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What am I in for Sup Forums?

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the sequel fallout shoulda had

enjoy user

oh my god you bought the wrong game, it's underTALE user

replace the r with a t

your an reddit furry

I have a feeling I'm going to enjoy it. Watched the preview gameplay vid. Looks intricate as Hell.
>already have Undertale
Despite what Sup Forums said I bought and played it. Both runs were alright.

Meme bullshit shilled by RPGCodex. A turn based combat game with one character in the party, which makes turn based completely pointless, and a game where you have to run through 800 screens every time you want to do something, and there's no run option so you watch the character walk slowly from one end to another 99.999% of the in-game time.

>800 screens
Similar to crossing the wasteland in the earlier Fallouts?

Yes, if there was no overworld map, which there was, and you actually had to traverse all the screens by foot, which you didn't, and there was no running, which there was.

A good game
Just make sure you build your character right or you're gonna get fucked

I'm going to try for a stealthy character on my dry run here.

I've played it for about two hours and I'm not impressed.

Started up a psionic based character, but all the psionic abilities are just rehashes of each other. Single target attacks with no real thought put into using which one. One of them stuns, but eats half your psionic points, so you never use the fucking thing.

And then as soon as you run into human enemies, if they land all their shots they can kill you in a single turn.

There's also a complete lack of an interesting story, you're basically just told to go on dull fetch quests. There's no intrigue to be had here. Maybe that's further in the game.

I'm still dicking around with the tutorial. I'm enjoying how "nostalgiafag" it feels. That's just me I guess. When it came to the stealth portion of the tutorial I killed the sentry but it was literally in the way of me progressing after it was disabled so i had to reload.

you can use fast travel if you pay

Getting this as well, what are some fun classes to aim for?

Is it just me or is stealth fucken hard to implement effectively?
>inb4 git gud

>Get a few missions in
>Hit a brick fucking wall because your build is less that 90% combat focused
>think about re rolling
>can't be arsed doing those few missions again to get back to where you are.
>despair that you aren't playing a really good game
>sink 800 more hours into some other trite shit instead
>quietly uninstall underrail a few months later

I get really mixed messages on this game

some say it's a great Fallout, others say it's bullshit that only a min/max grognard game only RPGcodex actually liked because it was a "YOU BUILT YOUR CHARACTER WRONG, NOW YOU DIE 20 HOURS IN AND START OVER"...that works in roguelikes because you only played for like 2 hours, making a build untenable when you've already had that much time investment is asinine

>making a build untenable when you'v already had that much time investment is asinine
Hahahahah oh man

Jack-of-all-trades doesnt work imo.
If you want to use small guns, amp up dexterity for gun usage and agility for dodge/evasion
If you want Psionic character put will to max

>that only a min/max grognard game only RPGcodex actually liked
I'm that guy and I hate the game because it's stupid as fuck. It's like the dude who made it only played the worst most tedious and most ass backwards games of the 90s and thought that's what "we" liked.

arbalist trapper

trapper in general is OP but it combos better with crossbows

looks like you've made a shit character mate because psi has a great variety of abilities and supporting traits

I still haven't made it past the second difficulty setting. Some of my builds fail by act iv normal and it makes it very hard to play consistently.

This game has nothing to do with Fallout at all, setting-wise it's closer to Metro although goes in completely different direction with aliums, lovecraftian monsters and secret organizations and gameplay-wise it blows all isometric rpgs the fuck out completely both with a ton of interesting builds and mechanics and good encounter design.

And you don't need to minmax REALLY hard, just to understand that jack of all trades won't work here.

I have never played the original fallouts or any other "real" RPG mostly because I'm too young, being honest here. Don't worry, I'm 18+, but the idea of such games interests me.

Should I get this?

I honestly tried to like Underrail but couldn't

Bastard Bonds has been more enjoyable, though it's also slightly more expensive

No, get Fallout 2.

Why didn't you get wasteland 2?

>play this when it's first playable
>all the fanboys keep proclaiming;
>make a perfectly sensable build for dual wielding
>it's fucking shit

Fuck those fanboys. There ARE builds that just don't work, but they're too stubborn to admit it.

You going to have fun this sunday? go out and play with your friends? Remember, you have school on monday so have your mommy make you a bag lunch and get to bed before 9!

How's the castle defense stuff in Bastard Bonds?


Holy shit how do I fucking sprint

Here you go

If you need it

I went for heavy armored Psi gunner. Worked pretty well.

