What characters would you like to see in Skullgirls 2?

What characters would you like to see in Skullgirls 2?

I'd like to see a full roster before they make a sequel. A 3 man team fighter with like 12 characters means mirror matches all the fucking time.

Your mum.

This smug bitch

More best girl, of course


post some fat nurse tits



What characters would you like to see in WHERE IS THE FUCKING LOBBY YOU FAGGOTS

Calm down user

These guys get it

Bad games don't get sequels

Skullgirls is safe then

Tell that to Watchdogs

>Its a "Skullgirls is shit" episode
Polly want a cracker?


>It’s another "skullgirls" thread with "I WANTED X CHARACTER TO BE IN THE GAME" / "X CHARACTER WHEN" / "SKULLGIRLS 2 PLS"

But why don't you make one?

>DIscussing vidya on Sup Forums isnt vidya

Salt or no salt on that cracker?

heads up anons, it's going to happen at least sometime after 2018


>DIscussing vidya on Sup Forums isnt vidya
You mean the same memes that the guys post always with the excuse of posting the same memes and shit waifus again and again like Fortune, Feng and Marie?

It's still vidya, so yes. No need to be so upset

I can't play with 300 ping you nerd

I'm talking about video games too, fuck you

But how I can?

You're a better player than me

Shhhh, no tears.

Thanks m8 but I gotta go, 2:27 AM and shet

Panzerfaust and Stanley

I-I didn't join the lobby, sorry

Good night though

Needs more legs


a mermaid with robotic atlantean technology legs