?
>near the end of necropolis
>get to the room where you're locked in and mancubi, pinkies, and barons spawn
>clear out the room but the doors behind me don't open back up
>advance but jump to the ledge of an area before the locked doors
>the doors unlock and don't lock again when I enter the room
So what's the fucking point?

pcfag here, fuck all the haters I took a gamble buying it day one and haven't regretted it. my only problem is I'm not all into the snap map method of adding versatility, I want a modding community full blast.

>reached Hell
>suddenly fucking swarmed by enemies upon enemies
>all of them are making use of vertical level design and chase me relentlessly

Original DOOM > DOOM 4 > DOOM 64 > Final DOOM > DOOM 2 > Thy Flesh Consumed > Master Levels for DOOM 2 > Resurrection of Evil > DOOM 3 > Lost Mission

>pretty much run around with the gauss, super shotgun and chain gun at the end.

Maybe you did. I barely used the gauss and never used the chain gun on my first play through.

Todd Howard, is that you?

But it's already been at full price.

Is there any video game character who can kill pic related?

>Has killed Demons for millenia
>Has gone through every .wad people have made ever
>Has been blessed by an Angel to kick more ass
>Has been given special demon armour to kill MORE ass

I would say not.

Wait you can't pirate this?

No it's Marty acting like he didn't just reinvent the wheel while adding some unnecessary shit

Have any of you beaten this on Nightmare on PS4? I'm trying but from Advanced Research Complex onwards it's turned into a major grind for me. Just total trial and error. Am I just shitty? The analog controls just aren't responsive enough for me, need KBM for this game. It sucks 'cause I fucking love the game.

Feels like a better Duke Nukem than actual Duke Nukem games.

>on PS4

There is your first problem.

My friend has it on PC while I have it on Xbone... it feels so much better on the PC I must say

Maybe Forever, otherwise fuck off

>So who's to blame for this behavior?
E3 2015 demo

Of course they do you retard

No and it's the main reason some people on Sup Forums like to shit on it.
It's fast paced like the original DOOM, features a whole arsenal of weapons like DOOM, has similar maps and enemies to kill like DOOM, is light on the story like DOOM, yet it manages to be distinct by adding its own blend of spices through viable melee options other than just the chainsaw.

>similar maps
hahahahahhahahah that is so fucking wrong

Interesting. I'll be sure to check it out in 10 years. (I just now played Half Life 2)

Look I know you like to cherrypick posts but the maps are nice and complicated just how Sup Forums likes em. My point is that the game is not just another shooting gallery like for example Bioshock Infinite was
By all means, and if you played the classic DOOM (like anyone who had a soul in the 90's) you'll love the gratuitous amounts of fanservice.

>has similar maps
>getting locked into a room and killing tens of demons for the doors to open is similar to classic doom

>people can only dislike a game because they haven't played it and can't afford it
I wonder who could be behind this post

>he's never played Tricks and Traps

>people on the internet say it is bad so that is also my opinion
>youtube e-celebs told me it was good so that is now my opinion
you are the problem my man

Well I can't be the only one who thinks it's unfair to critique a game you haven't played.

it's pretty good BUT it's also pretty slow movement wise

it was OK and better than what the marketing made us expect.
Still denuvo shit, no modding, no multi, limited amount of fuckers no screen....
worth 15 bucks

It was butthurt pirates who couldn't play it

The kills are unsatisfying, they are not like in the classic games.

I wouldn't label "split paths with points of no return: the game" similar to Doom or even complicated.

>Putting your hands in a pinkies asshole and ripping it open like a goatse is unsatisfying


This has happened to me.
None of my friends keep up with E3 each year, one even has the nerve to say "I'm not some faggot who sits at his computer all day watching announcements for games, I just play them when they come out."
In reality, I just read articles and stuff, I can't put all that effort to stay up early in the morning to watch a long conference, I prefer highlights.

True story, cheers for your time.
Now go fuck yourselves.

Just how the fuck are little toy faggots not normal? Really?

Guess what? You are. You're just insecure fuckwits who lose their spaghetti when a girl is forced to interact with you.

That does not make you special kids. It just makes you insecure. Nothing special about that. Most people are insecure. Get over yourselves. It will make life easier once you accept these truths. Do you think guys who are into golf call people who aren't 'normies'? Guys into cars, into music, into art, gardening? ..no they don't. You are no different.

Who are you quoting? The game has had a lot of positive reviews from multiple sources.

I feel like I'm the only person who grew up with the original Doom and played this to the second level and then never touched it again.

It wasn't bad, it wasn't great. It was just there.

>shoot a demon 1 or 2 times to get them to stagger for 10 minutes then walking up to them and pressing X to brutal kill animation them is satisfying

Kid, you were not even born when the classic was out.

Why don't you just shoot them again instead of watching the animation?

looks interesting but only 10hrs of single player. That is disappointing.

This may be a literal meme, but the game gets better.

Once you get to Foundry, you get to see why the game is good.

>mfw pcfaggots shit on this game only because they cannot pirate it.

Fucking mustards. Every time man. Every fucking time.

But I do, the point is that meme kills aren't satisfying like you implied

Tut-tut-tut, elite gaming isn't dying, it just has other places it thrives.
Like CS:GO, once the bloody anti-cheat gets a bit more developed, and Valve's recent attempts at resolving the cheating issues (with Prime Matchmaking and such), it'll make the game better with the high skill ceiling and all.
Plus, once you're out of the low ranks and playing matches where you're expected to know what you're doing, you'll have a blast.

Just the other day, I was playing Competitive and had some kid on my team, he didn't talk shit, though. Most others in his position would, he was calm, actually. It was weird, having a coherent conversation with what must've been a twelve-year-old.

But they are satisfying.

>smacking a hell baron with his own horn unsatisfying
>stomping on and cracking a hell knight skull unsatisfying
>shoving a mancubus' heart down his own throat unsatisfying
>shoving the BFG9000 down the spider mastermind's mouth and blowing its brains out unsatisfying

>fully upgraded micro missile mode
>tfw realize it's as fun as a fucking Devastator from Duke

>heh, nothin personnel, kid
>*slices ur opinion into a million pieces*
>think twice before posting on MY board...