>MFW i still cant get pass stealth mission with patrolling sentry bots


OP here. Walking around now talking to NPC's. Feels lively. Hoping stealth actually helps on stealing shit.
I actually thought about it user but for some reason the way it looked it almost made it look "arcadey". I know it's turn based but I don't know man, it's on my wishlist though. I went nostalgiafag on this one.
thanks chief

stealth what op? Stealth What?
>stealth psi
>stealth pistols
>stealth crosbower
>stealth unarmed
>stealth melee
>stealth trapper laying mines right next to enemies

You might want to pack some flashbangs for a stealth run. Caltrops are fucking great as well, especially with late game poisons

Yeah, this game is for people like you who have no idea what a good game is, they just pretend to like mature games for mature adults such as themselves. Good demonstration for the OP. Do you want to be this guy?

Well it helped me get into cRPG genre, if anything. Put 150+ hours into it. It's alright.

dude, use the vents if you can

robutts can't open doors

Are riot shields limiting you to pistols only? I wanted to make a full crafter trapper next run but if I can go full riot police, I might do that instead

>Holy Hell so many options!
I guess i'm rolling for stealth melee. Picked up a knife from the armory fella.

This game gives you alot of variation in builds, sure not all of them are the best, but they are fun regardless.

Welp, enjoy getting raped by psi beetles about 90mins in

Yeah you did put some time into this one user.
I can see that and I understand that in most "build your own character" games the balanced character is usually never a good option but that's the point of trial and error. I guess i'm the type of asshole that enjoys that sort of thing.
sounds incredibly promising.

I played a stealth melee psi build, like a shaolin monk with superpowers. It's really squishy, but the stealth makes up for that & the damage is insane; there's a passive psi ability that adds psi damage to your unarmed strikes, so if you max dex to get plenty of attacks per round you can really wreck shit. Then on top of all that you've got the other psi abilities, so you can throw out stuns and forcefields etc when you need to.

I'm intrigued by the Psi abilities. I'm restraining from looking up builds and other info on the game for that matter. I think my next build I'll try to make a Psi character.

>initiate pickpocket on black NPC
>successfully steal knife mold
i read earlier on another thread that crafting was the way to go.

Burst-focused AR chars are fucking beast m8

Look up a guide, follow it to not make your character ass. Seriosly this game doesn't allow any fuck ups, prepare to reload many times.

Also throwing is god tier, level that if you can

>Fight some beetles
>Okay that was kind of fucking annoying
>Oh look a human "Thug"
>Throw some icicles at him
>He two shots me with his crossbow


Fuck right off. Fallout 1 is much better

Imagine how I felt as a psi fist?

>punch brain?
>no, brain, not there
>I see brain! I punch!

psi walls are the only way i got through that

Because Wasteland 2 is garbage while Underrail is excellent?

No it's not, you fell for the RPGCodex meme.

I just got mindfucked by the head IT guy then was raped by a beetle. I should've picked the pistol. Debating on rerolling to make a PSI character.

I have never visited RPGCodex mate.

F1 has a much tighter story and a better progression and it is more atmospheric. Its a tight package that railroads you to the destination with nice stopgaps along the way.

F2 takes a while to get going (The Den) and it has some balance issues since you can have decent companions. Its better only if you take restoration mod. Vanilla is worse than F1.

Have fun with your Python references. kung-fu tournament subplots and post-apocalyptic scientologists, you utter dweeb

it begins

I'm actually having a lot of fun. i've never been a fan of the save and reload or the reroll but that's been the rinse and repeat formula we're used to right?

if you want them to become more than annoying just wait till they gang up on you

it goes from annoying to HOLY SHIT about 4 beetles in

you're not really into the difficult part of the game yet, if you want just try things out
eventually you'll get to an area known as depot A, that's where you'll find out if your build works

a mediocre game you're gonna get bored of eventually and NEVER touch again
it's better than fallout 1 and 2 though, but those were also boring pieces of shit

More like a spin-off. Underrail is not story or C&C heavy, it's more like Fallout Tactics in that.

eh how am i supposed to study these up to three times? collect a few more of the same item?

>found another border guard orders
Nevermind. I just answered my own question.

If a camera sees you it will alert the bots. You can use this to get them out of their original patrol routes and escape that way.

i thought underrail had a great story for what it is.

A great setting that isnt thrown in your face every 5 minutes like new Fallouts are. You coast along and the world starts to come together

>not c&c heavy

Sure, it's mainly of the ending slides variety, but there is plenty of that.

As for c&c during the game, I guess there are the Faceless, and everything about that one questline for that one faction.

>And then as soon as you run into human enemies, if they land all their shots they can kill you in a single turn.
No, that means they're above your level.
You went to the lunatic camp, didn't you?

What's that armor you're wearing?

