You better of bought my game, you dolt !!

You better of bought my game, you dolt !!

Other urls found in this thread:

>Cersei doesn't show up to her trial.
>Cersei blows up the Great Sept of Baelor with wildfire, killing Mace, Loras, Margaery, Kevan, High Sparrow, some Sparrows, some random citizens, and Lancel
>Qyburn has his little birds kill Pycelle
>Tommen commits suicide by jumping out of a window
>The Mountain kills Septa Unella, Oberyn/Elia Martell style; possibly kills more Sparrows
>Arya kills Walder Frey
>Arya makes Frey pies(possibly just poisoned pies)
>Jon is named King in the North by the Northern lords, Manderly(or someone who fits his description) gives a speech that convinces them all
>Dorne will appear
>Sam arrives at Oldtown
>Davos makes Melissandre tell Jon that she burned Shireen
>Bran sees the rest of the Tower of Joy scene
>Bran and co. arrive at The Wall, Benjen leaves
>Jon learns his parentage(not 100% confirmed)
>Daenerys sets sail for Westeros(final scene)

to be fair we already knew most of that was going to happen anyway

Who's the cum bum?

"Better have" numbnuts

>better of

Does it look better than your god awful series?

I never bought your game, nor do i care :^)

I did a while ago but Uninstalled because it's shit but I heard the combat was messed with recently so I might reinstall

Yeah and? What about stannis muh boy?

ur mum

the game is utter shit
>boring gameplay
>no content
>character models

I was considering it, but I'm not gonna buy it anymore.

There's a strange bug that doubles the number of Yang's arms.
Until it's fixed I can't buy it.

The last thread was deleted for a reason.

It took me a second to get your joke, so all I could think of is Yang looking like some kind of Hindu deity.

Somehow I feel I'm better off not buying your game. Whoever you are.

>better of
It ain't no wonder you're a shit.

I'll probably buy it if I'm drunk enough.

>episode is called "Winds of Winter"
>No White Walkers breaking the Wall down as the final scene


We already know from spoilers that the explosion isn't this season.

Also rumors of Martin telling friends claim that it's the Finale of winds of Winter where the wall breaks so it won't be till next season finale that ti happens.

For what purpose would they even do this?