>exhales noseair
Holy face fuck M'lan Ratula snipes my ass everytime I rape his pets. I throw a net on him so that he can't follow me out and I'm kiting his rathounds but when it comes to killing his ass he hits me for quite a bit.

from what i remember it's a CAU set given to you as a gift after you complete all protectorate missions, makes you pretty much immune to all acid-based and toxic shit game throws on you

Whats your favorite trick in this game?
>caltrops + trap immunity
>gas grenades + gas mask

Turn the battlefield into your battlefield.

>gas grenade
>mass enrage
>lock enemies with psi force wall
>they murder each other while choking on gas and being incinerated for 4 turns
>anyone surviving that has like 5 hp left and -50% defense debuff

>flashbang + shaded helm
>riot police mode activated

Locus of Control, Mental Breakdown, Sprint, Exothermic Aura.

There ar more effective combos than this, but I fucking love it. If it doesn't finish them off in 4 turns, toss in a Thermodynamic Destabilization and a cheap pistol shot for good measure.

Gas grenades tend to suck if you cant mess with the enemy ai since they avoid the gas by going around. on the flip side, this means you can block off enemy paths with the gas as well

You could. It's arguably more infuriating than either FO1 or FO2 though. Has some incredibly annoying gameplay.

That said you should defiantely play the oldschool RPGS. Like Arcanum, Planescape, Baldurs Gate, Fallout and so on. Well worth the time. You can get all of them on GOG.

Wasteland 2 is great, especially now that they've released the Directors Cut. Entire game has been reworked from quests to encounters to combat to graphics.

>great story

Nah, it's mediocre.

It does have a great setting.

>Easy mode
AR + Heavy Armor + Throwing
>Fun mode
Unarmed + Psycho
>Stealth Mode
CB + Traps

The bad build filter is in a place called Depot A. If you can't make it through there, you fucked up somewhere.

is that the ratking? i just one shot him, stealth sniper is OP.

>using throwing net on his ass
>kite both of his named rathounds outside
>eviscerate with steel combat knife
>head back to doorway
>shoot a few times run back out
>next turn, back to doorway, shoot more rounds, entangle in another throwing net
I'm surprised that actually worked after a few reloads.
that sounds pretty bad ass.

every build works
except melee

>Depot A

I played the game at launch from start to finish, and it's only now that I've heard that the dev reworked the final area.

Holy shit, Depot A is a easy-tier compared to the final goddamn stages. Took me like 8-12 hours or some shit.

Do you make posts on RPGCodex lamenting the olden days where rpgs were thinly-veiled isometric tactics games that took 'skill' (read: min-maxing)?

If so, then this game might just be for you!

Be sure to pick up age of Decadence while you're at it!

>Easy mode
>AR + Heavy Armor + Throwing

What? AR as in Assault Rifle?
Bullshit. Out of every run I've done (which consists of a stealth knife run, heavy armor sledge run, thought control only, metathermics only, pistol only, and even THROWING ONLY), the one I'm on right now, which is indeed an AR + Heavy Armor + Throwing build seems to be the most difficult.
Getting your first AR is a pain in the ass, and if I'm not mistaken the earliest you can get one is in the GMS compounds back entrance where the raiders broke in from.

Then, even after getting my AR, shit has still been painful since it's just not all that effective.

I'm not saying it might not get piss easy later, but I've just arrived at Core City on this run and it's only gotten a bit easier as of yet.

Play it and find out is the only correct answer.

>play game for a few hours
>don't enjoy it
>you've literally spend several hours of your life that you will never get back

Don't ever post something so retarded again. Ever. Does this look like gamefaqs to you, fucking idiot?

>Does this look like gamefaqs to you

Make a few posts and find out.


Decadence is fun as fuck.

But yeah, games that require a specific build in order to beat them is bullshit. And especially when they have worthless skills like Swimming in Deus Ex.

>download a game with the intention of playing
>hurr what should I expect? xD
Go cry to your wife's son.

>you punch hard
>your mind also punches hard
>your ethereal avatar of your mind also punches hard
>all while punching at lightning speeds

Fucking stand users

OP here. Yeah i understand the logic behind this. Just wanted to see if Sup Forums would crucify this game like they usually do everything. So far not too bad. I'm surprised at how well this thread has gone so far.

>dat jiggle
>on that lean body
Dicc twinges desu

>just bought this
>make a thread about it
>duplicate file detected

What's a good starter build? I read you can really fuck yourself over if you pick the wrong stats.

just put as many points as you can into a weapon skill every time you level and also make sure the attribute associated with it isn't low and you should be fine.

>beetles throw ice shards also
well that's bullshit

If you are an RPGeezer this will be right in your wheelhouse.

If you have played games developed after 1990 ymmv.